Chapter 453

Tian Feifei wanted to say such a sentence on purpose, and she saw Yang Die's face darkened slightly, and then she smiled.

"Okay, you wait. It's just that Ouyang Xing is very busy today. He called in the morning and said he didn't know when he would be back. If you want to wait, then continue to wait."

Yang Die looked at Tian Feifei and smiled.

Talking unintentionally, but listening intentionally.

Although Tian Feifei knows that Yang Die's remarks are fabricated, she can't be wrong about the time of the call, can she?
That is to say, Ouyang Xing called Yang Die at that time, right?

How busy is he?
You must know that the child in Yang Die's stomach belongs to his Ouyang family after all, right?

Even though she said this, Tian Feifei remained calm.

"Okay, then I can't wait."

She turned to face Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tomorrow morning, I'm hungry, I'm really starving to death."

Ouyang Mingchen stretched out his hand and touched Tian Feifei's stomach.

"After eating so much at noon, you're actually hungry?"

There was disbelief on his face, "Could it be that I raised a pig?"

"Ouyang Mingchen."

Tian Feifei's pretty face immediately flushed, "You are the pig."

"Okay, I am a pig, I am a male pig, you are a female pig, and we are all pigs."

Ouyang Mingchen stretched out his hand, hugged Tian Feifei to his knee, and softly coaxed her.

He didn't have any scruples about having Yang Die beside him, anyway, people like him would never be scruples about anyone's eyes.

Tian Feifei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and turned to look at Yang Die.

"Yang Die, this man has a problem speaking."

The three of them teased each other like this, Tian Feifei didn't mention anything about Ouyang Xing.

When night falls.The aunt who cooked for Yang Die brought the food first, and then the side dishes ordered by Ouyang Mingchen also arrived. Although there were only three people eating, there were plenty of side dishes, not to mention that Tian Feifei was also a master at adjusting the atmosphere, so there was nothing wrong with it matter.

After dinner, it was already very late, and Ouyang Xing still didn't show up.

Tian Feifei was extremely anxious, she hinted that Ouyang Mingchen would call Ouyang Xing.

Ouyang Mingchen went out for a while with an excuse, and just as he reached the entrance of the corridor, he saw Ouyang Xing hurriedly striding over.

Ouyang Mingchen grabbed Ouyang Xing's arm and pulled him to a place where no one was around.

"What happened to you?"

Ouyang Xing didn't prevent Ouyang Mingchen from being there, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately burst into smiles.

"Brother, it's okay. I have recently accepted a few contracts, so I am a little busy."

"Ouyang Xing, you'd better not lie to me."

Ouyang Mingchen almost gritted his teeth at Ouyang Xing.

Yang Die was just depressed for a while, and Tian Feifei was almost crying in front of her. If something happened to Ouyang Xing, Tian Feifei would be the first to be sad.

"Brother, even if you lend me ten guts, I won't dare to lie."

Ouyang Xing complained to Ouyang Mingchen.

"Ouyang Xing, you'd better remember what you said today."

After Ouyang Mingchen finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Yang Die's ward, pushed open the door of the ward, and waved to Tian Feifei.

"Tian Feifei, your mission has been completed. If you still have more to say, come back tomorrow. It's late today, so we won't bother them."

The little woman must have been tired after sitting here for half an afternoon.

Seeing Ouyang Xing, Tian Feifei opened her mouth, but said nothing after all, then walked to Ouyang Mingchen's side and grabbed his arm.

"Come on, let's go, we won't be making light bulbs."

But as soon as she walked out the door of the hospital, her little face collapsed.

"Ouyang Mingchen."

Her little hand reached into his big one, and his big hand wrapped around hers all at once.


He turned his head and looked at her, then picked up the hat of her dress and put it on properly.

"It's still cold outside, take it off after you get in the car."

Tian Feifei didn't know if she was listening to Ouyang Mingchen, but she just raised her face and looked at him.

"Ouyang Mingchen, I always feel that the two of them are wrong, and I always feel that something will happen."

Ouyang Mingchen scratched Tian Feifei's nose lightly with his fingers.

"Don't worry, you're not kids anymore, if something really happens, both of you will handle it well."

Then he hugged her and walked to the parking lot.

I don't want to see her suffer, see her unhappy, but I don't know how to comfort her.

Although it was only a few days before the two reconciled, he felt more and more that Tian Feifei had gradually given her heart to him. This is a good sign, isn't it?He hoped that he could be her reliance, and that she would think of him in whatever happened to her.He likes this feeling, this feeling is really good.

Along the way, Tian Feifei didn't say much, just looked out the window quietly.

Ouyang Mingchen knew that she was in a low mood at the moment, so she didn't say anything.

Maybe there are some problems, she needs to learn to think for herself, maybe she has walked into an alley and needs to find a way out by herself.

After returning home, Tian Feifei's mood became a little more normal, but as soon as she walked into the restaurant, she yelled that she was starving to death.

Ouyang Mingchen looked at her and smiled. In fact, it's not too late. It's only been two hours since I finished dinner, and I watched her eat a lot of dinner, so how could I feel hungry.

But he didn't say anything, just walked into the kitchen.

Tian Feifei also followed in, looking at Ouyang Mingchen's refrigerator, and soon, he took some vegetables, an egg, and some noodles.

Ten minutes later, a bowl of fragrant noodles was brought to Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei never knew that the life of two people was so interesting.

Every morning, I followed Ouyang Mingchen to work, and then walked around the office.

Actually, there is nothing to do, what is Ouyang Mingchen willing to ask her to do?I really can't wait to put all the food into her mouth.

Several times, she was sitting on the sofa in his office, flipping through newspapers or magazines, and every time she looked up, she could always see Ouyang Mingchen's eyes looking at her with undisguised enthusiasm.

After such a long time, Tian Feifei was still shy, her face flushed quickly, and then she turned her head.

Whenever this happens, Ouyang Mingchen will get up, squeeze beside her, and always give her a hand.

"Ouyang Mingchen, you are really annoying."

Every time she dodged for no reason, Tian Feifei got up and slipped outside.

She is already familiar with the whole building. In Liu's, she is still relatively young, not to mention her sweet mouth, so everyone likes her, and everyone will pull her to chat with her for a while.

Ouyang Mingchen doesn't rush her either, he likes to see her push the door in at noon every day, and then call to him: "Mingchen, I heard something funny today, do you want to listen?"

I don't know if it's because her sense of humor is particularly low. The things she said are not particularly funny, but Ouyang Mingchen always laughs in conjunction with her, and then huddles with her to eat.

Waiting for the meal to be finished, the two of them will pass the time.

For a while, Tian Feifei was obsessed with "Entertainment Weekly". The girl named Yang Ni was really amazing, and the movie she acted in was very popular. TV series.

Several times, Tian Feifei pointed to Yang Ni's photo and asked Ouyang Mingchen if she looked like herself.

Ouyang Mingchen just glanced lightly every time, and then only said one sentence, how can she compare with you?

"Is she bad?"

Tian Feifei didn't tell Ouyang Mingchen about what happened in Jues that day, and she didn't think it was necessary to say anything.

Maybe that thing is really going to rot in my stomach.

However, every time Tian Feifei asked like that, Ouyang Mingchen stopped answering.

"Ouyang Mingchen, Ouyang Mingchen, do you feel like seeing your wife?"

Tian Feifei naturally didn't give up, and would always post it like that.

Ouyang Mingchen turned his head and looked deeply at Tian Feifei, then suddenly lowered his head and gave Tian Feifei a lingering kiss.

Tian Feifei even felt that her brain was short of oxygen for a moment, and when Ouyang Mingchen let her go, she had already forgotten the question she asked.

Recently, Tian Feifei has become obsessed with counting 24 o'clock, and I don't know where she heard it from. It is said that 24 o'clock is counted when she is pregnant, which is especially good for the baby in her stomach, so she pulls Ouyang Ming every day morning.

It's just that after a few times, she lost any interest.

That man, seeing that his mind was clearly not in this place, he already knew the answer with just a glance of his eyes.

So, in the end, Tian Feifei no longer competed with him, but just chanted while holding the cards.

Tian Feifei's work and rest time is quite fixed, often after half an hour, Ouyang Mingchen will drive her into the room inside to sleep.

That is to say, at three o'clock, she will go to Yang Die.

Yang Die has been discharged from the hospital, but because of the doctor's order, she still cannot get out of bed and must spend three months safely.

Then she will wait at Yang Die's house until Ouyang Mingchen comes to pick her up when he gets off work.

During this time, Ouyang Mingchen has already turned down all the entertainment.

It's unavoidable, so take her along.

Everyone in City A knows that President Liu loves his wife very much.People at the same table eat together, he hardly eats much himself, and all his thoughts are on his wife.

Tian Feifei participated in several such gatherings, and then stopped participating.

Because all people are restrained.

As soon as Ouyang Mingchen entered, he explicitly prohibited others from smoking, saying that his wife was not allowed to smoke second-hand smoke.

He also said that pornographic jokes should not be told, otherwise the child in his wife's womb would be spoiled.

As for other things, there are many things that are not allowed and that are not allowed.

He didn't mention Tian Feifei, he said it was his wife.

Every time Tian Feifei heard such words, she felt warm in her heart.

It's just that those people are as cautious as they say, Ouyang Mingchen's voice persuading Tian Feifei is the only one in the whole box.

"Don't you really like this dish? Why don't you eat it?"

(End of this chapter)

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