Chapter 155

"Hush... Keep your voice down, it will be over if you are heard by others."

Jingya's hand holding the coffee trembled, she quickly walked into the office in a fit of embarrassment, packed her things, and left the company that deliberately recruited her without even saying hello!
Instead of going home directly, she took a taxi to Fei Shaocheng's residence. She had followed Ye Beicheng once before, so she was no stranger to the location.

Standing in front of the huge garden villa, she rang the doorbell desperately. At this time, he would not go to the company so early.

Fei Shaocheng opened the door and saw that the person standing outside turned out to be Jingya, he was surprised and pleasantly surprised, he said excitedly: "Come in quickly, why are you here?"

Jingya didn't want to enter his house, but stood outside the door and said shortly: "I want to ask you, is my current job arranged by you?"

Fei Shaocheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly: "So you already know..."

"So you admit it?"

"Don't be angry, I just want to help you as a friend."

What he said was full of sincerity, but Jingya didn't feel moved at all. On the contrary, she was very annoyed, utterly annoyed!

"Fei Shaocheng, I want to ask you, do you think you are really helping me by doing this? Or are you looking down on me?"

"Jingya, what are you talking about? How could I look down on you."

"You just look down on me!" Jingya snorted coldly: "Don't you think I, Yu Jingya, can't find a job with my own ability? Do I have to be so bad that I can rely on your relationship to make a living!"

Fei Shaocheng didn't consider this, and immediately explained guiltily: "That's not the case, I was just anxious to help you, I didn't think about it so much, if I hurt your self-esteem, I apologize to you."

"No need, I came to you today to tell you clearly, please don't make up your own mind in the future, I won't appreciate anything you do for me, no matter how embarrassed I am, you have no right to ignore me proud!"

After Jingya finished speaking, she left without looking back. Behind her was Fei Shaocheng calling: "I just like you, is it wrong for me to help the person I like..."

There is nothing wrong with liking someone, but you have to choose the right target. No matter what, Yu Jingya is someone he shouldn't get involved in.

Jingya quickly found a second job. This time, she really found it with her own ability. It was just a small magazine. She wrote some press releases and interviewed people with stories every day. There are fewer competitors.

Jingya doesn't dislike the low salary, nor does she dislike the bad working environment. The only reason why she fell in love with this magazine is because she can interview different people and listen to them tell different stories. She hopes that through contacting different people , to find Master Ye's long-lost wife and son, although the chances of this are very slim, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, she does not want to give up.

She always wants to make promises to others, and the magazine office welcomes her very much. The main reason is that Jingya has a high degree of education, rich work experience, is not provocative about remuneration, and is self-motivated. She wants to pass different jobs. nature, to learn more knowledge.

The only thing that gave her a headache was that there were few lesbians in the magazine, and there were very few beautiful and single ones, so when Jingya appeared, many men immediately coveted her, and they showed their attention. I can't wait to hand over all the passbooks at home to her.

In order to avoid emotional troubles at work in the future, to make Fei Shaocheng, who has always been eager to move towards her, give up, and to forget Ye Beicheng as soon as possible, she decided to find a random partner for herself in the shortest possible time. Don't talk about marriage, but it's always okay to put it by your side to deal with others.

After making up her mind, she began to pay attention to where there are blind date venues and so on. After scouting the Internet for a day, she finally decided to go to a marriage party held in a certain park on Sunday.

On Sunday morning, she specially dressed herself up and went to the blind date place with her handbag.

In the huge park, there are beautifully dressed women everywhere, as well as men in suits. They look decent in their clothes, but judging by their looks, they are really not flattering...

Jingya walked forward slowly. As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of many ugly men. One or two came forward to strike up a conversation with roses. She refused while smiling and continued to move forward. It's because they unconsciously compare them with Ye Beicheng, they are not better, but they always feel that they are not a little worse, but too much.

After walking more than half of a tree-lined path, she didn't see a man that she could make do with. She sighed helplessly, scolding herself for being a carrot and a pork heart. She was obviously a divorced second-hand woman, but she still felt that these men I don't deserve myself.

"Hi miss, nice to meet you."

A wretched-looking man stopped her, Jingya stared at the scattered hairs on his bald head, her heart was broken, it seemed that she was planning to come here to find a partner, it was a big mistake, the men here just saw it They come here because they can't find a partner. Generally, there are people with better looks and wealth. As for coming here for a blind date?
It seems that invisibly, her own worth has also dropped a lot.

"Well, hello." Jingya nodded politely.

He was about to avoid the wretched man, but unexpectedly he would not let go of the swan meat that was in his mouth: "Hey, hey, don't go, since you are here, let's talk, maybe I am your real son .”

Jingya feels like vomiting, is he her real son?
"Sorry, I'm not going on a blind date."

"Why?" He raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"Because..." Jingya said intentionally, "I am a woman who has just been divorced three times."

Sure enough, the wretched man was shocked, he swallowed his saliva, and succumbed to her beauty: "Ha, it's okay, three times is not much, not much, I have only been away four times, just one more than you."

"..." Now, it was Jingya's turn to be shocked.

"I am an ominous woman. When I marry into my husband's family, people will die inexplicably."

The wretched man's eyes were wide open, struggling hard in his heart, and when Jingya thought he was going to give up, he actually said: "It's okay, my family only has an old and immortal father, you marry him and help me beat him to death!"


She swore that if she were to marry such a man, she would choose to bite her tongue and commit suicide without hesitation.

"Sorry, I don't like you."

Jingya smiled gracefully, and passed in front of him, the wretched man was hooked by her alluring smile, he quickly chased after her, kneeling down in front of her, raised the rose in his hand above his head, and roared: " Miss, please think twice, I, Zheng, swear to the heavens, as long as you give me a chance, I will treat you well in this life, and I will never divorce you for the fifth time!"

"Go away!"

Jingya couldn't take it anymore, she was really shameless, he was not ashamed, but she felt ashamed!

In the distance, on the road next to the park, a car was parked, and a man was sitting in the car, wearing a pair of black sunglasses, watching the scene in the park expressionlessly.

His eyes shifted to the horizontal copy of "Hundred Love Marriage: Finding Your Destined Lover" in the distance, and his eyes turned cold.

Slowly taking off his sunglasses, he opened the car door and walked down. If he hadn't happened to pass by here, he would never have dreamed that he would see such a scene that he didn't want to see.

"Miss, think twice, although I'm almost forty years old, my heart is still young, it can't stand the blow of rejection, if you reject me, my heart will die, my heart is dead, my heart How can people survive..."

"Go as far as you want for my old lady, if you don't, don't blame my old lady for sending you to heaven!"

Jingya threw his hand away in disgust, and was about to kick the psychopath away, but who knew that someone was better than her, and when she raised her foot, the wretched man flew a few meters away...

She turned around in shock. When she saw the man standing in front of her, her heart skipped a beat. She was surprised and pleasantly surprised, but more importantly, she felt ashamed because he saw her in a panic.

Ye Beicheng grabbed her wrist, pulled her out of the park angrily, stood in a secluded place, he looked at her angrily, Jingya kept her head down, not because she felt guilty, but because she didn't dare to look at him, she I am afraid that after seeing it, I will never forget it.

"You came here for a blind date? Yu Jingya, are you in such a hurry to marry yourself off?!"

"No...I just..."

Jingya was a little stumped, and she didn't know how to explain it. Whenever she saw someone she was thinking about day and night, she was afraid that he would see the longing in her heart.

"Just what? Why didn't you say it? It doesn't matter if you don't want to wait for me. There's no need to turn yourself into a piece of pork belly and let others pick and choose!"

He was really angry, jealous to death, even if he was not by her side, he would not allow anyone to approach her, whether it was selfish, domineering, or arbitrary, anyway, he just couldn't see anyone besides him beside her. Any man!
Jingya was very embarrassed at first, but seeing Ye Beicheng describe her as pork belly, she suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and her natural stubborn temper came up: "What's wrong with me being pork belly? Who are you now? What right do you have to control me? Do I A divorced woman, does she want to fantasize about marrying a wealthy family again?!"

"Then you think you have to be worthy of these vile men? I know I'm not qualified to restrain you now, but no matter what, a person's depravity is always unforgivable. The more no one loves you, the more you have to love yourself." !"

Jingya's nose was sore, tears of grievance rolled in her eyes, did he think she was depraved?Does he think so?In fact, he was wrong, she didn't fall, Yu Jingya will never be able to find an umbrella she likes, and would rather get wet...

"Thank you for your advice, but I don't care!"

She raised her chin stubbornly, turned around gorgeously, shed tears gorgeously, said gorgeously, it doesn't matter.

Ye Beicheng stared at her stubborn back that was gradually disappearing, and said sadly: "Jingya, when will you be less proud..."

(End of this chapter)

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