Chapter 135

"I never thought about getting a divorce, so it's normal for me to decide not to leave."

"Is it normal? I don't think it's normal either! Before Yu Jingya admitted in front of me that you two would get divorced, and after you came back from the United States, you were sure that the formalities would be done the next day. I just went out to play for a few days, and you suddenly Deciding not to get divorced like nothing happened is so weird and I have to figure it out!"

Jingya couldn't hold her breath anymore, she thought it was very funny: "Miss Qianxue, whether I divorce Beicheng or not, it has nothing to do with you, right? Don't we need your consent to divorce?"

Yang Qianxue glanced at her sharply: "Before, I didn't want to argue with you, I just gave in blindly, but now I think clearly, giving in is not the solution, giving in will only make the man who loves me back down more and more. Far!"

"Loving you before and loving you now are two different things. Can you tell them apart?"

Jingya refuted her without showing any weakness, the flames of war between the two women intensified invisibly, and Yang Qianxue's sudden personality change made Ye Beicheng extremely disgusted and unfamiliar.

"For me, love is love, regardless of the original and the present. Besides, I must be with Beicheng."

Ye Beicheng looked at the woman across from him disappointedly. Is this really the woman he once loved?Is this really the innocent, gentle and kind Yang Qianxue?
"Stop talking about impossible things, me, it's impossible to be with you."

He told her very firmly that he hoped she could retreat in spite of the difficulties.

Dou Huayue, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't bear it any longer. She deliberately fanned the flames: "Qianxue, don't blame my son for being cruel, he really can't help it, because his wife is pregnant, he can't still divorce at this time, right? ?”


Yang Qianxue smiled indifferently: "Is it great to be pregnant? Does pregnancy mean you don't have to divorce?" She stood up and said meaningfully: "If it's because of this reason, then I should be the first person to take responsibility. "

Seeing the back of her leaving confidently, the expressions on everyone's faces were extremely astonished.

Jingya went upstairs anxiously, and sat on the sofa in a dull mood. Ye Beicheng followed her, and she immediately asked, "Beicheng, tell me the truth, are you the same as Qianxue?"

"No, I've already explained to you that nothing happened to us that night!"

"But what she said just now is very strange, didn't you hear? He said that if it's because of pregnancy, she should be responsible, and the first person you should be responsible for is her!"

Ye Beicheng rubbed his forehead with a headache: "Don't listen to her, she has changed now, she is not what she used to be at all."

"Is it really just because of jealousy?"

Jingya was puzzled, she believed that Ye Beicheng would not lie to her, but the eyes and back of the woman when she left really made her flustered, vaguely, she felt that it was not as simple as jealousy...

Yin Mo came back from the countryside. When Jingya met her in the coffee shop, she still couldn't get out of Ouyang Feng's shadow.

"Mumu, what's going on with you and him?"

"It's okay, he called me during this time, but I didn't answer."

"Then he hasn't looked for you?"

"I looked for it, but I couldn't find it. He didn't know that I went to the countryside. I only dared to come back when I learned that he was on a business trip yesterday."

Jingya was a little depressed: "Why are you avoiding him? This kind of thing should be made clear in person, and I don't want to have any contact with him in the future!"

"It should be made clear in person, but now, I don't want to see him."

"Then are you going to procrastinate like this?"

"No, I've been calm for several days, and when he comes back from a business trip, I'll have a showdown with him."

Yin Mo's firm expression reassured Jingya a lot. It seems that Ouyang Feng must also know why she was avoiding him. It was impossible to hide such a thing.

"By the way, come and help me look at this."

Jingya handed her the white paper she carried with her, and Yin Mo looked puzzled: "Isn't this just a piece of paper, what's so interesting about it?"

She and Ye Beicheng had the same expression and the same confusion.

"I'm asking you to help me see the pattern drawn on the paper, which is closer to something."

"Are you free?"

"It's quite free, help me take a look..." Jingya urged anxiously.

With an unbearable expression on his face, Yin Mo reluctantly took the white paper in her hand, spread it flat on the table, frowned and thought for a moment, and said: "This picture is quite profound, who drew it? "

"Did you see anything?" Jingya was more concerned about this.

"Look, I can see it, but I don't know if it's right..."

"Say it!! What does it look like?"

Her heartbeat began to speed up, hoping that Yin Mo could wake up the dreamer with a single word, but also afraid that her guess would be even more outrageous than Ye Beicheng's.

"I feel like a kitchen knife."

"Chopper??" Jingya opened her mouth wide in surprise, "Where does it look like a kitchen knife?"

"Look, although the frame of this square is very large, there is a small wooden stick under the square. At first glance, it looks a bit like a five-star red flag, but there are two oval-shaped things beside the wooden stick. If you don't ignore If this is the case, you won’t think it is a five-star red flag, because the two ovals are also closely connected with the pattern on it, take a closer look, what does it look like?”

Yin Mo pointed to the two oval patterns.

Jingya thought for a long time before blurting out: "Carrot."


Yin Mo slapped the table with a slap: "It's a radish. In fact, as long as you can tell the radish underneath, you can guess what's on it."

Jingya suddenly realized that she was indeed a loyal fan of Sherlock Holmes. With just a few pointers, she saw the picture thoroughly...

Obviously, this is a sliced ​​radish, and it is the knife for cutting radish. She has studied such a simple pattern for so long, and it was only after being pointed out by others. It seems that she is really old and useless .

"This picture is very interesting. Is it specially designed to develop other people's eyesight? Do you still have it? I'll continue to help you look at it?"It really doesn't hurt to stand up and talk, if you know the origin of this picture, you're probably so frightened that you passed out by now!
a kitchen knife?She fell into deep fear, why did the pattern of a kitchen knife appear?What is the real meaning of this picture?
"Mu Mu, based on your feeling, what do you think this painting wants to express?"

Yin Mo said casually: "I don't know that, I'm not a painter!"

"So what do you think of this picture?"

"I have no idea, it's just a piece of torn paper, I just draw a few random symbols, what else do I have to think about? If you really want me to talk about my own ideas, I can only say that you are too boring..."

"But others won't draw a kitchen knife to cut carrots for no reason!"

"Halo, if you don't cut radishes, do you cut people?!"

"Cut someone?" Jingya swallowed, why didn't she think about it, could it be...

The hairs all over stood on end, and she was terrified by her own thoughts.

In her muddled mind, she had almost no memory of what she said to Yin Mo next, and no memory of how she bid farewell afterwards. The only memory she had was a kitchen knife cutting carrots...

She secretly and boldly thought, could it be that someone wants to kill someone?
Could it be that there are some secrets hidden in the ruins of the Ye family?
Could it be that every person who died strangely in the past was actually man-made?

Could it be that someone wants to use a secret signal to claim someone's life?

Later, she didn't dare to think about it anymore, she knew that she had a rich imagination, but she didn't allow herself to be so rich...

In the evening, as soon as Ye Beicheng came home from the company, Jingya threw herself into his arms and said nervously, "Beicheng, I have something to tell you."

In fact, she was no longer afraid that Ye Beicheng would blame her for going to the forbidden area. What she was most worried about was that he didn't believe her nonsense.

"what's up?"

"Well... you should take a shower first, and I will tell you when I get to bed later."

Ye Beicheng was pleasantly surprised, and asked viciously, "Do you want to tell me that I haven't made love for a long time?"

"Come on, I have something serious to tell you, very very serious."

"Actually, it's okay to be serious, really..."

Jingya was very shy after being teased by him, she pushed him into the bathroom: "Hurry up and get out, I really have something to tell you!"

When Ye Beicheng was taking a bath, she began to think about what to say, how to say it, so that he could believe that what she said was true?

Taking out the ball of white paper that she had spread out, spread out and crumpled again, it was already wrinkled and almost torn apart, she took out a circle of adhesive tape, and carefully glued the cracked place.

When she was almost done with work, Ye Beicheng came out, and Jingya quickly waved: "Come here."

"My God, why are you still doing this?" He glanced at the strange-shaped figure in her hand, and he was going crazy.

"Beicheng, this is what I want to tell you."

Jingya pulled him to the side of the bed and sat down, and said solemnly: "From now on, I will tell you everything I have experienced and seen. Remember to believe me after listening."

"...Okay, tell me."

It wasn't the first time Ye Beicheng saw her chattering, he just thought it was to play with her and make her happy.

"Two nights ago, the day you dragged me back to the house from the garden..."

Jingya began to truthfully tell the thrilling scene that night to the man beside her. She spoke very seriously, with a serious expression on her face, she couldn't tell that she was joking, but even so, Ye Beicheng still wouldn't believe it.

"The person who sang is a woman. I seem to have heard the voice somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while, but that black figure is definitely a man, and his skills are very flexible..."

She continued to talk, Ye Beicheng listened with a smile, completely thinking that she was chatting.

"So after I picked up this blank paper, I left quickly. I was afraid that I would be in danger if I didn't leave. I asked Yin Mo to read this paper for me today, and she said..."

"Okay." He interrupted her and yawned: "Are you finished?"

"It's over, tell me what you think now, do you believe me?"

Jingya looked expectant, if Ye Beicheng didn't believe it again, she would be hit hard.

"I believe in you." He paused: "I believe that your level of storytelling is really high, and I enjoyed listening to it."

Ye Beicheng fell asleep after expressing his opinion.

(End of this chapter)

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