Chapter 366

"Tian Feifei, how is it? Can I wash it inside?"

On purpose, this person definitely did it on purpose.

"Do you need me to help you with something?"


Tian Feifei almost gritted her teeth, at worst, she would still put on the changed clothes later, wouldn't she?

But, would this be too disgusting?
Even I don't dare to imagine it myself?
"is it?"

The person outside the door smiled faintly, and then there was no sound.

Then Tian Feifei got into a difficult situation. She said this, so she couldn't really go out in the changed clothes.

How to do it?

Just as I was thinking this way, I heard the sound of the key twisting.

Tian Feifei was shocked, and hurried forward to hold the door, but her strength could not compete with Ouyang Mingchen's strength. Soon, Ouyang Mingchen came in, holding a set of pink clothes in his hand. pajamas.

"Okay, I'll feel wronged and deliver the goods to my door."

While talking, he put the pajamas on the shelf and closed the door.

"Ouyang Mingchen, what are you going to do?"

"What do you say?"

Ouyang Mingchen just smiled, and then asked back.

"How about you go out, I haven't finished taking a bath yet."

"No, I will deliver the goods to your door, and I will give myself to you."


Tian Feifei is angry, is there such a person?

"Okay, since you won't go, I'll go."

Tian Feifei said while walking towards the door.

At that time, I was still a little timid in my heart. Although Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, he was afraid that he would regret it temporarily.

However, he stood there without moving.

Then she walked to the door, and then her hand was already on the doorknob, and just as she was about to pull it hard, Ouyang Mingchen's broad palm had already been placed on her waist, and then she was pulled hard, and then she was taken by him to the bathtub.

His bathtub is very large, really super big.

He pressed a few times with his hand, and then the water in the shower began to come down.

There are several bridles installed, but the direction of each bridle launching into the water is different.

Then, Ouyang Mingchen carried Tian Feifei into the bathtub.

The clothes on Tian Feifei's body were immediately wet. Summer clothes are already thin, so it is so wet and sticky to her body, I don't know how uncomfortable it is.


"Uncomfortable? So soon? Huh?"

Ouyang Mingchen asked softly in Tian Feifei's ear.

Then he gently nibbled Tian Feifei's small earlobe.

Tian Feifei only felt a hot feeling all over her body, and there seemed to be an indescribable feeling flowing around her body.

"Tian Feifei, it's not like I haven't done anything yet."

Ouyang Mingchen chuckled.

Only then did Tian Feifei realize how stinky what she just said was, she wished she could find a hole in the ground and get in.

Her face soon turned red.

Ouyang Mingchen smiled, and immediately took off Tian Feifei's clothes, and then revealed Tian Feifei's fair body.

Ouyang Mingchen really liked that kind of body, when his hands walked slowly, it was as comfortable as touching silk.

"Shall I wash first?"

It was rare for her to beg in such a soft voice, and Ouyang Mingchen would certainly listen.

"it is good."

Ouyang Mingchen nodded slightly, then reached out and took the shower gel.

"What happened?"

"What happened?"

Ouyang Mingchen answered leisurely, while Tian Feifei got wet, and then brought the shower gel.

Tian Feifei was almost dumbfounded watching his extremely natural movements.

"Shouldn't I wash it first?"

After asking such a sentence, Tian Feifei felt how naive she was.

"Aren't you washing first now?"

Ouyang Mingchen felt strange, "You should wash first."

After speaking, he evenly applied the shower gel to Tian Feifei's body.

I'm really not used to it, I'm really not used to it.

Thinking of this, Tian Feifei couldn't help twisting her body slightly.

"What? Is there something uncomfortable?"

As Ouyang Mingchen said, he quickly put the shower gel aside, and then began to carelessly touch Tian Feifei's body.

This man did it on purpose, didn't he?
"Tian Feifei, what should I do, you tempted me like this before I took a shower."

Ouyang Mingchen's face was full of distress, it seemed that Tian Feifei had really done something she shouldn't have done.

"Nothing at all."

Tian Feifei protested softly.

"No? Not yet?"

As soon as Ouyang Mingchen turned around, he pressed Tian Feifei onto his body.

"You are a little fairy, a seductive little fairy, an extreme little fairy."

When the two of them finally stopped, Tian Feifei was already very tired.

In fact, he was tired tonight, and he was angry with Tian Xiaoxiao.

In the end, Tian Feifei even felt that she was so tired that she couldn't breathe. She was so tired that she just wanted to close her eyes and fall asleep.

In fact, she was really like this, and she didn't even know when she fell asleep.

She only knew that when she woke up, there was no one around her.

His mobile phone was placed beside him, with a note under it.

"You are allowed to ask for leave today, take a good rest, don't leave, and wait for me to be lucky to you at night."

Although there is no signature, those words that are so strong on the back of the paper can be seen at a glance.

Fortunately?Tian Feifei laughed, what did he really think of himself?

It's just that I don't know how good the mood is.

Take a shower first, and there is a brand new set of clothes on the side cabinet, which is her size and fits perfectly.

Go downstairs, the housekeeper greets her as soon as she sees her.

"Miss Tian, ​​breakfast is ready. Before leaving, the young master told us to let you wait at home today."


What a warm word, if I really have such a place, maybe I will wake up with a smile even in my dreams.

The breakfast was very rich, no wonder Ouyang Mingchen didn't want to eat outside breakfast, that was the reason.

Because there was nothing to do, Tian Feifei went upstairs and called Yang Die first.

Not knowing what was going on over there, Tian Feifei only heard rapid and strange breathing.

"Yang Die, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

"no no."

This sound is so strange no matter how you hear it.

Then she heard an "ah", and Tian Feifei hung up the phone in fright.

I am very familiar with this voice, and I often hear it, because I have made such a voice before.

Woohoo, I'm so ashamed, how could I ask such a mentally handicapped question.

Fortunately, she didn't blame herself for long before she heard her cell phone ring.

It must be Ouyang Mingchen. He lowered his head and saw his number flashing on the screen.

"Woke up?"

It was his chuckle, which came through the phone like this, as if he could be seen standing in front of his eyes with his eyebrows stretched.


The blush on her face hasn't faded yet, Yang Die, I'm afraid she is still tender and lingering with Ouyang Xing.

If so, does it mean that there is no problem between the two of you?

Thinking of this, even I didn't realize it, and actually laughed lightly.

"What's so happy about it?"

The other end asked softly.

"No. But, do you have anything to do when you call at this time? Are you not busy at the moment?"

You know, the company is very busy these days.


Ouyang Mingchen paused for a moment, and finally said, "Tian Feifei, if you hear or see something, don't believe it."

Although I have ordered the housekeeper to put away all the newspapers, and the home network cannot be accessed today due to "network problems", but I am still a little worried.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?"

Ouyang Mingchen is not someone who would say such things for no reason.

"No, nothing. There are some problems with the network at home today. I'm afraid you will think wildly."


Tian Feifei didn't suspect him, and then smiled: "Isn't it already almost noon? I eat lunch and then sleep, isn't it night?"

This kind of life is really beautiful when you think about it. I never thought that one day I would live such a life.


"Or, I will continue to work, and I have nothing to do here."

"No, no."

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Mingchen refused.

Tian Feifei was a little puzzled, was Ouyang Mingchen's reaction too strong?
"I mean you were exhausted yesterday, so get some rest today."

Ouyang Mingchen explained.


Why do I feel a strange feeling lingering in my heart?Did something happen?
Because of such a thing, I even thought about it when I was eating lunch, and then I heard the phone ring.

is an unfamiliar number.

Tian Feifei was a little puzzled. In fact, very few people called her mobile phone. I wonder if she made a mistake?

When I thought about it like this, I didn't answer it.

However, there is no mercy.

Finally picked it up, and then heard a familiar voice.

"Tian Feifei, I have a very important secret to tell you, I wonder if you want to listen to it?"

I will never forget this person's voice, and every time she appears, there must be no good things.

"Lin Qianqian, thank you, but I don't want to know any secrets."

"is it?"

There was a chuckle over there, obviously in a pretty good mood.

"Okay, Tian Feifei, I just think you must know about this matter. Since you don't want to know, then you can do whatever you want, but please don't blame me for not telling you. Also, when you know When this happens, I hope you won't be too surprised."

"Thank you."

For this person, the attitude I adopt is to keep a respectful distance.

However, when she was about to hang up, the other end suddenly said: "Tian Feifei, you are sure not to listen to this secret. It is about Huang Liling and Ouyang Mingchen."

Tian Feifei's mind suddenly flashed the scene of Ouyang Mingchen and Huang Liling coming out of Juemei together yesterday, and she felt a "thump" in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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