Chapter 169


Dou Huayue turned pale: "What do you mean? Who is the stepmother?" Sure enough, what she was worried about, the thing she was most worried about, happened!

"Who are you talking about? It's just the two of us here. Do I mean myself?"

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

She sat down in a panic, and suddenly stopped leaving.

"I know you don't know, it's because you don't know that I'm going to tell you..."

Jingya stared at the slightly trembling body of the old witch opposite, snorted triumphantly, and began to get down to business: "Actually, you are not Beicheng's real mother, I already knew."

Dou Huayue raised her head, and was about to say something, but she stopped her: "Don't force your words and say that you are Beicheng's own mother. If you say that, I will look down on you like I look down on Yang Qianxue."

She continued: "I knew but didn't say it, not because I didn't dare to say it, but because I promised my father-in-law to keep it a secret for him."

"Are you threatening me now?"

Dou Huayue gradually calmed down, but her eyes were still a little uneasy.

"It can be said that I will exchange the secrets I know for you. Don't embarrass me when I go back to the Ye family. I think you are worth it, because you know better than anyone else. Once Beicheng knows that you are not his real mother, but a bloodless relationship, and even forced her mother's mistress away, do you think...he will call your mother again and let you stay in the Ye family to enjoy the glory and wealth?"

Dou Huayue was so angry that she was going to die, but there was nothing she could do, because what she said was the truth.

If it wasn't for the fear that Ye Beicheng would not recognize her as a stepmother, how could she care so much about the secret Yu Jingya said...

"Hmph, say I'm the same as Yang Qianxue, how about you? How noble are you?"

"Yes, I'm not noble. Like Yang Qianxue, I like to threaten others, but at least I am a rational threat. No one will be put in danger because of my threats. If I were you, I would definitely be grateful."

Jingya raised her eyebrows: "Think about it."

After a long silence, she could clearly feel that the fake mother-in-law on the other side was struggling in her heart. Although one hundred and one thousand were unwilling, but the handle was held in their hands, and she had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, I promise!"

The negotiation result was reached, Jingya got up and was about to leave, Dou Huayue sat on her seat with a gloomy face, and asked coldly: "Why do you insist on staying in Ye's house?"

Based on her feeling, she thought that He Jingya didn't like the atmosphere of the Ye family very much, and there must be other reasons for her insistence on staying.

Jingya didn't hide anything, and said bluntly: "I want to know who... killed the baby in my womb."

She smiled sadly, turned around and left, and found out that killing the baby in her womb was one reason, and there were many other reasons why she couldn't leave. She believed that the weird things that happened to the Ye family before must all be directed at Beicheng , she must never let grandpa and father-in-law have any worries under the nine springs...

Ye Beicheng was quite puzzled by his mother's sudden disapproval of Jingya's moving into Ye's house. When he drove to carry her luggage, he asked probingly, "Did you say something to my mother?"

Jingya turned her head in surprise, and replied stiffly: "No, what's wrong?"

"Then she won't turn back?"

"Maybe she also thinks that she is used to quarreling with me, and if someone else lives in, it will be very boring."


Ye Beicheng smiled angrily, and stopped asking. He didn't bother to care about such trivial matters.

Halfway through the car, Jingyan asked nonchalantly: "Beicheng, didn't Dad's health improve before? Why did he still pass away..."

Now thinking of her father-in-law, she still feels very sad. When she was so lost, it was her father-in-law who encouraged her with a word and gave her the courage to face an unsatisfactory life.

"As long as you persevere, everything will happen..."

When Ye Beicheng heard her asking about his father, his eyes darkened: "Maybe it's because my father didn't believe what I told him. Dudu was my son's words. When he came back from the hospital that time, his health was always up and down. The morning after you called me to go on a business trip, he left without leaving me a word, and I didn't even see him for the last time."

Jingya muttered suspiciously: "Why did he die suddenly? Could it be that he was murdered?"

Ye Beicheng stared at her in astonishment, and it took him a long time before he said, "Have you watched too many suspense dramas?"

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case."

"Then tell me, how can a person be murdered?"

"It's not easy to save people, but it's easy to harm people, such as taking medicine, strangling, suffocating..."

"What you said is impossible, because my father doesn't have any scars on his body, and I also asked a doctor to examine him. There is no poison in his stomach, so..."

"Wait a minute." Jingya stopped hastily: "You said you had a doctor's examination? Why did you want to have an examination? Don't you also suspect that your father's cause of death is abnormal?"

Ye Beicheng glanced at her meaningfully: "Why don't you be so sensitive and pick other people's words? I don't suspect that the cause of my father's death is abnormal. I just want to make sure that my father died normally."

"There was no injury, and no one was poisoned. Could it be that Dad was really stimulated by Dudu's incident?"

"It's basically like this. The doctor's final examination results also said that Dad was stimulated and died suddenly due to excessive depression."

Jingya sighed decadently. It seems that her father-in-law's cause of death is not a problem, but her child was indeed killed by someone...

"By the way, my father died suddenly at night, what about my mother?"

Jingya became vigilant.

"I get angry when I mention her." Ye Beicheng frowned.

"what happened?"

"She played mahjong all night! If it wasn't for the servants to wash up Dad in the morning, I don't know what would have been discovered."

"Play mahjong all night?" Jingya is incredulous: "How could it be such a coincidence, are you sure she went to play mahjong?"

Ye Beicheng looked at her suspiciously: "Why, is there a problem?"

" problem, I'm just talking casually, but mom is too much, dad passed away, and she still plays mahjong!"

She muttered angrily, Ye Beicheng corrected: "It wasn't the mahjong game played after the death, but the night of the death."

Jingya nodded casually, but she thought to herself, she must find out if the old hag really played mahjong that night!
The car drove outside Jingya's house, and he went in with her to get her luggage. Song Qiulian seemed very happy to see her daughter and son-in-law coming together. Your gambler dad doesn’t know if he died outside, and he hasn’t come home after so long, and your brother, who heard that he went to find Tengyu, didn’t even call me. I was so worried all day long. I can't fall asleep, it really doesn't make me worry at all!"

"Mom, don't read it. If they really don't want to go home, what's the use of talking about it?"

"I just feel lonely. Although this family is not big, I always feel lonely living alone."

"Hey, why don't you move to Ye's house with me?" Jingya suggested.

Ye Beicheng echoed: "That's a good idea. Anyway, our house has plenty of rooms. When I get Dad back, I'll change you to a bigger house and you can move out."

Song Qiulian scratched her head hesitantly: "Is it possible?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Okay then..." She smiled and agreed, "I'll go and pack my luggage."


After Yang's mother left Jingya's room, Ye Beicheng jokingly said, "Hey, I discovered a secret?"

"What secret?" Jingya asked with a bitter face.

Because she knows too many secrets, whenever she hears the secrets now, she becomes dizzy with sensitivity.

"I found that the relationship between you and your mother seems to be much better?"

... Halo, this is also called a secret, and it really is a child who has never heard of a real secret.

"Yeah, it's your credit. Since you saved her last time, she has fully realized her mistakes, and she has repented of her mistakes together with me!"

"So that's the case, then how are you going to repay me?"

Ye Beicheng raised his eyebrows viciously, Jingya thought for a while: "Please eat."

"Dinner? Did you send the beggar?"

"Then please watch a movie."

"Watching a movie? Do you think I'm a young man with a fledgling love, and I'll be so elegant?"

"Then what do you think?" Jingya rolled her eyes angrily.

"Be realistic."

"don't know."

"Kiss me." He straightened it out, and moved his handsome left cheek in front of her.

Jingya pursed her lips and smiled, leaned over and gave her a "patta" kiss, and when she was about to move away her red lips, Ye Beicheng wrapped her arms around his slender waist, and hugged her tightly in his arms, Said in her ear: "Jingya, I'm very happy, I hope more than anyone else that you can get the love and affection of your family."

Jingya raised her head in surprise, and said emotionally, "Thank you..."

The fiery eyes of the two are closely connected, and the distance between their faces is getting closer and closer, until their lips are close to each other, sparking a strong spark of love, hugging each other lingeringly and passionately, and the kiss is inseparable.

Ye Beicheng moved her towards the bed, with a little force, the two of them fell on the bed together, he pressed on top of her, deeply picked up the fragrance from her mouth, her hands tightly wrapped around his neck, fiercely return his kiss.

Just when the two were kissing with passion and fire——

"Jingya, I packed up, let's go."

As soon as Song Qiulian entered the room, she saw two men and women hugging each other on the bed. She screamed, quickly covered her face, and half-bent down to explain: "I didn't see it, I didn't see anything!!!"

Jingya and Ye Beicheng were so frightened by her scream that they hurriedly separated, and they sat on both sides of the bed in embarrassment.

"Okay, then...then let's go..."

Standing up vaguely, Jingya made a face at Ye Beicheng, her cheeks flushed with shame.

Ye Beicheng walked into the living room and looked, his mouth became O-shaped in shock, he asked in disbelief, "Mom, aren't these all things you want to take away?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Song Qiulian was puzzled.

Jingya rubbed her forehead speechlessly, raised a frying pan with her hand and asked, "What are you doing with this?"

"Oh, this, I thought that if the dishes cooked by my son-in-law's house were not to my liking, I could start another one myself."

"You start a new stove, do you need to take all the pots? Does his house have no pots?"

(End of this chapter)

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