Chapter 133

"What is it?" She frowned and thought, after looking for a long time, she couldn't find out whether it was a cow, a horse or a sheep.

Feeling sleepy, she couldn't help yawning, she crumpled up the ball of paper and stuffed it under the pillow. Anyway, she has plenty of time during the day, and she will study it slowly when the time comes.

Because of this extremely weird incident, Jingya had nightmares all night, being hunted down by people for a while, haunted by ghosts for a while, and she woke up before dawn. As soon as she opened her eyes, the first thing she did was I found the white paper under the pillow, and continued to be unwilling to study it out last night.

When Ye Beicheng woke up, he saw Jingya sitting on the sofa, holding a crumpled thing in his hand, staring at her like a demon.

"Jingya, what are you looking at?" He lifted the quilt and got off the bed, stretched himself and walked in front of her.

"Beicheng, you finally woke up, come and help me see, what is this?"

Jingya seemed to have grasped at straws, and held up the strange picture that she hadn't worked out after more than three hours of research in the morning, and waited for Ye Beicheng to study it for him with great anticipation.

"It's just a piece of paper."

He cast a disapproving glance, ready to go to the bathroom to wash.

"Hey, I know it's paper, I want to ask you what is drawn on this paper?"

Jingya grabbed his hand, as if she didn't give her a satisfactory answer, she would have nothing to do with him.

Ye Beicheng looked at her suspiciously, touched her forehead, and asked worriedly and guiltily, "Are you okay? Did you get any stimulation after what happened last night?"

His doubts are not unreasonable. After all, which man wakes up early in the morning and sees his wife obsessed with studying a piece of torn paper, can calmly cooperate with her to discuss whether the drawing on the paper is an airplane or a rocket?
"You're just being stimulated!" Jingya gave him an annoyed look, and every time she told him something serious, he would look at her like a fool, it was so irritating!

Seeing that she was angry, Ye Beicheng quickly squatted down to coax her: "Okay, okay, can I help you see?"

He took the white paper in her hand and said casually, "Did you draw it? Didn't you come to test me on purpose?"

Jingya didn't answer immediately, she wanted to see what kind of eyes Ye Beicheng would use to study the things in the painting.

"I remember you said before that you are good at drawing, why is this painting... the level is too low, I can't even see what it is, watermelon? No, it seems to be a balloon? Not right, could it be Flag?"

The more Ye Beicheng guessed, the colder Jingya's heart became. It seemed that Ye Beicheng's vision was no better than hers. She could at most guess that it was a house or some kind of furniture. The top is too outrageous...

"Forget it, forget it, don't guess!"

She took back the blank paper: "I'll ask Yin Mo to read it for me in two days, she has much more insight than you!"

Ye Beicheng went to the bathroom resentfully, and when he came out, he saw his troublesome wife was still thinking, and couldn't help but find it funny. Could this be what others call pregnancy depression?
But isn't it always just postpartum depression?It's too early for melancholy...

"Jingya, what are you painting?"

To distract her, he pretended to ask with interest.

"how could I know!"

"Hey, didn't you draw it? You don't even know what you draw?" He wiped off his sweat, and it seemed that he had drawn to a certain level, and he didn't even recognize what he drew...

"Who said I drew it?" Jingya raised her eyebrows, she didn't say anything, he was always self righteous.

"Huh? You didn't draw it? Then where did you get it?"

"I started from..."

She just wanted to blurt out, but she swallowed the words on the edge of her mouth. If Ye Beicheng knew that she went to the forbidden area of ​​the Ye family while he was asleep last night, the consequences would definitely be serious!
"I... picked it up."

Lying to him is not that she is not going to tell him, but that she is going to study the picture first and then tell him. Based on her intuition, she thinks that this kind of blank paper should not appear in the forbidden area of ​​the Ye family. It might appear, why she is so sure, because she knows that although the ruins are a forbidden place, the servants at home still clean them every morning, and even if it is a fallen leaf, it is unlikely that it will be left behind.

Then, there is only one possibility, this piece of white paper is definitely related to that black shadow who didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost last night!
"Please, can you calm down? You have to study for a long time to pick up a piece of paper. If you pick up a lottery, wouldn't you faint?"

"Cut, don't tell me, I don't seem to have seen money. You are so rich, will I faint because of a lottery?"

"Then it wouldn't make you look sad and helpless early in the morning just because of a blank sheet of paper, right?"

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, what should you do, I'm going to plant flowers!"

Jingya jumped down from the sofa and treasured the ball of white paper like a treasure. Ye Beicheng watched her standing in the middle of the bedroom, wondering where it would be the safest place to hide, and teased with a headache: "I really admire you. I know, I thought you were hiding some treasure map..."

If it was really a treasure map, she might not be so nervous. After all, money is something outside of her body, and she doesn't need money at all to marry a rich man. What really makes her nervous is that there seems to be some mystery hidden in this picture. The weird things I have seen before are inseparable.

At noon, I sent a message to Yin Mo asking her to meet at night, and Yin Mo agreed.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Yin Mo came out of the company and was about to rush to the appointed place when a car stopped in front of her. She looked inside suspiciously, then turned around and ran away.

It is really rare for Yin Mo to let her run away. After running for a while, she stopped and asked herself depressedly: "Is my brain flooded? Why should I run?!"

Thinking of this, she calmed down, turned around, and yelled at the person who was walking towards her behind her: "Ouyang Feng, why do you still dare to appear in front of me?"

Ouyang Feng showed an evil smile, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and said casually: "I didn't rob you of your money, and I didn't rob you of your sex, why didn't I dare to appear in front of you?"

"You stealing a kiss from my old lady, isn't that considered robbery?!" Yin Mo put his hands on his waist and muttered to himself, "Don't blame my old lady for being unladylike, it's your actions that forced me to become a shrew..."

"I kiss you..." Ouyang Feng walked up to her and explained in a low voice, "That was an instinctive reaction!"

"Fart! How can you react like that to my old lady?"

"Because, I like you."

This sentence surprised even him himself. There are too many women like Yin Mo by his side, not to mention the tigress in his family, even that Yu Jingya, who is too strong...

He once asked himself, what kind of woman do you like most?The answer I got was: "Gentle, virtuous, not swearing, not too overbearing, caring for him in every possible way, is something you can't get in this life, and what you want most in the next life is such a woman.

But now, it is obvious that Yin Mo does not meet such standards, but inexplicably, he has a different feeling towards her. It is the feeling that he thinks that we will never see each other again, but he still can't forget it...

Yin Mo stared at the man in front of her in shock, her ears were hot, her heartbeat was chaotic, and her cheeks were as red as ripe tomatoes. She couldn't stand this man saying such words, let alone her own reaction to such words. !
Not only is Yin Mo a master in love, but she has also been in love for decades. She has experienced many men's confessions, and what kind of sweet words have never been heard before?Even now, because a lunatic said that he likes it, his legs are weak and his mind is blank. He doesn't know what his father's name is, what is his mother's name, and where does she come from...

"Do you think you are Feng'er (crazy) and I am Sha (stupid)?" Yin Mo rolled his eyes: "Fuck your sister!"

Ouyang Feng has been driving behind Yin Mo for almost 10 minutes. His behavior is as reckless as a 20-year-old boy. He knows it shouldn't be like this, but he can't stop.

Yin Mo slowed down as she walked, she suddenly turned around and stopped his car, the speed was so fast, if Ouyang Feng hadn't reacted in time, she might have fallen down by now.

"What are you doing? Don't want to live?"

He jumped out of the car annoyed, walked up to her quickly, grabbed her arm and questioned her.

"You don't want to live anymore! I'm just warning you, don't follow me anymore!"

"Who is following you, can't I go this way?"

Yin Mo's cell phone rang, she saw that it was Jingya's number, she cast a glance at Ouyang Feng, turned around and ran a few steps forward, and said in a low voice, "Hello?"

"Have you come yet? I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Jingya said depressingly.

"Honey, I'm sorry..."

"what happened?"

"I can't see you today, I... I'm working overtime."

"What? Work overtime! Didn't you promise to do well in the morning, why did you suddenly decide to work overtime?"

"The leader made a temporary decision, and I can't help it..."

She sighed, a very helpless tone.

"Hey, well, let's make an appointment tomorrow night."


Jingya cut off the phone in frustration.

When Yin Mo was feeling extremely guilty for deceiving her friend, an evil smile came up to her: "Did you reject someone because you want to date me?"

"Go away, who wants to date you!"

She pushed Ouyang Feng angrily, she was obviously ready to run away, but she didn't move.

"You're not dating me, what are you going to do now?"

"What do you tube?"

"I would like to know."

Yin Mo smiled: "As for me, I'm going to the Public Security Bureau."


"I'm suing you!"

Ouyang Feng raised his eyebrows: "Sue me? What are you suing me for?"

"Harassing good women..."

It's okay if she doesn't say anything, but after saying this, Ouyang Feng grabbed her hand with a shameless face and dragged her into his car.

"What are you doing? Let me go!"

"In order to be convicted of the crime, I will help you!"

In this way, Yin Mo was forced into the car by his overlord, and sat in the passenger seat, swearing constantly, but in her heart, she was not as angry as she appeared on the surface, she felt ashamed of being so inconsistent...

He secretly rolled his eyes at Ouyang Feng, he seemed not to take her cursing seriously, and only focused on driving, Yin Mo was tired of cursing, so he began to think why she didn't tell Jingya that she was pestered by Ouyang Feng?Why would you lie about working overtime?Why was he dragged into the car by his overlord, who obviously had a mobile phone, but didn't call his father for help?Could it be that all these signs prove that she is actually...

(End of this chapter)

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