Chapter 330

"Really? Just right, I didn't have breakfast today, ah, Miss Lin, you are really well."

Li Qing rushed out, Tian Feifei didn't even look at Lin Qianqian, just passed her by, and then returned to her seat.

If Lin Qianqian turned her head at this time, she would definitely see the deep hatred in her eyes.

The elevator rang, and it was Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tomorrow morning."

He quickly armed himself with a flattering smile on his face.

Ouyang Mingchen paused slightly, then said casually, "You're here."

It was a really flat tone, as if she and him were just ordinary colleagues or just nodding acquaintances.

A heart sank slowly, even his hands began to feel cold, he bit his lip, and said softly: "Tomorrow morning, I bought your favorite breakfast."

"is it?"

Ouyang Mingchen didn't even look at the breakfast, but just strode towards the office.

Lin Qianqian was carrying so many things in her hands, her hands had already started to feel sore, but Ouyang Mingchen had no intention of helping at all.

It's not that there is no grievance in my heart, but even if there is a big grievance, I can't say anything, I just pretend that I didn't see anything, put some of the bags in my hand on the desk in the secretary's room, and carried the other few bags. Entered Ouyang Mingchen's office.

Gently closing the door, Lin Qianqian put the bag on the coffee table.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't look up at her all the time, but just pressed the intercom.

Soon, Tian Feifei walked in.

"Boiled water."

It was just three simple words, waiting for Tian Feifei to go out before turning to look at Lin Qianqian.

"Lin Qianqian, why are you so tired?"

He looked at her with unfathomable eyes.

Lin Qianqian raised her head, she didn't know what was in that gaze, but she was attracted by him.

I really want to tell him, Ouyang Mingchen, actually, do you think I want to?The breakfast in this store is very difficult to buy. I got up at six o'clock and walked around half of the city to get there. I was so happy when I came all the way, thinking that you would eat the breakfast I bought.

Actually, I don't need a compliment from you.

Thinking of the time when we were together before, I like to sleep late, every time you go out in a hurry.

You once said that you found a lazy pig, but you are willing to raise my lazy pig.

A few times, you even made breakfast before rushing off to work.

Ouyang Mingchen, I want to change now, I want you to eat a meal even if it is the breakfast I bought, why do you still have such an attitude.

"No, I just want you to have a taste."

Ouyang Mingchen sat down slowly, then lightly pressed his temples with his fingers, and finally raised his head.

"Lin Qianqian, you know, I basically don't eat breakfast outside these years. The chef at home prepares breakfast every day, and it's very rich."

"Tomorrow morning."

Lin Qianqian lowered her head, "Are you criticizing me? I just feel that I have let you down so much. Now I want to work hard to change myself, to do better, and to satisfy you."

I don't know if this sentence moved Ouyang Mingchen.

He finally bowed his head and remained silent for a long time, when Lin Qianqian almost thought that Ouyang Mingchen would not answer her question, he finally raised his head and smiled at her.

"It's okay, that's fine, I just hope you don't work too hard."

At that moment, Lin Qianqian's heart exploded like fireworks.

She took a few steps forward and was about to fall into Ouyang Mingchen's arms. She shook Ouyang Mingchen's arm slightly, raised her head, and was about to speak when she heard a knock on the door.

It was Tian Feifei, it must be Tian Feifei, only this woman wanted to destroy the relationship between herself and Ouyang Mingchen all the time.

"Come in."

Ouyang Mingchen took a few steps back calmly.

Lin Qianqian lowered her hands, a hint of disappointment flashed in her heart.

Turning her head, it really was Tian Feifei, Lin Qianqian's eyes were filled with endless hatred.

Tian Feifei put the cup on Ouyang Mingchen's desk, then turned around.

Seeing that she had already walked to the door, Ouyang Mingchen spoke heavily.

"What about today's schedule?"

Every morning when Ouyang walked into the office, Tian Feifei would bring up the day's schedule.

Tian Feifei turned her head to look at Lin Qianqian, then at Ouyang Mingchen, and then lowered her head.

"Okay, I'll go out and get it."

After closing the door again, there were only two people left in the huge office.

It's just that the intimacy between the two just now is gone, everything is the same as before, as if Ouyang Mingchen never said those words.

Lin Qianqian felt lost, no, how could it be like this.

It has been a few days, and the relationship between himself and Ouyang Mingchen is still spinning around.

He has always been so faint, just like the faint feelings between him and her.

I am anxious, really anxious.

Although there is still some money in hand, there is no guarantee that it will be used up one day.

Lin Qianqian couldn't help but think of the time when Ouyang Mingchen just went to work.

In fact, Ouyang Mingchen's father is very strict in this regard. The requirement is that Ouyang Mingchen must start from the grassroots, so at the beginning, Ouyang Mingchen's salary was not very high.

At that time, Ouyang Mingchen had already lived with Lin Qianqian despite his family's objections.

Although he doesn't have a lot of money, deep down he thinks that way, his woman should be raised by himself, and his woman should use his money to live together as a matter of course.

Therefore, he was determined not to let Lin Qianqian go out to work.

It's just that such a small amount of money is after all a stretch, so the happiest time for the two of them at that time was the few days when they were paid.

Later, Ouyang Mingchen's position was gradually promoted, and the salary was naturally higher and higher, but no matter what, Ouyang Mingchen would hand over the salary sent to Lin Qianqian every time, and let her control it uniformly.

But now, he clearly knows that he doesn't have a job, that he spends so much, that he is already her girlfriend, and that he spends a lot of money on other women, but he never says he will give her some money.So, she was in a hurry, she was really in a hurry.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but took a few steps forward, then walked to Ouyang Mingchen's side, stretched out her hand, and gently tugged Ouyang Mingchen's arm.

"Mingchen, are you angry?"

Ouyang Mingchen turned his head and looked at Lin Qianqian, his eyes flickered slightly.

What's wrong with me?Why is it always in such a state of absent-mindedness.

Lin Qianqian had been away for so many years, and he was looking forward to her return almost day and night.

However, she was already in front of him, and even the relationship between the two of them had resumed as before, so why wasn't he happy?Not at all, even watching Lin Qianqian anxiously by her side all the time.

He knew she was anxious, she was anxious to be with him.

But, why can't I even arouse a little interest?Why is it that I can still feel calm when I see her in such pain and pain?

I clearly still have her in my heart, don't I?

What happened to me?What exactly is going on?
"Tomorrow morning."

There was a timid voice next to his ear, which brought back Ouyang Mingchen's thoughts.


"Mingchen, are you still angry with me?"

Holding back all his strength, he repeated the question again, enduring the chill in his heart.


Ouyang Mingchen finally stretched out his hand, and rubbed Lin Qianqian's soft hair.

This was the most intimate gesture he made towards Lin Qianqian after Ouyang Mingchen withdrew from Lin Qianqian's body that day.

A smile bloomed on Lin Qianqian's face.

"Tomorrow morning."

She stretched out her hand and put her arms around Ouyang Mingchen's waist. She was just about to lean her head there when she heard the office door knock again.

At that moment, there were no words to describe Lin Qianqian's mood.

anger?No, just using this word can no longer express her mood.

She wanted to growl, wanted to growl at Tian Feifei.

If, if Ouyang Mingchen was not around at this time, she would really throw Tian Feifei from the 52nd floor to the ground, even if it turned into tofu.

How can there be such a hateful woman, no, no, no, it's not hateful, it's god damn.

She wants to tear Tian Feifei into pieces, no, no, that's not enough, she wants to tear her into pieces, she wants to crush her to ashes.

Tian Feifei, is there really a deep hatred between you and me in the previous life?
Tian Feifei, remember, you must remember, don't fall into my hands one day, otherwise I will absolutely, never let you go.

Unsurprisingly, Ouyang Mingchen retreated again, this time even keeping a certain distance from Lin Qianqian.

Even Ouyang Mingchen himself couldn't explain clearly. He was a little afraid that Tian Feifei would see the intimate scene between himself and Lin Qianqian. He didn't know why he did this, was he not used to it?
No, no, he once kissed and hugged another woman in front of Tian Feifei, and there were even more excessive things.

He is the president, and when the dignified president of the Liu family does things, when does he need to worry about other people's eyes, and Tian Feifei's eyes?
What happened to yourself?
"President Ouyang, here is today's schedule."

Tian Feifei handed over the itinerary, feeling an urge to turn around and run away.

The atmosphere in the office was weird, and Lin Qianqian's eyes seemed to want to swallow her up.

"President Ouyang, if there is nothing else, I'll go out first."

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, but just gave Tian Feifei a cross-eyed look.

Tian Feifei immediately stopped talking. In fact, most of the time, she was still a little afraid of Ouyang Mingchen.

What's more, after thinking about it, after Lin Qianqian appeared, her affection for Ouyang Mingchen gradually decreased. No, even if she did, she could only bury it deeply in her heart.

Ouyang Mingchen read them one by one, and there was basically no problem.

Then his eyes stopped on the last item, which was a business reception.

This is a project launched by the municipal government, and such a reception will be held every once in a while.

At this reception, the top [-] group bosses in City A will all be invited.

(End of this chapter)

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