Chapter 325

Such a Tian Feifei looks really naughty. If you look closely, she really looks like President Ouyang's cousin.

"Of course, there's more. I used to be my cousin's girlfriend. You see, my cousin is so rich, so naturally there are many girls following him. He is the person who is most afraid of trouble. Whenever he , I will come out and be his girlfriend."

Tian Feifei spoke vividly, as if those things were right in front of her eyes.

There was even a happy smile on her face, but only she knew that her heart was really in pain.

She knew that starting today, she really has nothing to do with Ouyang Mingchen, no, it's just the relationship between the boss and the subordinates, and from now on, she will drive this man out of her heart, leaving nothing behind Mark of.


"Well, well, of course, so you always thought I was Ouyang Mingchen, no, hehe, don't worry, I often called him by his name when I was young, and I got used to it."

Tian Feifei stuck out her tongue.

"You always thought that I was my cousin's girlfriend, but I was actually a counterfeit."


Zhao Li still couldn't believe it.

"Oh, of course it's true. Why did you lie to you? Tell you, my cousin is most afraid that you will know the relationship between me and him, so he made me swear in front of grandma that I will never confide a word Yes. I have always kept this secret. You can see, last time you said that about me, I didn’t even tell about the relationship between me and him. Oh, do you know how much it is to keep it in your heart? Are you uncomfortable?"

Li Qing and Zhao Li glanced at each other, and thinking about it now, they seemed to have such a feeling.

When they said that to Tian Feifei, Tian Feifei seemed hesitant to speak, so it was because of this.


Zhao Li was the first to admit her mistake.

"Actually, do you know? At the beginning, my grandma asked me to join the Liu family, but my cousin firmly disagreed. Didn't I just say that, then he would be very unfree. However, one day I said that I would go to Liu's." Work in other places, even when those places are relatively bad. Because I only graduated from high school after all, is it difficult to find a good unit? Then my cousin is not happy, he said that I have loved you since I was a child, In the end, you went out to be bullied by others, how uncomfortable do I feel? He also said Tian Feifei, when you come back, I would rather bully you myself than let others bully you."

Tian Feifei imitated Ouyang Mingchen's words, and she was a little vivid.

The other three women who said such words are convinced.

When Tian Feifei came to her aunt, they could see President Ouyang's nervousness. Now it seems that President Ouyang really treasures his cousin.

Ah, if that's the case, did she remember what she said to her a while ago?
Ah, if that's the case, as long as Tian Feifei tells President Ouyang, won't she just walk away without food?
Thinking of this, Li Qing and Zhao Li changed their faces.

"I'm not thirsty at this time, what are you two doing?"

Tian Feifei said to Li Qing and Zhao Li.

Chen Shaojun, don't tell me, your method is really good, really good, the two of them pouring water for me so graciously, does it mean that they want to flatter me?

"Tian Feifei, I..."

It was Linda, she looked at Tian Feifei with shame on her face.

It's really unexpected that Tian Feifei has such a relationship with President Ouyang.

I don't know if Tian Feifei is a narrow-minded person. If so, then I have treated her like that before, and I am going to be in trouble.

Thinking of that time, I even looked a little confident, hey, this is regret, really regret.

"It's okay, no, Linda, at that time, you didn't even know that I was Ouyang Mingchen's cousin. Those who don't know are not guilty."

Tian Feifei shook her hand and glanced at the door. The door was tightly closed, and it was impossible to see what the people inside were thinking.

How can I still think about him?He has nothing to do with himself.

When thinking about this, he raised his head again.

"Secretary Tian, ​​we used to treat you that way."

It was Li Qing and Zhao Li. They discussed for a long time in the tea room, but they didn't know what to do.

I remembered that the two of them almost spoke bad words to Tian Feifei just a few days ago, but this world is really unpredictable. It took less than 24 hours before and after to know such news. Hey, this thing is really sad. Hope, really I hope Tian Feifei can forget those things.

"You said it was so fast. It happened just yesterday, but you actually wanted her to forget it, and then pretended nothing happened."

"Then what to do, what to do then?"

Li Qing stamped her feet anxiously.

"Let's go out first, it's already reached such a point anyway, I can only take one step at a time."

Then the two walked up to Tian Feifei.

"It doesn't matter, it really doesn't matter."

Just at this time, the phone rang, and Tian Feifei took it out to see that it was Chen Shaojun.

He must be worried, so he called again to ask if it was right?
Seeing his name flashing non-stop on it, he immediately remembered it.

"Grandma, it's okay, my cousin has been sitting inside."

How smart Chen Shaojun is, he naturally knew it right away.

He put down the phone, Tian Feifei, just hope you can be happy, really hope you can be happy.

The three of them pestered Tian Feifei to tell about some things about Ouyang Mingchen's childhood.

Linda didn't talk much, but Li Qing and Zhao Li were very excited.

These people originally thought that Ouyang Mingchen fell in love with Tian Feifei, so they hated her deeply.

However, now that I know that Tian Feifei is not only not Ouyang Mingchen's girlfriend, but also a cousin who has such a good relationship, I can only flatter her at the moment. From Tian Feifei's hair accessories to her clothes, it looks like she hasn't seen her for a day. Completely overhauled.

I don't know whether it was Zhao Li or Li Qing who suggested that Tian Feifei has been working in the secretary's office for so long, and everyone hasn't formally invited Tian Feifei to dinner.

"How about, the four sisters have dinner together tonight, I only know a new western restaurant, the steak tastes really good."

After hearing such words, Tian Feifei couldn't help sneering in her heart.

sisters?It's really ironic. When these three people saw themselves a few days ago, they were sneering and sarcastic, and they wanted to push themselves out of their lives, even like life and death enemies.

However, in less than a day, looking at their appearance, each of them was as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

And there is only one purpose for being so good to himself, and that is to please Ouyang Mingchen through himself.

If he didn't say he was Ouyang Mingchen's cousin, would he be able to enjoy such treatment?
Funny, really funny.

While thinking this way, Linda spoke.

Perhaps it was because Linda joined the company relatively early, so she always had a certain right to speak in front of the other two people.

Linda said: "Tian Feifei, let's go together, please don't be burdened, we have no other intentions, just want to treat you to a meal."

Tian Feifei really didn't want to eat with these three.

I really just made it up and casually mentioned a cousin. If they want to ask some difficult questions, I definitely have no way to solve them.

"But, I'm sorry, I already have an appointment tonight, I'm really sorry."

"Then tomorrow, how is tomorrow?"

"I don't have time tomorrow."

"Tian Feifei, I didn't expect you to be so busy."

"That's natural. Do you know that among all the cousins, I am the most powerful. If I hadn't lost interest in studying at the beginning, I wouldn't just sit in this position."

"Okay, we all know that you are actually very busy, so can you please spare some time and let us have the honor to have dinner with you."

In fact, what I fear most is eating together.

I don't know what to say at the dinner table, and in the end, people ask themselves.

"Then the day after tomorrow."

It seems that Li Qing really does not give up until he achieves his goal.

Tian Feifei had a bitter look on her face, and then turned to look at Linda.

"Sister Linda, you have the most right to speak here. Tell me what should be done?"

Linda glanced at Tian Feifei's face.

"Do you really hate it?"

"Yeah, it's really annoying." Tian Feifei stretched out her hand, and then put her arms around Linda's neck. It seemed that the two were very affectionate.

"Sister Linda, really, I appreciate everyone's kindness. Besides, our sisters have such a good relationship, why do we have to eat? I am already very happy when we chat like this."

While he was talking, he heard a "ding dong" from the elevator.

Several people looked up at the same time, and then saw Lin Qianqian appearing in front of her, followed by a waiter.

"You're all hungry, aren't you? I bought you some pastries, and a cup of coffee for everyone."

While talking, he motioned to the person behind to take out the coffee and pastries in the bag, and then distributed them to everyone.

Tian Feifei stared at Lin Qianqian closely, why is she here?Didn't you say that your feet are bad?Can we go?It's just that from my own perspective, her feet are obviously inconvenient, and I don't know why she came here.

After the waiter distributed the coffee and pastries to the four people, he turned around and left.

The four people in the secretary's room looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Tian Feifei, you really aren't President Ouyang's girlfriend, are you?"

"That is, if it was President Ouyang's girlfriend, would Lin Qianqian still have such an attitude?"

"Then Lin Qianqian is obviously looking like a real girlfriend. If Tian Feifei is, will she still be like this?"

"Oh, I told you, why don't you believe it? Really not."

"Tian Feifei, to be honest, I was a little skeptical just now, but now I believe it, I really believe it, I believe it all."

Tian Feifei smiled lightly, then sat down slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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