Chapter 376

"Mingchen, do you really hate me that much?"

Ouyang Mingchen smiled, but that kind of smile turned out to be so lonely, he thought of the little woman sitting inside, and laughed at himself.

"Huang Liling, the same thing, I hope I won't say it a second time, I will only give you one chance, if you miss this chance, then I tell you, it will never be gone."

Huang Liling bit her lips tightly.

"Also, just smile, don't show me that look, maybe there is a reporter hiding somewhere, who will take a picture of your current appearance and put it in tomorrow's newspaper."

"Mingchen, obviously all of this is under your control."

"Huang Liling, you have the ability to repeat what you just said."

Ouyang Mingchen was not angry, but just looked at Huang Liling calmly.

Huang Liling wished she could bite her tongue.

In fact, she didn't know Ouyang Mingchen well.

All she knew was that people in City A seemed to be afraid of Ouyang Mingchen. No matter what industry they were in, as long as Ouyang Mingchen was mentioned, their expressions would immediately change.

He is the one who controls the overall situation of City A, and even those officials look at Ouyang Mingchen and give him seven points of face.

She didn't know how much business Ouyang Mingchen had.

Some people say that Liu's name is his business, while others say that it is far more than that.

There were even rumors that the stunning beauty was also Ouyang Mingchen's asset.

However, in City A, no one dared to ask Ouyang Mingchen.

to ask him?That's like touching the tiger's tail, isn't it?
And in this world, no one is so bold.

Therefore, when Ouyang Mingchen said this to her, Huang Liling quickly lowered her head.

"Morning morning, I was wrong."

Ouyang Mingchen's face turned cold at that moment.

"Huang Liling, you are not a three-year-old child. You should be very clear about what you can say and what you can't say. How could you be so naive today and say such things?"

"Mingchen, I already know I was wrong, so I will definitely not say it next time, okay?"

"next time?"

Ouyang Mingchen sneered.

"It turns out that you are still looking forward to the next time."

"Morning morning, no, no."

Huang Liling was so annoyed that she almost died, only when facing Ouyang Mingchen would she often not know what to say, and would often say the wrong thing.

"Morning morning, okay? Please, please."

I have already tasted the taste of being hidden by the snow, the taste that is almost painful, thinking that I will never taste it again, so as long as I can stay by Ouyang Mingchen's side, no matter what I am asked to do, I am willing of.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, but walked out with great strides.

Huang Liling stood there blankly, motionless, her strength seemed to have been drained all of a sudden, and she even felt like she was about to collapse on the ground.

I don't know what I am insisting on, and I don't even know if there is anything wrong with my persistence.

Ouyang Mingchen sat in the car, and then received a call from grandma.

"Stinky boy, you haven't seen grandma for several days."

Ouyang Mingchen was silent. At the beginning, he promised his grandma to visit her the next day. Even if he couldn't stay overnight, it would be nice if he could have a meal with her.

In fact, there was no such decision in the first place, and then grandma said such a sentence to him that day.

She said: "Boy, grandma is 70 years old. I don't know how long she can live in this world, but one thing is absolutely infallible, that is, the time grandma stays in this world will be longer and longer. Less and less."

This sentence turned out to be sad, after hearing such a sentence, Ouyang Mingchen only felt his nose sore.

In fact, he has been with grandma longer than with mom and dad.

The so-called the deeper the love, the more true the hurt, that's why he ignored grandma for so many years.

"Grandma, what are you talking about?"

His face darkened, and his tone was even more displeased.

"Boy, everyone has to face reality. Your grandma is not a fairy, and one day she will walk on a path of no return."

In that case, Ouyang Mingchen could only feel sad when he heard it.

"Grandma, I'm coming over now."

"Okay, by the way, let's call the girl too, grandma is thinking about her."

Grandma Ouyang sighed deeply, her tone seemed to be deeply suppressed.

"Grandma, she..."

"Tomorrow morning, call her for grandma, grandma really misses her."

Ouyang Mingchen wanted to say something more, but the other side had already hung up the phone.

Something happened to grandma, this was Ouyang Mingchen's first reaction.

Over the years, grandma has only called him "Mingchen" three times.

The first time was that something happened to his parents. He was riding a horse with a friend that day, and he was sitting on the horseback, full of spirits.

Then grandma called, and she called "Mingchen" as soon as she opened her mouth. The two simple words had a dignified tone. At that moment, Ouyang Mingchen felt her heart sinking suddenly.

Then he knew the news of his parents' accident. At that moment, he felt almost stunned and almost fell off the horse.

The second time was after finishing his parents' affairs, for a long time, he couldn't recover. One day, his grandma talked to him, calling him by his name at first, and then chatting with him earnestly.

And today is the third time. If nothing happened, why did grandma call him that?Why did grandma hang up the phone in a hurry.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Mingchen hurriedly called Tian Feifei.

He was really nervous, even trembling slightly when he pressed down with his fingers.

At this moment, the people in the box had almost reached boiling point, and without Ouyang Mingchen by his side, everyone was playing more and more.

Tian Feifei didn't participate in it, but just sat there, smiling and watching everyone play the game of truth or dare.

Occasionally someone called her name, and she just waved her hand.

Then I heard my phone ring.

He took it out and saw that it was Ouyang Mingchen's phone call, so he didn't want to pay attention at that moment.

It's just that he is the leader after all, so he pressed the answer button.

Then I heard Ouyang Mingchen's hurried voice coming from the microphone.

"Tian Feifei, come out quickly, I'll wait for you at the door, I suspect something happened to grandma."

Tian Feifei's heart sank suddenly.

He didn't even have time to say hello to the others, and hurriedly ran towards the door.

"Tian Feifei, what happened?"

Linda asked aloud.

"I... I have a family member who has an accident."

It's a real relative. Although she hasn't known Grandma Ouyang for a long time, she really treats her as her own grandma.

She thought that she had gone through life and death, and her heart was already strong, but today she realized that she was not strong at all. When she heard Ouyang Mingchen tell her like that, she even felt that her hands and feet were shaking. It was already icy cold.

"Is there something? Do you want us to send you there?"

All the people over there stopped, and their concerned eyes were all on Tian Feifei.

"It's okay, it's okay, Liu... I can go there by myself."

"Secretary Tian, ​​are you really okay? Or, I'll call the driver."

It was Mitreya Song who said this. He stood up and asked Tian Feifei with his mobile phone.

Liu's benefits are quite good, as long as he has been in a middle-level position for more than five years, he will be assigned a driver.

"Thank you."

Holding her mobile phone, Tian Feifei ran out in a hurry, and then quickly got into Ouyang Mingchen's car.

I didn't dare to speak anymore, and even my lips were trembling.

However, Ouyang Mingchen didn't even speak. Tian Feifei endured it for a long time, finally took a deep breath, and asked, "Is grandma okay?"

God knows, when she asked this sentence, her heart was already in her throat, she didn't even dare to breathe, and her eyes locked Ouyang Mingchen's face tightly.

Ouyang Mingchen did not speak, but kept his eyes on the front of the car.

To be honest, at this moment, his heart is more anxious than Tian Feifei, and he can't wait to go back to the old house all at once.

Seeing that Ouyang Mingchen didn't answer, Tian Feifei felt even more anxious.

Obviously the car was already driving very fast, but Ouyang Mingchen kept urging him.

Finally arrived at the old house, unexpectedly the old house was still brightly lit at this time.

Ouyang Mingchen rushed in hastily.

The huge living room was empty.


He shouted loudly, and Lao Wang came out.


"What happened to grandma?"

Ouyang Mingchen grabbed Pharaoh's hand at once.

"Stinky boy, are you finally willing to come?"

Grandma's voice came from inside.

It's okay, it's okay, there's nothing unusual about the sound.

Ouyang Mingchen pushed Lao Wang away, and then walked in with great strides.

He was really impatient, and didn't see Lao Wang's hesitation to speak.

Grandma was sitting on the bed, and she saw plaster cast on her leg at a glance.

"Grandma, what's the matter?"

Ouyang Mingchen only felt a sudden suffocation in his chest, and he asked in a trembling voice.

Grandma Ouyang just smiled faintly, and looked up at Tian Feifei behind her.

"Girl, are you finally willing to come?"

Tian Feifei's eyes were already red. She walked to the bed and looked at Grandma Ouyang.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I just fell down. You also know that older people are particularly afraid of loneliness, so grandma called the brat, girl, you won't be angry, right?"

"No, no, it's my fault, I didn't come to see you. What's wrong with you?"

"It's broken, it's a small thing, don't worry."

Grandma Ouyang looked at Tian Feifei lovingly, "Did Grandma make a big fuss?"

"No, no, no." Tian Feifei shook her head, "Does it hurt?"

Tears were about to fall, I don't know how grandma survived such a painful time?

Ouyang Mingchen turned his head, saw Lao Wang behind him, and asked sharply, "Why didn't you call me?"

(End of this chapter)

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