Chapter 407

If my guess is correct, after Tian Xiaoxiao's car was sold, the money should have been given to Tian Feifei. She has money in her hands. Should I force Tian Feifei to be desperate now, and let her come to find me? ?

Linda froze for a moment, she didn't understand what President Ouyang meant, she wanted to give Tian Feifei money in a while, and in a while she wanted to freeze her account.

"Do as I say, as soon as possible."

The door was gently closed, and the room was silent.

Tian Feifei, tell me, is it right for me to do this, and will it make you hate me more?But, I have no other way, the only way to make you appear, isn't it?
After thinking about it, he took out his phone.

In fact, he rarely dialed that number, but when he pressed the number one by one, he found that he knew it by heart.

Yang Die said that Tian Feifei's cell phone was turned off, but she still wanted to try again.

Sure enough, it was such a familiar voice: "Sorry, the user you dialed has shut down."

Tian Feifei, you should not deactivate this number, otherwise how will Tian Xiaoxiao contact you in the future?

Although you are off now, but one day you will be on, right?

So Ouyang Mingchen sent a message to Tian Feifei.

"I froze your account, whether you hate me or not, just want you to show up."

Tian Feifei, I hope you can see this message as soon as possible, as soon as possible, I don't know how long I can last like this, I'm really afraid that I won't be able to hold on.

In the following time, Ouyang Mingchen devoted himself to work.

He asked Linda to sort out several recent relatively large tasks, and held a high-level meeting to appoint personnel respectively. He knew that he would be busy for a long time in the future.

After everything was arranged, it was already afternoon.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't even bother to eat, so he called the hospital and said that grandma had no problems the whole day, except that she was not in a high mood.

Ouyang Mingchen naturally knew the reason, no one could talk with grandma, because the person named Tian Feifei had disappeared.

He called the friend who entrusted him again, but told him that there was still no news.

Ouyang Mingchen was anxious, he was really afraid that everything would be as his friend said.

He knows that his friends are powerful, and there is nothing he can't solve. Under normal circumstances, he must have completed the tasks assigned to him within 24 hours.

However, now he told himself time and time again that he had no clue.

What does that mean?
Ouyang Mingchen had never been so restless, he didn't even dare to think about it anymore, he could only let himself do something at this moment, otherwise he would really be unable to hold back his wild thoughts.

He got up and went out. As soon as he opened the door, he saw three beautiful female secretaries in the secretary's room looking out.

"Ahhhhhhh, so romantic, if a man treats me like this, I'd be willing to die."

"Come on, come on, sisters, let me go, I want to take a picture of such a beautiful picture, and show it to our wooden fish lump at home."

It was Li Qing's voice. She had a new boyfriend. She kept saying that he was a wooden fish bump. She didn't understand the style at all. She kept saying how she could fall in love with such a man.

Ouyang Mingchen walked over slowly, but those three people didn't realize it.

"What happened outside?"

He poked his head out.

Opposite Liu's is a commercial building. At this moment, on the scrolling electronic screen of the commercial building are a few huge words: Wanyao, please marry me.

This is not enough, there are a few people in front of the commercial building who are holding balloons in the shape of a heart, each balloon has a word on it, Ouyang Mingchen squinted his eyes, and saw the words clearly: Wanyao, I love you.

It was the busiest time on the street at this moment, and there were already many people standing beside it.

In fact, standing on the 52nd floor and looking down, those people can no longer see clearly, but the excitement and envy of the young girls can be imagined.

There seems to be the aroma of roses in the air, I don't know if they are sending roses.


The three of them panicked and ran back to their places in a hurry.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't seem to hear it, he just looked at everything in front of him thoughtfully.

The three secretaries behind him were terrified. They had never seen President Ouyang in such a trance. Could it be that he was brewing anger?

Then I saw Ouyang Mingchen turn around a few steps and walk in front of Linda.

Linda shrank her neck in fright, my God, is she the first to do this kind of thing?

"Liu... President..." He said in a trembling voice, not knowing what kind of storm he was going to face next.

"Come into my office, I want you to do something for me."

Well?Wasn't angry?

A heart just let it go, and then nodded hurriedly.

"Yes, President Ouyang."

When he walked into the office, Ouyang Mingchen had already sat on the chair.

"Please go and publish a paragraph in the newspapers of the major cities."

Ouyang Mingchen took a piece of paper while talking, and then wrote down.

One minute later, Ouyang Mingchen handed the paper to Linda. Linda glanced at it and gasped.

Tian Feifei, whether you hate me or not, please show up immediately, grandma is seriously ill, she needs you.

My God, Tian Feifei's disappearance has something to do with President Ouyang?
And judging from this note, the relationship is pretty big, isn't it?
And the words written by President Ouyang are so touching. She always thought that President Ouyang was rational, but today she found out that President Ouyang is actually so emotional.

Ouyang Mingchen thought for a while, took the note again, and when he put it in Linda's hand, the words had become: Tian Feifei, whether you hate me or not, please show up right away, grandma Seriously ill, we all need you.

Woooooo, Tian Feifei, you are so happy, will you be moved to cry when you see such a passage?

"Linda, you know what to do. I'll see this in those papers tomorrow morning. As for the local ones, there's no need for it."

It is absolutely impossible for Tian Feifei to be in the local area. He even wondered if she would read newspapers, but now a dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, right?

Two days later, in a small city in the south, a woman with long black hair was withdrawing money at the counter of a bank.

"Sorry, miss, this card has been frozen."

Tian Feifei had black lines all over her head. At first she thought it was because of the bank. After changing three banks and getting the same answer, she realized that there was really a problem with her card.

freeze?Why is it frozen?Could it be because of Tian Xiaoxiao?
Seems impossible doesn't it?

After thinking about it, he took out another card from his bag.

"Miss, please swipe this card."

As he spoke, he handed the card in.

Just 2 minutes later, I heard that beautiful female voice again.

"Miss, this card is also frozen."

What's going on here?
Tian Feifei shook her head while walking outside.

I once heard Yang Die talk about this place, saying that she heard from her colleagues that it is so beautiful.

At that time, I didn't take it to heart.

When I wanted to leave City A this time, I immediately thought of this place.

Afraid of making the same mistake as Yang Die, she bought herself a wig, and chose very old-fashioned clothes. Anyway, when she looked at herself in the mirror, she even felt a big change.

I changed cars a few times in the middle, including passenger cars and trains.

So when we got here, it was already two days later.

When I came out, I brought a little cash with me, but I wanted to rent a house, and I was already interested in it, so I needed money. However, I never thought that the card would be frozen.

Fortunately, I still have a list of 10 yuan in my hand. After thinking about it, I quickly folded.

Hoping that the money hadn't been frozen, she sent the slip through the window.

"Is this one usable?"

I'm really worried, if this one doesn't work, how bad would it be?
"Well, this one is fine."

Finally seeing the sweet smile of the bank staff, Tian Feifei's high hanging heart also let go.

However, it is impossible for me to put the 10 yuan in my bag, how unsafe would that be?

"Are you going to take out all the money?"

"Can you not take them all out?"

I have never encountered such a thing before, so I don't know what to do.

"But, if you don't want to take it out, I'll make another list for the remaining money."

"Okay, let's make another list."

After thinking about it, I took 2 yuan, and let the staff make another list for the rest.

When I went out again, my mood became more comfortable, thinking that this place is unfamiliar, the first thing I need is a map, so I went straight to the newsstand.

Tian Feifei just saw the words of Ouyang Mingchen, with such eye-catching fonts and such eye-catching positions, it was difficult for herself not to see them.

Hardly believing what she was seeing, she took a deep breath, reached out, and removed the newspaper.

Tian Feifei, whether you hate me or not, please show up immediately, grandma is seriously ill, we need you.

Tian Feifei read it word by word, and then found that her voice gradually choked up.

Ouyang Mingchen, do you need me, or grandma needs me?

Ouyang Mingchen, I have been insulted by you again and again, with your simple words, do I go back to City A?

Ouyang Mingchen, impossible, impossible.

"Which person do you think wrote such a passage?"

"That's right, it's so touching, and it takes up such a large space to write such a sentence."

At some point, there were two girls standing beside them, whispering to each other.

"It must be a rich man. I heard from my cousin that she also saw such a sentence in their local newspaper today."

"Hey, I knew why I had to do it today."

(End of this chapter)

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