Chapter 380

"Maybe he is reluctant to let go?"

Tian Feifei persuaded.

"Is this the relationship between willingness and reluctance? You have to give up no matter what."

Perhaps because she was really troubled by this question, Yang Die gradually became agitated.

"Obviously I have already said that I want to break up. Then the phone calls came one by one. Several times, I didn't answer. He must be very persistent. It's not that he didn't lose his temper, but, he said, he couldn't hear my voice all night. , he won't be able to sleep."

"Shouldn't you be happy? It means that he really can't forget you."

"Is it useful? He has the ability to convince his parents."

Yang Die lay down on the table, blinked her eyes vigorously, but tears still dripped down.

Tian Feifei's heart was slightly sour, she sat down and hugged Yang Die's shoulder.

Yang Die's shoulders twitched, and then she stopped talking, just crying silently.

Who said that this is the most painful and helpless time for a person, because of crying silently like that, all the grievances are still held in the heart, but there is no way to vent it out properly.

While talking, he saw Ouyang Xing walking in.

Tian Feifei was stunned.

"Ouyang Xing, why are you here?"

Hearing Tian Feifei's voice, Yang Die raised her head, and then said "ah", she quickly turned around, took the napkin, and carefully wiped away the tears on her face.

As soon as he turned his head and faced Ouyang Xing, his face had already darkened.

"Ouyang Xing, are you following me again?"

Tian Feifei was a little puzzled, "What tracking?"

"Ask this man."

Yang Die pointed at Ouyang Xing, with annoyance in her words.

"Ouyang Xing, what's the matter?"

Ouyang Xing smiled and walked to Yang Die's side.

"Aren't you afraid that you are in danger? Why didn't you tell me just now where you are."

Ouyang Xing was plausible.

Yang Die didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and turned to look at Tian Feifei.

"Tian Feifei, come and comment. I've already avoided him like this. I don't know what he wants. Do you know what he did? He located my phone."

Tian Feifei also laughed, and looked up at Ouyang Xing, but she didn't expect him to do such a naive thing.

Ouyang Xing didn't care, he sat beside Yang Die, and took out the documents from his bag.

"I'm in a hurry to find you, isn't there something wrong?"

Tian Feifei looked at the two people in front of her and suddenly felt helpless.

In fact, they are just two people who love each other deeply, God is really unfair, why should they be separated?
Suddenly, Ouyang Xing felt a little pitiful.

What is he working so hard for?Even being accused by Yang Die time and time again, she still followed her without complaint or regret.It was simply because he loved her, deeply in love with her.

Perhaps, he was also under the pressure of his family, but he couldn't let go of his feelings for Yang Die.

In fact, why not Yang Die, while talking about hating him, and even saying that she doesn't want to see him, but when she really saw Ouyang Xing, her eyes were full of surprise.

Suddenly, she didn't want to disturb the two people in front of her, so she said, "Yang Die, I'm leaving first."

"Do not."

Unexpectedly, Ouyang Xing jumped up all of a sudden, and then blocked Tian Feifei's way.

Tian Feifei turned her head, Ouyang Xing's movements were too big, someone was already watching here, Tian Feifei was a little embarrassed.

"Ouyang Xing, what are you doing?"

"Tian Feifei, don't go, stay here." Ouyang Xing hesitated, then turned to look at Yang Die, "The family sent someone to follow me."

So that's the case, he wants to cover for him, doesn't he?
Suddenly he felt sad too.

So what if you have more money?More money is still not free.

She even felt that it was right for the two to separate like this. For such a big family, even if Yang Die went in, they would still suffer, wouldn't they?

Thinking of this, Tian Feifei couldn't help but nodded, and then sat down again in her seat.

But after all, he still didn't dare to stay for a long time, and Yang Die left early.

Ouyang Xing did not leave, but left Tian Feifei behind, saying that he wanted to chat with her.

"Ouyang Xing, give up."

Ouyang Xing smiled bitterly, "Tian Feifei, it's easy to say, but hard to do. I told myself that I wanted to forget her, and I even left for a few days, but I found it was useless. As long as I close her Eyes, her beautiful figure dangled in front of my eyes. In the end, I couldn’t even work normally. So, I told myself, even if we can’t be together, it’s good to watch her happy just by my side.”

"Ouyang Xing, since this is the case, why bother her? Isn't it harming her by being so muddled?"

Ouyang Xing lowered his head and didn't speak.

"Ouyang Xing, you are a man, since it is already impossible, then don't do it again."

Ouyang Xing hesitated for a moment, glanced at Tian Feifei, and finally spoke.

"Do you remember the last time I was so drunk that Ouyang Mingchen took me to Yang Die's residence?"

Tian Feifei froze for a moment, then nodded.

"Actually, I wasn't drunk that time."

Sure enough, it turned out that my senses were still sensitive, no wonder I felt that there was no smell of alcohol in the car that day.

"and then?"

Since you want to pretend to be drunk on purpose, there must be some purpose, right?

"Ouyang Mingchen asked me to take the road of saving the country on a curve."

"What do you mean?"

Doubt flashed in Tian Feifei's eyes.

"It's marriage with a son."

Ah, dizzy, Tian Feifei's jaw almost dropped from fright.

It was unexpected that someone like Ouyang Mingchen would come up with such an idea.

"Ouyang Xing, isn't this too risky?"

"Tian Feifei, you have never tasted that unforgettable taste. You will never know how helpless and helpless it is when a pain has penetrated into the bone marrow. Even if I know that the risk is too great, I have to Go try it."

Tian Feifei was stunned, but she didn't expect that a person like Ouyang Xing who usually looks so forthright would say such a thing.

Then, she quickly thought of her feelings for Ouyang Mingchen.

Ouyang Xing, it's not that he doesn't know, it's not that he hasn't tasted it, so he can know that it is an unspeakable pain.

"If, Ouyang Xing, I mean if, it doesn't work."

"Then take her and elope. I have finally fallen in love with a girl I love deeply in my life. How can I give up like this?"

Ouyang Xing suddenly smiled, with a proud look on his face.

At that moment, Tian Feifei suddenly began to envy Yang Die. In fact, she is really happy, isn't she?There is such an excellent man who loves her so desperately.

"But, Ouyang Xing, have you ever thought about it? Yang Die is a very strong girl. If she finds out that she is pregnant, what will she do?"

"So, I ask you for help."

Ouyang Xing raised his head and looked at Tian Feifei with sincerity on his face.

"Tian Feifei, I beg you to take care of Yang Die for me during this time, and help me watch her a little bit. In case of any abnormality in her body, please call me immediately."

"it is good."

Tian Feifei nodded, thought for a while and asked again: "But, Ouyang Xing, have you ever thought about it, Tian Feifei still suffers after entering a family like yours."

"I know. Tian Feifei, I have made some moves recently, so I have to give in. I gave myself a month. If I really want to take Yang Die away, I have to make some preparations, right?"

A light flashed in Tian Feifei's heart, "You mean..."


No one has pointed it out, maybe everyone knows it well.

"Since such a good girl wants to let her follow me, can't I make her suffer a little bit? I have to prepare a hand."

Tian Feifei suddenly had an urge to cry.

Yang Die, being able to find such a man is not a kind of happiness for you. He has already thought out all the escape routes for you, so that you don't have any worries at all.

"Okay, I know, Ouyang Xing, don't worry, I will definitely help you."

"Well, I count the time and it seems that there are not a few days left, Tian Feifei, please pay attention to me."

Ouyang Xing looked at Tian Feifei, his words were earnest and earnest.

"Okay, don't worry."

Then Tian Feifei heard the phone ring.

Unexpectedly, it was Ouyang Mingchen.

Not without doubts, what else can he and she talk about now?What else can he and she say besides hurting each other with cold words?

I really want to not pick up.

Maybe Ouyang Xing saw her doubts, "Tian Feifei, answer it, no matter who is calling, you have to answer the call. After reading the matter between me and Yang Die, I suddenly feel that you are the same as anyone. kind of fate."

He didn't expect Ouyang Xing to say such provocative words to him.

It's just that people don't know until they get in touch with him. He was able to do such a thoughtful thing, and he absolutely never thought of it.

Thinking of this, he pressed the call button.

"Tian Feifei, you are amazing."

Tian Feifei didn't speak. In fact, when she pressed the green button with her finger, she was already thinking about listening to his sarcastic remarks.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

"Grandma wants to see you. Immediately, immediately."

Ouyang Mingchen almost gritted his teeth and said: "Didn't you keep saying that you are good to grandma? Didn't you always say that you are afraid of grandma being lonely? Tian Feifei, where is your person?"

"okay, I get it."

Tian Feifei lowered her head, then pinched off the phone.

Ouyang Mingchen looked at her mobile phone, almost in disbelief, she pinched her phone?She actually cut off her phone?Tian Feifei, don't you want to live?
It's just that when I called again, the other side never answered the phone again.

Ouyang Mingchen was so angry that he threw the phone on the sofa. Because of too much force, the phone bounced and fell on the sofa again.

"Stinky boy, what's the matter? Girl can't come?"

Grandma Ouyang's voice came from behind.

Ouyang Mingchen took a deep breath, concealed the gloom on his face, turned his head slowly, and then looked at grandma.

(End of this chapter)

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