Chapter 188

"Yu Wancheng, this is the last time I will help you. No matter how shameless a person is, it is impossible to make the same mistakes again and again. If you don't live up to it in the future, you will be dragged away to feed you." Dog, I won't care about you anymore!"

"Thank you sister, thank you so much, I knew you would definitely help me, I can't repay my kindness in this life, we will be siblings in the next life, I will definitely repay you..."

"Damn it, you disgust me. In the next life, I want to be your brother and sister again. As soon as I was born, I bit my tongue and killed myself!"

After Jingya finished speaking angrily, she turned around and wanted to leave, but after thinking about it, she turned around and cursed: "Go home!"

"Okay, I'll go back now..."

Yu Wancheng nodded in shock, and ran away without a trace. Jingya walked down the street in despair, unable to relieve her depression.

"elder sister……"

Wancheng's voice came from behind, and she turned around angrily: "What are you doing? Why haven't you come home yet!"

"Sister, I forgot to tell you something." Yu Wancheng straightened up out of breath: "Brother Tengyu is back too."

"Tengyu?" Jingya raised her eyebrows in surprise, a trace of sadness flashed across her heart.

"Well, yes, I came back with him, and he told me not to tell you that he was back, but I think you are my sister, how can I stand on the same line with an outsider without telling you, you say yes ..."

Yu Wancheng smiled flatteringly, Jingya gave him an angry look, and sarcastically said: "No wonder Tengyu doesn't want you to follow him, as long as you are a traitor, if he accepts you, he will kill himself!"

"Hey, sister, it's heartless for you to say that, but I..."

Before he finished speaking, Jingya had already stopped a taxi and walked away.

She came to Tengyu's former residence, the apartment was dark, apparently no one was at home, she thought for a moment, and decided to sit down and wait for him to come back, anyway, this time she had to ask him a favor this time.

Looking up at the stars in the sky, she murmured to herself: "Elder-in-law, are you looking at me? Don't worry, I will always keep in mind what I promised you, and I will let my friends use his contacts to find out Where is your little son..."

Jingya dragged her chin with one hand, and sighed heavily. She didn't know if Zhai Tengyu would still live here when he came back this time.

The ringing of the mobile phone pierced the silence of the night. When she saw that the number was from Ye Beicheng, she quickly pressed the answer button.

"Hello, Beicheng?"

"Why haven't you come back yet?" Ye Beicheng asked worriedly.

"I... I'm cleaning for my mother. No one lives here for a few days, and there's dust everywhere."

"Then shall I go pick you up?"

"No need now, it's still early, I'll call you when I want to go back."

Jingya didn't intend to lie to him, but in order not to let Ye Beicheng misunderstand, she could only conceal it, and it was inconvenient for Beicheng to know about her investigation with Teng Yu this time.

"OK then."

Ye Beicheng hung up the phone, Jingya looked at the time, it was already 10:30 in the evening, she decided to wait another half an hour, if Zhai Tengyu didn't come back, then she would come to him tomorrow.

Hungry in her stomach, she remembered that she hadn't had dinner yet, so she shortened half an hour to 15 minutes.

Within 15 minutes, if he doesn't come back, then she goes back.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and 15 minutes would soon be up. She stood up, patted the dust on her buttocks, and was about to leave disappointed.

Two bright incandescent lamps illuminated the road ahead, Jingya looked over in surprise, a car stopped, and she could see from the half-opened window that the person was indeed Zhai Tengyu, but to her surprise, the car stopped. There is actually a woman sitting there...

There was a panic at the moment, she dodged and hid in a dark place aside, quietly observing the movement in front of her.

The car door opened, Teng Yu walked down, then walked to the other side, opened the car door on the other side, the woman held his arm, and the two walked towards the door affectionately.

Jingya held her breath and watched the two people pass by her. She woke up from the shock when the door opened and closed, and smiled unconsciously: "What am I doing? Why are you hiding?" , are you afraid that Tengyu's girlfriend will misunderstand..."

With a sigh of regret, she left Tengyu's apartment sadly. She could talk to him about that matter anytime, but now, she has a girlfriend by her side, and a spring night is worth a thousand dollars, so why bother.

She didn't go back to Ye's house directly, but went back to her mother's house. Firstly, she had to make sure that Yu Wancheng had returned home, and secondly, she had to call Ye Beicheng to pick her up.

When she arrived at her home, her mother was not asleep yet, so she asked as soon as she entered the room, "Is Yu Wancheng back?"

"I'm back, I'm sleeping in the house."

Mother Yang asked in surprise, "Why are you here now?"

"Beicheng will come to pick me up later." She answered casually, cast her eyes at Yu Wancheng's room, and murmured angrily, "I have caused a lot of trouble all day long, yet I can still eat and fall asleep, it's not human! "

"Jingya, I've heard what your brother said. I'll thank you on his behalf. We are lucky to have you in our family, otherwise I don't know what would have happened..."

Jingya looked at her mother lonely: "Mom, our family is not as good as before. Although we quarreled in the past, at least there are many members in the family, but now? My father has disappeared for so long, and I can't find it. A family Without the head of the family, can you still count as a family?"

Song Qiulian lowered her head dejectedly, sucked her nose, and said with a choked voice, "I don't know if something happened to him, why did a big living person just disappear..."

"Okay, don't be sad. The people sent by Beicheng haven't come back yet. I think there will be news soon."

Jingya couldn't bear her mother's sadness, so she offered words of comfort.

Didi... There was the sound of a car honking outside the door, and she got up immediately: "Beicheng is here, I'm leaving first."

"Okay, if you have news about your father, remember to let me know."

"Well, you watch my brother these days, don't let her come out and cause trouble again!"

Jingya stepped out of the living room, outside the door, Ye Beicheng was about to enter the house, met Jingya, he said with a smile: "I'm still worried, you won't come out for a long time, are you going to stay with your mother for the night..."

"Why, if I stayed here overnight, I wouldn't have called you to pick me up."

After getting in the car, Jing Yanuo made a proposal: "Beicheng, let's go to have a late-night snack, shall we?"

"Are you hungry?" he asked with a smile.


"Okay, what do you want to eat?"

"Want to eat..." Jingya thought for a while: "Whatever."

"There is nothing you can eat."

"I mean eat whatever you want!"

Ye Beicheng nodded: "Then I'll make the decision."

He drove the car to the door of a restaurant with an elegant environment, and before he entered, Jingya heard a burst of sad music.

He parked the car, and Jingya walked in with his arm. The waiter warmly greeted them, led them to a clean place, and brought out an exquisite menu. Ye Beicheng pointed to Jingya: "Give it to my wife." point."

Jingya took the menu from the waiter's hand, glanced at it roughly, and ticked off a few items with a pen.

"Okay, that's all."

She returned the menu to the waiter, and then began to look at the layout of the restaurant, the white walls, the exquisitely decorated ceiling, the exquisite glazed lamp hanging in the center, and the beautiful tassels shining dazzlingly.

There are several atmospheric oil paintings hanging around the walls. At first glance, this place does not look like a restaurant, but a castle full of poetic and picturesque flavors. The most attractive thing is the music played in the restaurant. Emotional thoughts, flowing with a touch of melancholy and slight melancholy; a long flute rhyme, blowing all kinds of styles, interpreting the lonely infatuation of people who are deeply in love.

"Beicheng, do you come here often?" She asked curiously.

"I've been here a few times."

"Then do you know the name of the song that is playing now?"

"The Daughter of Chasing the Wind"

"Zuifeng's daughter?" Jingya nodded and said with a smile, "It's really nice."

"Yes, it's a very good song." He looked at her affectionately: "Are you in a better mood now?"

Jingya raised her head in surprise: "I'm not in a bad mood..."

Ye Beicheng stretched out his hand and pinched her cheek: "Don't lie to me, any expression of yours can't escape my eyes."

"Really do not have."

Her voice was a little softer, and there was a kind of uneasiness in being peeped into the bottom of her heart. In fact, tonight, because of the late blooming, she was really in a bad mood.

"Well, if you don't have it, you don't have it. The most important thing is to fill your stomach."

He didn't force her to ask any more questions. All along, he was considerate and didn't ask more about things she didn't want to say.

Inadvertently, the long-lost true feelings and emotions are awakened, the dry eyes are moistened, the numb faces are moved, and the indifferent mood is soaked, moistened, and melted bit by bit..."

"The wind comes and the rain also comes, and the rain also falls, and the cloud cries as soon as it is embraced by the wind. I will never forget that you have been kind to me, and it will be old if you cheated me forever..." Jingya muttered words, using the same affectionate words He stared at Ye Beicheng.

The music is like human language, and people are like the heart of music. The music is affectionate, and people are more affectionate.

The waiter brought up all the dishes, Jingya swallowed her saliva, and said to Ye Beicheng, "I'm about to start."

"Go ahead." He smiled.

This restaurant not only has a good environment, but also tastes better. Jingya ate very happily. Halfway through the meal, she got up and said, "I'll go there, you eat first."

Ye Beicheng didn't react for a while, and asked suspiciously, "Which one?"

She bent her ears in pain and said, "Pee..."

She went to the bathroom, and when she came out, she was sinking her head into washing her hands, when a familiar figure floated past her.

Jingya turned her head in surprise, hurriedly chased after her, and shouted: "Qianxue..."

Yang Qianxue stopped, turned around slowly, and gave Jingya a shallow smile. For some reason, Jingya felt that her smile was so bitter.

"Why are you here? Are you eating with Shi Jiang?"

She nodded: "Yes."

"That's great. Beicheng and I come to eat together. Which table are you at? Let's have a few drinks together."

"No need." She refused hastily, explaining in a panic: "Shi Jiang has something to do, so he's leaving first."

Jingya looked at her suspiciously, and asked probingly, "Qianxue, are you having a bad day?"

(End of this chapter)

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