Chapter 138

Seeing that everyone objected, Jingya pushed Ye Beicheng away sadly, and ran out of the appraisal center without looking back...

Who said that when the sky fell, there was a tall man holding it up?Now, she felt that the sky was collapsing, and she couldn't breathe under the pressure, but no one could hold up the sky for her. This time, no one could support the weight on her head.

She never knew that her life would be so wonderful because of Ye Beicheng. It was obviously impossible, but now it suddenly became possible. No wonder that day in the hospital, when he said I love you while holding her, she would be so The feeling is unreal, it turns out that happiness is never within easy reach.

Ye Beicheng returned home exhausted. He was exhausted physically and mentally in order to get rid of a mother and daughter who were responsible for him.

This day changed everyone's fate. The pressure he had to face was unprecedented and heavy. Outside, Yang Qianxue and her mother forced him, and inside, Jingya needed comfort. so frustrated.

Standing in front of the bedroom door, the hand that was about to push the door was raised in the air for a long time. He knew that Jingya would not be much better off than him now, and he could also imagine her anger. It was hard for their relationship to break through the coldness before. It began to heat up, and now, very helplessly, it has dropped to freezing point again.

Finally, the door was pushed open, and he saw her, curled up on the sofa with her legs crossed.

Walking over, squatting down, her voice choked up: "Jingya, I'm sorry..."

Ye Beicheng no longer knew what to say to her, because he knew that nothing he said now could calm the anger in her heart.

After a long silence, Jingya stared at the sad expression of the man in front of her, sighed, and said, "It's not your fault."

Ye Beicheng raised his head in surprise: "Jingya, you..."

He didn't expect her to be so calm, and she didn't quarrel with him as expected.

"I admit that I am very sad and sad, but I can't be unreasonable. After all, this child is the crystallization of your past love. At that time, no one would have thought of what will happen in the future. If I hate you now, wouldn't it be a little unreasonable? gone."

Ye Beicheng hugged her into his arms in shock, he had never been so moved, really, never.

He was worried all day long that Jingya would say the words to leave him. He knew that she was very stubborn in love and couldn't tolerate a grain of sand in her eyes. He didn't know that when he really needed her to understand, she actually understood him.

"Jingya, thank you, thank you for understanding me."

Jingya's tears had long since shed, she snuggled into his arms and sobbed softly, not without grievances, but what can she do?That child was the evidence that Ye Beicheng loved Yang Qianxue three years ago. Could it be that three years later, she still wanted Ye Beicheng to give her an explanation?Why did you have to sleep with Yang Qianxue in the first place?After all, three years ago, he and she were just two strangers who lived in the same city but had no intersection.

"Beicheng, what should we do? What should we do now?" Jingya asked Ye Beicheng tearfully.

Ye Beicheng said hoarsely: "Jingya, no matter what happens, you are the only wife in my life. Don't worry, I will handle this matter well."

He needs time to think about how to have both.

Yang Qianxue gave birth to Ye Beicheng's illegitimate son, and this matter soon reached Ye Guoxian's ears.

Of course, there was no one other than Dou Huayue who conveyed this news.

In the past two days, she has been persuading her son to give Qianxue mother and son an explanation, a complete family, but her son severely ridiculed her, and even asked her, could it be that the people in Jingya's belly are not the descendants of the Ye family?
She was anxious to drive Yu Jingya away, so she turned to do her husband's ideological work. After all, Ye Guoxian was famous for loving his wife.

At first, Ye Guoxian was also taken aback when he heard that he had a two-year-old grandson. When he learned that he had done a DNA paternity test and confirmed that the child was of the blood of the Ye family, a rare smile appeared on his face .

After all, Beicheng is a single heir for four generations. Now that Jingya is pregnant and suddenly has a grandson, it may be a bit tricky, but it is also a happy event for the Ye family, which has always been thin.

"Hua Yue, you call everyone over tomorrow, and I will handle this matter."

When Master Ye spoke, it was as if the emperor had issued an imperial decree, and no one dared to follow through.

When Jingya learned that her father-in-law was going to deal with this matter, she felt as if she had been knocked over, and she didn't know what it was like.

Although she is also pregnant with a child of the Ye family, it is still unknown whether it is a boy or a girl. Beicheng is the single heir of the four generations of the Ye family, and with the regrets of her grandfather before his death, she knows better than anyone else how much chance Yang Qianxue's child has in winning.

Seeing her uneasy, Ye Beicheng comforted her: "Jingya, don't worry, it's not like before, now Dad likes you from the bottom of his heart, so he won't force me to divorce you again."

"This is not necessarily the case. I always feel that this matter will not be resolved so easily."

Recently, because of Qianxue's matter, Jingya's smiling face was clouded again. Ye Beicheng saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart.

"Don't think too much. If Dad handles it properly, I won't have any objections. But if it's not suitable, I won't cooperate."

Ye Beicheng stared at the wife in front of him firmly. In his life, he would never let go of her hand.

In the evening of the next day, Yang Qianxue came to Ye's house with the child in her arms. Dudu was indeed a smart child. As soon as she saw Ye Beicheng, she struggled to run down from her mother's arms, ran to Ye Beicheng with unsteady steps, and hugged Ye Beicheng. His leg, shouted in a childish voice: "Dad..."

Ye Beicheng stared at the small cloth spot at his feet with complicated eyes. He already knew the result of the appraisal. Even if he didn't want to admit it anymore, he couldn't deny the fact that the child was his flesh and blood.

"Beicheng, it's okay if you hate me, you can't hate him, just hug him, this is your child..."

Yang Qianxue walked in front of him, looking at him pitifully.

Jingya stood behind Ye Beicheng, and looked away with a stiff expression, because Ye Beicheng had already bent down to pick up the child, and the child had been begging: "Daddy, hug...Daddy, hug..."

If it wasn't for this child's talent and intelligence, it can only be said that Yang Qianxue taught him very well.

Ye Beicheng picked up the little cloth dot on the ground, feeling extremely complicated. Is this chubby child really the evidence he left unintentionally three years ago?
"Beicheng, I'm going to Dad's room first."

Jingya spoke hoarsely, she couldn't stay here anymore, seeing Ye Beicheng holding his child and Yang Qianxue standing aside, she felt like a third party, destroying other people's families.

Sadly, she pushed open the door of her father-in-law's bedroom. When her mother-in-law saw her coming in, she immediately stopped the conversation that was still going on just now. Even if Jingya didn't hear a word clearly, she could imagine that at this time, her mother-in-law was the most talkative and most wanted What is said.

"Jingya, you are pregnant with the baby, sit down quickly."

The father-in-law lovingly pointed to the chair next to her, and Dou Huayue snorted coldly: "Oh, my husband, I'm just pregnant. Which woman has never given birth before, so why should she be so delicate?!"

Jingya sighed, and said with a smile, "Dad, it's not like she's pregnant now, so there's really no need to be so delicate."

She didn't want to argue with her mother-in-law at this time, but she didn't want her father-in-law to favor Yang Qianxue because of her love for her mother-in-law.

Ye Beicheng walked in, and Yang Qianxue also walked in holding the child.

When she got to the bedroom, she put the child down and said softly, "Dudu, call grandpa..."

Jingya had to admit that this child was really unusually well-behaved and obedient, he would call him whoever his mother told him to, and he would still call him that way next time we met, not at all shy of strangers like children of the same age.


Dudu's childish voice was unusually loud in the silent bedroom, shouting that Master Ye was smiling and his heart was full of joy.

"Hey, hey, are you my grandson? Come here, let me take a good look at you!"

Yang Qianxue stepped forward, hugged Dudu to the side of the bed and sat down. Ye Guoxian stretched out his hand and gently stroked the child's face. The kindness in his eyes deeply hurt Jingya's heart. She suddenly felt that maybe the father-in-law might not be will favor her.

"This is my grandson, the grandson of my Ye family..."

He stroked and chanted over and over again, his excitement was obvious, Ye Beicheng saw that Jingya's face was a little pale, so he hurriedly interrupted his father's chanting: "Dad, let's get down to business."

Yang Qianxue turned her head to look at him, turned her gaze to her father-in-law, and firmly stated her position: "Uncle, if you want this grandson, you must also want me."

Master Ye's expression was a little stunned, but he didn't express that he couldn't accept it.

"That is impossible."

Ye Beicheng blurted out almost without hesitation, it was impossible for him to let Yang Qianxue destroy the relationship between him and Jingya.

"If it's impossible, I'll take the child away!"

Yang Qianxue stepped forward to carry the child away, but was stopped by Master Ye who was sitting on the bed: "Wait a minute."

Jingya stood quietly by the side, she didn't express any opinions, and she didn't make trouble unreasonably, but her mood couldn't be calm. All the signs in her father-in-law's attitude proved that he would most likely agree to let Qianxue stay.

One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, if Qianxue stays, she will definitely leave.

"Qianxue, you were not able to get together with Beicheng back then. As an uncle, I express regret. Now that you are back, Beicheng is also married. It can only be said that the two of you are destined for each other, and you can force anything. Things can't be forced, now that you have a grandson of our Ye family, we should let you bring your child to recognize your ancestors together, but it's also a pity that Jingya is also pregnant, no matter if it's male or female, it's also Ye Therefore, I can't say that I want Beicheng to divorce and then marry you. Of course, I can't ignore my Ye family's grandson. This is what I hope. If you want, you can leave the child with us Ye family, I believe Jingya will treat her as her own. Our Ye family has the ability to let him live the best life and receive the best education, and we will not treat you badly. We can give you a maternity allowance. Any difficulty you have is the difficulty of our Ye family, and this child can always call your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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