Chapter 129

Tears had a little urge to fall, but she stopped them in time, biting her lower lip tightly, suppressing the fragility she didn't want him to see.

Seeing her biting her lower lip, Ye Beicheng felt a dull pain in her heart. Every time she wanted to be strong, she got used to this action.

"Ouyang Feng's treat tonight, come with me."

"I'm not going!"

She almost blurted out that she had her reasons and helplessness, which Ye Beicheng didn't know and couldn't understand.

"Can't we have the last meal together?"

Jingya raised her head in surprise, the last meal?What does he mean by that, is that he can go through the formalities tomorrow?
Although this was the result of her waiting, but when he said it, her heart still shrank into a ball in pain.

"Well... sorry."

Ye Beicheng glanced at her disappointedly, turned and left her office without further persuasion.

Seeing his leaving back, Jingya's tears finally welled up in her eyes. It's not that she didn't want to go, but she couldn't go. She didn't want to be in that kind of occasion, and let everyone see her embarrassment of vomiting, and she was even more afraid that others would see it. After seeing the signs of her pregnancy, now she is as sensitive as a bird that has lost a wing and dare not try to fly again.

Courage, sometimes, is also something one can only look up to.

As the sun set, the originally bright sky was shrouded in a layer of gray. Jingya stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the front of the company. There was a person and a woman standing in front of Ye Beicheng's car.

Yang Qianxue smiled brightly, even without sunshine, she was still bright.

Ye Beicheng opened the car door, she got in, and then he himself got in too.

The car drove away, and the dinner that was supposed to be her attendance was replaced by someone else. She laughed at herself, she never put herself in a high position, she always knew that without her, there would be others.

"I don't care about the last supper."

She turned around and went back to the computer to sit down, tidied up the things in the desk drawer, and didn't come here tomorrow, really didn't, this time, Ye Beicheng wouldn't find any reason to postpone it, let alone Play again and disappear.

Open Weibo, write a paragraph of mood casually, then turn off the phone and leave.

Ye Beicheng didn't return home until ten o'clock. When he passed the living room, he casually asked a domestic servant, "Is young mistress at home?"

"Yes, master."

"Have you had dinner?"

"No." The domestic helper paused, and added: "Young Mistress hasn't gone downstairs for dinner for several days."

He nodded, indicating that he already knew.

In fact, even if the servants at home didn't say anything, he could still imagine seeing her haggard like that.

Instead of going back to the bedroom directly, he went to his father's room.

Pushing open the door, the light in the room was on, and my father was reading a book. Seeing him coming in, he put down the book in his hand and asked weakly, "When did you come back?"

"Dad, I just came back today."

He stood in front of his father and asked with concern, "How is your body?"

"I'm still the same. You should care more about your wife. She doesn't seem to be in good health recently."

Ye Beicheng's eyes flickered, and he put the plastic bag in his hand on the side of the table: "This is the medicine I brought you from the United States, take it for a while and see, if the effect is good, I will send you there for treatment."

Master Ye nodded, and asked casually, "Are you and Jingya going to divorce?"


"Have you figured it out?"


"You won't regret it?"

Ye Beicheng said sadly, "Maybe someone is more suitable for her than me."

"But no one is more suitable for you than her." Ye Guoxian asserted firmly.

Not wanting to talk about this topic with his father, he deliberately asked, "Where's my mother?"

"You made me stop playing mahjong last time, and now I'm addicted to dancing again..."

Ye Guoxian sighed helplessly: "Don't talk about her, I don't want her to be unhappy."

"Dad?" Ye Beicheng really couldn't understand his father's overly pampering love.

"Okay, go see your wife, I still hope you will think about this matter carefully!"

Ye Beicheng exited his father's bedroom and went straight to the study. He opened the middle drawer and took out a document, which he was going to give to Jingya tonight, and Jingya had already read it.

There was no trace of life in the silent study room, he sat decadently by the chair, did it really end like this?In fact, these days he turns off his phone and doesn't communicate with anyone, he just doesn't want others to talk about it with him, Ye Beicheng seldom has things that he dare not face, but the divorce with Yu Jingya is just that he dare not face it of.

These days, he doesn't know whether she is living well or not, and he doesn't know what she thinks in her heart.

Turning on the computer, he opened Weibo to see if she had left anything behind. He knew that every time she felt helpless or in a bad mood, she liked to write a sentence or two. Check, there is not a single word left, but he remembers everything she wrote in his heart.

The last time I saw her Weibo was three days ago, when he was still in the United States, today he was very lucky, and saw her update at one o'clock, and it was around five o'clock in the afternoon.

There is only one short, tongue-twister line: "The deaf heard the dumb say that the blind saw love."

The deaf hear the dumb say the blind see love?

Ye Beicheng repeated, what is this?Can the deaf hear?Can the mute speak?Can the blind see?
He lowered his eyebrows and thought for a moment, and understood the meaning. It was simply impossible for the deaf to hear the dumb say that the blind saw love.

Or, possible, but not love.

After getting up and leaving the study, he pushed open the door of the bedroom. There was no one on the bed, but there was a small figure curled up on the sofa.

Jingya nestled in a corner of the sofa, hugged herself tightly with her thin arms, buried her face in her knees and fell asleep, unaware that someone was watching her.

He reached out to pick her up and wanted to put her on the bed, but she was so sensitive, as soon as he touched her body, she woke up in panic, and jumped off the sofa with a flash.

She seemed to be a little afraid of him, and Ye Beicheng felt a dull pain in his heart because of the sudden strangeness of each other.

"this is for you."

He handed over the document in his hand, but Jingya refused without looking at it: "I don't want it."

"You look first."

"Don't look at it, I don't want it."

"Did you say no without even looking? Do you know what this is?"

Ye Beicheng was a little excited, Jingya nodded: "I know what it is, I have seen it."

"Have you seen it?" He was a little surprised: "Since you have seen it, why not?"

"Do you think that's why I divorced you?"

"No, this is what you deserve."

Jingya raised her head and said decisively: "But I don't want it, there is nothing I deserve."

"Why are you so stubborn? What do you live on after divorce?"

"Thank you for your concern, I have arms and legs, I can live in any way!"

Ye Beicheng understood her stubbornness, but if he let her leave the house like this, his conscience would feel bad.

"If you don't want it, then don't get a divorce."

Jingya raised her eyebrows: "Why?"

"I don't want to see you go home and be taunted by your parents, laughed at by your neighbors."

"That's all my business, if I get divorced, I won't go home, so they don't have a chance to laugh at me..."

"You won't go home? Where are you going?" Ye Beicheng was a little nervous.

"I can go anywhere, the world is so big, there is always a place for me."

"Then I won't agree to divorce."

He looked at her very firmly: "I will not just watch you wander around."

"Ye Beicheng!" Jingya frowned, "Then what exactly do you want?"

"Accept all my gifts and not leave this city. If these two conditions are agreed, there will be no problem."

Jingya bit her lower lip tightly, struggling inwardly, why did she propose such a condition to her? Didn't he know that if she stayed in this city, she would only be unhappy every day, and if she couldn't get what she wanted, could he just give up? She doesn't want to give up, can't she?

"Okay, I promise you!" A very helpless choice.

Ye Beicheng nodded, letting go of a stone hanging in his heart, but at the same time, feeling even more lost.

The two were relatively speechless, staring at each other for a long time, he really wanted to say: "Are you really going to go this far?"

She wanted to say, "If I am pregnant with your child, would you believe it?"

Before love, there are always many unspeakable things. Before marriage, she has her stubbornness, and he has his pride.

In the early morning, the two of them went downstairs at the same time, and the Ye family's living room was full of joy like never before. Even on the day of Jingya's wedding, there was no such atmosphere.

"Brother, you finally figured it out. I wish you a smooth divorce."

Ye Mengyao was very happy and stepped forward to hug Ye Beicheng's arm. He threw her hand away and walked forward with a frosty complexion.

"Son, go home as soon as you finish the formalities. Mom will hire you a Taoist priest to exorcise evil spirits. You have been pestered by the vixen for so long..."

Without saying a word, Dou Huayue was shocked by a cold gaze.

Although Ye Beicheng was unwilling to let her finish speaking, he was still very happy when he thought that he could sit back and relax from now on!

The car stopped at the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau, and neither of them got out of the car first. A few minutes later, Ye Beicheng said hoarsely, "Here we are."

Jingya opened the car door and walked down. Today's sunshine is so abundant that it is too bright. Standing under the scorching sun, she felt dizzy.

Ye Beicheng also got out of the car, and he walked forward slowly, followed closely by Jingya, the two of them never said a word, the words they wanted to say were all weighed down in their hearts.

Gradually, the distance between the two was drawn farther away, not because he was walking too fast, nor was she walking too slowly, but because she felt that her mind was getting heavier and heavier, as if being pressed by something, her vision gradually became blurred, and for a while Another wave of dizziness hit her, even though she held on desperately, she still couldn't make it to the end. Less than three meters away from the entrance of the Civil Affairs Bureau, her eyes went dark and she fell down...

(End of this chapter)

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