Chapter 196

Shi Jiang lost his mind and grabbed Qianxue's neck, she smiled and looked at him without fear, with a calm expression of death.

Suddenly, Shi Jiang felt a panic in his heart, and then his body was limp and weak. He fell to the ground, looked up at the woman standing in front of him in horror, and said with difficulty: "You... what did you give me?"

"What else?" Qianxue knelt down and said firmly, "Poison."

"Send me to the hospital, hurry up, send me to the hospital!"

Shi Jiang felt unbearable angina, and his limbs were as uncomfortable as being bitten by thousands of poisonous insects. His hands and feet gradually began to become cold.

"It's useless, send you there, you still have to die, because I can't let you live..."

"Why! Why are you doing this to me!"

He stared at her in horror, his eyes were full of reluctance for life and unrepentant anger.

"You really don't know? You should be very clear. Three years ago, you found someone to take turns against me. Now you still ask me why I treat you like this. Do you think you are wronged?"

Shi Jiang's eyes widened, gradually, he became desperate...

"How do you know?" The voice suddenly became much calmer.

"If you want to be unknown, unless you have done nothing, do you think you can hide it for the rest of your life? Do you think that if you don't come forward, just find someone to come forward, and what you have done will become a permanent secret?!"

Shi Jiang could no longer speak, the corners of his mouth slowly overflowed with bright red blood, his body also turned from white to blue, and there was too much unwillingness in his eyes, because he did not predict that one of the countless nights would be his The time of death!

When Ye Beicheng and Jingya arrived, Shi Jiang was already dead, and his death was extremely miserable. Yang Qianxue sat beside him dumbly, with an unusually calm expression on his face.

"Qianxue!! What's wrong? What did you eat for Shi Jiang!!!"

Jingya shook her shoulders hysterically, unable to control her emotions, Ye Beicheng saw that Qianxue had become unconscious, quickly picked her up and rushed out of the room to the nearest hospital.

Standing at the door of the emergency room, Ye Beicheng had a never-before-seen pained expression on Ye Beicheng's face. Jingya cried in his arms and was very sad. If she had known that this would be the result of today, she would have let Dongzi be tied up and Qianxue had been stretched. Kidnap away, at least in this way, even if she is not happy, she will not become a murderer.

Shi Jiang no longer needs to be rescued. The cause of his death was drinking poisonous soup, and the amount was too much, so there was no chance of treatment. Fortunately, Qianxue survived. Although she also drank it, but because she drank less, It was sent to the hospital in time, and the stomach cleaning was also very successful. After being in a coma for two days, I opened my cold eyes.

"She's awake!"

Jingya shouted excitedly, and Ye Beicheng hurried from the window to the hospital bed.

"Qianxue, why did you kill Shi Jiang? Did he torture you again!"

Jingya grabbed her hand, feeling extremely sad.

"Why am I alive again? Hehe, it's so sad, every time I want to die, I can't die..."

Yang Qianxue smiled sadly, and turned her gaze to Ye Beicheng: "This time, can you still save me?"

Killing someone is a violation of the majestic law, no matter how much Ye Beicheng covers the sky, it is impossible to cover up the crime of murder.

"Tell me, why did you do this?" He asked coldly.

"Yes, Qianxue, tell us why you did this?" Jingya also wanted to know the reason urgently.

"Because... all my nightmares were caused by him, and my beautiful life was also ruined by him. It was him Shi Jiang who found someone to take me between turns. He is the real murderer behind the scenes!"

There was a sudden deathly silence in the ward, and Jingya and Ye Beicheng's surprised expressions were obvious. They might not be able to accept this fact, because it's hard to believe that Shi Jiang would be the murderer who killed Qianxue...

"How did you know?" Ye Beicheng recovered from the shock, and asked forbearance.

"Back then, after I broke up with him and met you, he had approached me many times and wanted to reunite with me, but at that time I already loved you and couldn't help myself, so I rejected him again and again, and threatened him to dare to marry me again. If you pester me, you will find someone to kill him. Since then, Shi Jiang has never pestered me again, and I gradually forgot about him. On that day, I never thought that he would bear such a grudge because of my threat back then to the point of destroying his conscience..."

"What did he say on the phone?" Jingya asked gnashing her teeth, she really didn't expect things to be so complicated.

"A few days ago, he suddenly asked me if Ye Beicheng was looking into the matter of my being insulted. I nodded casually, and he asked what the result of the investigation was. I said that those men had been found, but the person who instigated them was still there. There was no clue. Later, just last night, I heard him order a man named Qi Xing to pack up his things and run far away on the phone, saying that Ye Beicheng was already investigating this matter, and if he found out, everyone would have to When it was over, I realized that the murderer who really killed me was far away and right in front of me. At that time, I wanted to rush in and fight him to the death, but I knew I couldn't kill him by rushing in, so I endured it , I thought about it all night, anyway, I am a person who has already disregarded life and death, if I can kill my murderer before I die, then my death is worth it, I will die in peace, and I will die with satisfaction!"

Yang Qianxue smiled desolately, and tears rolled down the corners of her eyes: "After Shi Jiang went to work today, I went into his study. Usually I never go into his study, let alone move his things, but I know After he was the murderer who killed me, I wanted to find the evidence that he killed me! I searched for a long time, but found nothing, then I turned on his computer, sat for a whole afternoon, and finally retrieved from a hidden folder I saw his diary. Shi Jiang has the habit of writing a diary. I have always known this. The entire file folder contains his experience in the past four years. I flipped to the day I was raped three years ago. He wrote on it, He hates me, hates me for being snobbish, and he dumped a rich man after clinging to him. He vowed to take revenge and make me a woman with nothing. Even if he is not happy, he will never let me be happy. He said he would find someone to take my turn, so let's see which man will want me..."

After hearing her finish, Ye Beicheng squeezed her arm: "Why didn't you tell me when you knew these things? Why did you kill him to the extreme? Could it be that living is really such a painful thing for you?" thing!"

"Suddenly knowing that the murderer who ruined my life is my pillow person, you will not understand that kind of anger. Shi Jiang also wrote in his diary that he did not expect to meet me again, because he I work at the Paternity Test Center, that's why I thought of threatening Ye Beicheng with Dudu. He readily agreed after listening to my request, just because he still loves me, but because he wants to see me more than anyone else. How does a man who owns his woman raise someone else's bastard..."

Ye Beicheng was very angry, he turned and left the ward, Jingya chased him out, and quietly stood beside him: "Beicheng, what should we do now?"

The news of Shi Jiang's murder had already been learned by the police. Several police officers came here yesterday. If Qianxue was not still in a coma, she might have been taken away by now.

"I will try my best to clear up the relationship, but it is impossible to keep her safe, at most she will not be sentenced to death."

The matter of Qianxue's intercourse was finally exposed because she killed her husband, because killing requires a reason, and if there is no sufficient reason, she must pay for her life. It doesn't matter anymore...

He hired the best lawyer from abroad to deal with Yang Qianxue's case. The lawyer said that he was sure to fight for Qianxue's chance of survival, because a woman who was taken turns by seven men had a stronger mentality than a normal person. There are many deformities, and even if Shi Jiang is not poisoned to death, he is still a death penalty in terms of law.

On the day of the trial, Qianxue's face was as white as a cherry blossom, her expression was as calm as ever, just like she herself said, life and death have long been ignored...

In the auditorium under the stage, Qin Lan fainted several times from crying, and Jingya's eye circles were always red. She used to work very hard to make Qianxue happy, but now, Qianxue was standing in front of her in prison uniform. Efforts are all in vain.

The lawyer Ye Beicheng hired is indeed the most famous Chinese lawyer abroad. He tactfully minimized Qianxue's criminal behavior as much as possible. Seeing Shi Jiang's parents crying so heartbroken, Jingya finally understood that love is not without fault. Yes, when a person does something that hurts someone out of love, it is a big mistake.

The final irritating defense was over, and the judge pronounced the verdict. Qianxue was sentenced to eight years in prison because of her psychological trauma. All seven men who had insulted her were taken into custody, including the man named Qi Xing. What awaited them would be It is the severe punishment of the law...

Eight years is not long or short, but for a woman, it is almost a lifetime.

A woman's youth is a lifetime, youth spent in prison, then a lifetime is exhausted, because eight years is long enough to win the war against Japan.

But such a result is already the best, no matter how long it takes, there will be a day, as long as a person is alive, there will always be hope.

On the second day after Qianxue was imprisoned, Jingya brought Dongzi and Dudu over overnight. She knew that if there was no hope to survive in Qianxue's heart, then sooner or later she would decide that death was her best destination.

Inside the bars, Qianxue was even thinner, her face was paler than the prison uniform she was wearing, her eyes were dull, she didn't say a word of gratitude to Ye Beicheng for saving her life, for a woman who doesn't care about life and death, life and death don't matter to her .

But the appearance of Dudu made her gloomy eyes shine brightly. Through the iron window, Jingya saw her crying, and her whole body trembled when she was crying.

(End of this chapter)

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