Chapter 399

Tian Feifei smiled and didn't speak.

after?I also want to buy it for Yang Die's children in the future, but I just know when it will be in the future.

Tian Feifei carried countless bags in large and small bags, and originally wanted to go to Yang Die.

Only changed his mind in the end.

Let's not talk about how the relationship between Yang Die and Ouyang Xing has recovered at this time, even if it has been fully recovered, I should not call at this time.

After thinking about it, he took everything back to his residence.

The place has already been determined, and I just wait for myself to go directly after I have done all the things here.

I found the landlord and returned the house.

Thinking that I have lived here for several years, I always have feelings. I look at and look at every thing carefully, touch and touch, and want to hide those things deeply in my mind.

I also know that this time it is impossible to return to such a place, even if I return to City A, I will not be able to live in this place, because at that time, there is already a tail behind me Of course, I can't take it with me to live here anymore.

He took out his phone, swiped across the address book unconsciously, and paused for a while on Chen Shaojun's name, but he still didn't press it.

What else can I do?

There is no need to say it anymore, is there?

Tian Feifei thought and thought, she called Tian Xiaoxiao.

After receiving a call from Tian Feifei, Tian Xiaoxiao was returning from a task.

She was obviously a little stunned, thinking of Tian Feifei's poor attitude towards her at that time, she really didn't want to come out.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, come out, I have something important to tell you."

If she wants to leave here, Tian Xiaoxiao is the most worrying person. She is really afraid that Tian Xiaoxiao will mess around. No matter what, she will always be her younger sister. The blood that connects the two is constantly being cut.

"Do not want to."

What happened at the beginning is still in my heart, reminding myself from time to time, if Tian Feifei didn't refuse to make a move, how could I get to this point.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, this is the last time."

Tian Feifei said softly, her voice was full of fatigue and helplessness.

Tian Xiaoxiao's heart skipped a beat, "Tian Feifei, what do you mean by that?"

Tian Feifei didn't speak, just remained silent.

Neither of them spoke, only taking shallow breaths between each other.

After a long time, Tian Feifei finally spoke.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, come out, I'll be waiting for you in the park in the middle of the street." Then he didn't wait for Tian Xiaoxiao to speak, and hung up the phone.

Ten minutes later, Tian Xiaoxiao finally appeared in Tian Feifei's sight.

The weather has turned cold, so she just wore a lace long sleeve and a purple cape.

Tian Feifei looked Tian Xiaoxiao up and down.

"In such a cold weather, why do you only wear such a little?"

Tian Xiaoxiao frowned slightly, looking at Tian Feifei with impatience in his tone.

"What the hell is it? Didn't you call me here to listen to your long-winded words?"

Tian Feifei sighed deeply, then looked up to the front.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, I'm leaving."

"Gone? Where are you going?"

"I don't know, I may not come back after leaving this time."

Tian Feifei sighed for a long time, then turned to look at Tian Xiaoxiao.

"I just don't worry about you."

"Why are you leaving?"

Tian Xiaoxiao still didn't react from what Tian Feifei said just now.

Yes, even though she once said such unfeeling words to Tian Feifei, sometimes she even thought about not having any contact with Tian Feifei anymore, and pretended that she didn't have this sister.

It's just that it's really just thinking about it. After all, sometimes, I always think of someone who is connected with my blood in this city, and my heart is warm.

However, now Tian Feifei suddenly told herself that she was leaving, is she going to abandon herself?

"Tian Feifei, why did you leave? Tian Feifei, you are irresponsible, do you want to abandon me in this place alone?"

Tian Xiaoxiao's eyes were already filled with anger, and she stared at Tian Feifei viciously.

"So, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

"Farewell? Tian Feifei, you have already decided to leave, is it useful to say goodbye?"

Although he was so angry, a kind of panic rose in his heart, and only then did he realize what he had missed in the past few years.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, do you think I want to leave? If it wasn't for you, would I have used my way to leave this place?"

Tian Feifei's anger also came up. She looked at Tian Xiaoxiao with anger in her eyes.

"You...I...I don't understand what you're talking about?"

Tian Xiaoxiao looked at Tian Feifei timidly, and her tone could not help but weaken.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, you're not stupid. If it wasn't for your affairs, would I be unable to stand?"

Tian Feifei looked closely at Tian Xiaoxiao.

If before, she could still spend a few days hiding in XZ, and then continue to come back, but now her body is different, she already has a baby in her stomach.

" do I know?"

Tian Feifei turned her head away, in fact, the matter has reached such a point, what's the use of criticizing Tian Xiaoxiao anymore?
"Those people came to look for me again, Tian Xiaoxiao, there is nothing I can do."

"Can't you find Ouyang Mingchen?"

Although Tian Xiaoxiao's voice was soft, it still reached Tian Feifei's ears.

Tian Feifei's face changed slightly, she really wanted to yell, but she still took a deep breath to adjust her emotions.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, did you make a mistake? Ouyang Mingchen is nothing to me at all."

"how could be?"

Tian Xiaoxiao opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and looked at Tian Feifei, "Isn't he your boyfriend? With so much money, what is a mere 100 million to him?"

Tian Feifei couldn't laugh or cry, she looked at Tian Xiaoxiao helplessly.

Sometimes when I think about it, Tian Xiaoxiao is really ignorant and doesn't understand some ways of the world, so he makes mistakes again and again.

"Tian Xiaoxiao, do you know how I got the 100 million last two times?"

Anyway, I also plan to leave here, there is no need to hide it anymore.

"Didn't you ask him for it?"

Tian Feifei looked at Tian Xiaoxiao helplessly, and sometimes found that Tian Xiaoxiao was really naive.

"Yes, but something is exchanged."

"Things? Tian Feifei, you have such a precious thing on your body, why didn't I know? Tian Feifei, did your parents give us a family heirloom, but you didn't give it to me? You took it for yourself?"

Tian Xiaoxiao's complexion changed, and he stared at Tian Feifei fiercely, as if he wanted to eat her.

Tian Feifei glanced at Tian Xiaoxiao helplessly.

She is such a naive, even shallow person, what else can I expect from her?
"Tian Xiaoxiao, if I were such a person, then I would never take that thing out, and I would just keep holding it and secretly use it up, never caring about your life or death. In fact, the thing I want to exchange you also have."

"What is it?"

"Self-respect, dignity, please humiliate him in front of Ouyang Mingchen."

Tian Feifei smiled bitterly, then looked at Tian Xiaoxiao.

Tian Xiaoxiao was obviously frightened, she took a few steps back, and then looked at Tian Feifei with her mouth wide open.

"You use your body to exchange?"

Tian Feifei lowered her head, but did not speak.

"Tian Feifei, you are talking, aren't you?"

"Maybe it's worse than that."

Tian Feifei finally turned her head and looked at Tian Xiaoxiao.

"In his eyes, I am just an item of exchange. I use my body to please him. He tramples on my dignity, and then I get 100 million yuan. Tian Xiaoxiao, do you know now? Now Do you know that such money is hard to come by?"

"But, but, aren't you in love? I heard him talking to you in such a gentle tone. "

Tian Xiaoxiao was frightened, she looked at Tian Feifei and stammered.

She really couldn't imagine how Tian Feifei would agree to do such a thing.

Over the years, Tian Feifei has frequently changed jobs, one of the reasons is that she is constantly harassed and harassed.

Naturally, there are also those with very superior family conditions.

It's just that Tian Feifei refused. She told herself more than once that if she had to rely on her beauty in exchange for such a life, then she would never want it.

However, I really didn't expect that Tian Feifei earned such money in such a way, and I still scolded her fiercely in my heart over and over again, scolding her for refusing to think of a way for me, scolding her She is such a selfish person.

Thinking of this, Tian Xiaoxiao couldn't help but blush.

"is it?"

Tian Feifei just said lightly, but did not answer Tian Xiaoxiao's question.

"Tian Feifei..."

"In this world, except for those who really love you, no one will treat you well. After all, they don't owe you anything."

"Tian Feifei... I really didn't know it would turn out like this."

Tian Xiaoxiao explained, not knowing how he felt.

She always thought that for Tian Feifei, the money must be very easy, but she never thought that there were tears behind it, and even Tian Feifei's blood.

"It's okay, it's over, everything is over."

Tian Feifei smiled lightly, obviously not wanting to talk about this topic anymore.

"Tian Feifei..."

Tian Xiaoxiao opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to continue. If he had known that the money was so hard-won, would he have spent it so recklessly.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the reason why I have no scruples is that I have Tian Feifei behind me, and she is backing me.

"I'm already planning to leave. Tian Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I don't know what to do with you. I don't know that I shouldn't be like this. I should stay and accompany you through such a difficult time."

"No, no, no."

(End of this chapter)

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