Chapter 458

"Okay, it's alright."

A heart is really let go.

In fact, he didn't sleep well all night. Although he knew she would not have a high fever, just in case, he had even told the doctor that if Tian Feifei really had a high fever, no matter what time it was, he would ignore it and call past.

"Well, you didn't go to work yesterday, you can go today."

Tian Feifei pushed Ouyang Mingchen.

For a busy person like him, resting at home for a day is already a luxury.

Ouyang Mingchen thought about it, and there are indeed many things in the company today.

"Okay, then don't go any more, stay at home, and don't go to see Yang Die, okay?"


Even though he said that, when he was about to go to work, Ouyang Mingchen was still worried. He ordered and ordered Tian Feifei, and was tired of waiting for Tian Feifei, so he finally got up and left.

The room suddenly fell silent, except for the sound of my own breathing, there was no other sound.

Tian Feifei was suddenly afraid of such silence.

What happened to yourself?
Before I met Ouyang Mingchen, I often lived this kind of life. In the long night, besides the sound of my breathing, it was still the sound of breathing. However, at that time, I didn't feel anything at all, and even felt that the feeling was quite Okay, you can think about anything quietly by yourself.

However, now, I suddenly feel that I am really boring alone.

Because she couldn't watch TV, and couldn't play with computers and mobile phones, Ouyang Mingchen put a stack of books by her bedside before leaving. There were all kinds of books.

I was afraid that she would be bored, so I even put a deck of cards next to her, saying that she likes to count 24 points?When you are bored, you can count 24 points by yourself.

Tian Feifei smiled, but her heart was warm. Ouyang Mingchen was really thoughtful, wasn't he?
Thinking of this, he took the books at hand.

Ouyang Mingchen really knows her, several of them are magazines.

Tian Feifei took a book over, and the first page she opened was Yang Ni.

She has matured a lot, wearing a pair of sunglasses. Her appearance reminded Tian Feifei of Yang Ni who she met at the gate of Baixin Building that day.

She didn't seem to have any make-up on that day, her face was plain, but she was still pretty.

Tian Feifei looked down while thinking.

It is rumored that Yang Ni has a relatively close friend of the opposite sex, although she categorically denies that that is her boyfriend, but many people have seen Yang Ni with that man.

It is said that the man is the president of a certain company in City A. He is young and handsome, very attractive to girls, and he is caring and considerate. He visited the set several times when Yang Ni was making movies.

Tian Feifei continued to look down, and then saw a photo, which was not very clear. Tian Feifei only saw two blurred backs. I don't know if it was processed by technology, or it was just so blurry.

Tian Feifei frowned slightly, always feeling that the man's back looked very familiar.

It's strange, I haven't seen many men, how can I feel like this?
The cell phone next to the pillow vibrated suddenly, Tian Feifei turned her head, and saw an unfamiliar number beating on it.

Strange, who is looking for yourself?
While thinking, he still pressed the answer button, and then heard a soft voice from inside.

"Hello, is this Miss Tian Feifei?"

That voice turned out to be somewhat familiar to me, and it probably wasn't the first time I heard it, but I couldn't remember it.

Could it be someone who advertised?

Even though he was thinking this way, his mouth responded immediately.

"Yes, who are you?"

There was a slight hesitation over there.

Tian Feifei was suspicious, "Who the hell are you?"

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, I'm Yang Ni."


Tian Feifei cried out, the world is really strange, I was reading a report about her, but I received a call from her.

Maybe because she felt that her reaction was too strong, Tian Feifei smiled quickly.

"Yang Ni, it's you, can I ask you anything?"

She and Yang Ni should have nothing to say, right?It's just why she wanted to find herself?
"Hello, there is one thing I want to ask you for help, I wonder if you are free?"

The voice over there was still low, even timid. Tian Feifei suddenly remembered the scene she had seen in Jue Se, and suddenly knew in her heart that Yang Ni was looking for her for something.

"I think you've got the wrong guy?"

Tian Feifei's voice became cold.

"I'm sorry, I'm really at a loss. I don't know who to go to, and this matter is really only you."

The one over there was so anxious that he was about to cry.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but can I beg you, please see me?"

Tian Feifei sighed deeply. She is the most soft-hearted person in the world, and she hates others' sadness the most.

"Is it useful for you to find me?"

"Yes, I can only ask you for help in this matter. Although I know it's a bit presumptuous to ask you suddenly, but I really have nothing to do."

Yang Ni was really crying, and the sobs she tried to suppress were sent through the microphone.

"Alright alright."

It's really sad to see people sad.

"Thank you, thank you."

There was a burst of tears and laughter immediately, which even made Tian Feifei feel cheated.

It's just that since you have already promised others, you can no longer refuse, right?

Ten minutes later, Tian Feifei was already sitting in the Starbucks on the second ring road.

She came out secretly without telling Ouyang Mingchen, and when she was about to leave the house, she just received a call from Ouyang Mingchen, asking her what she was doing.

While changing shoes, Tian Feifei acted like a baby to that side.

"My health is much better. I am reading the book you put on my bedside. Husband, do you know that you are the person who cares about me the most in this world, the person who is the most considerate of me. Well, people know , drink more water, definitely, I will definitely do it.”

The housekeeper who was holding the bag for Tian Feifei couldn't help turning his head when he heard these words.

Tian Feifei hung up the phone and smiled too.

"I have no choice but to meet a friend. If Ouyang Mingchen finds out, he will read him to death later."

"However, I don't feel at ease if you go out like this. I'll find someone to go with you."

After Tian Feifei became pregnant, there were several new faces in the house.

If Ouyang Mingchen didn't say anything, Tian Feifei didn't ask. She believed that Ouyang Mingchen had his own plans for everything he did.

"No need."

"That way we can rest assured."

While speaking, the housekeeper pressed the intercom, saying that he wanted Xiao Lin to come out.

Soon, a tall and strong boy came out.

Tian Feifei glanced at the boy, a little embarrassed.

"Sorry to trouble you."

He was really a very innocent young man. Hearing Tian Feifei's words, his face flushed immediately.

"Xiao Lin, send your wife there and keep a little distance from her, but you must be responsible for her safety. You know the young master's temper. If your wife makes any mistakes, then you also know that the consequences will be very serious."

So, when Tian Feifei sat down, the boy named Xiao Lin sat at a table away from Tian Feifei.

Unexpectedly, the boss came to clear the place, but when facing Tian Feifei respectfully asked her to stay, saying that Ms. Yang would come over soon.

Tian Feifei smiled, it really is different after becoming a celebrity.

She nodded to Xiao Lin, Xiao Lin got up immediately, and then walked outside.

Tian Feifei kept looking at Kobayashi. He didn't go far, but went to the nearby newsstand to buy a magazine, and then returned to the square opposite Starbucks, looking right at the table of Ueda Feifei.

After a while, Yang Ni appeared in front of Tian Feifei.

This is the first time Tian Feifei has had such close contact with this girl.

Her black hair is smooth, her eyes are black and shiny, and the skin on her face is delicate and smooth.


Yang Ni bowed politely as soon as she saw Tian Feifei, which surprised Tian Feifei a bit.

It was only after thinking about it that I understood.

Yang Ni is from the Liu family, and Liu's big boss is Ouyang Mingchen, so she, Yang Ni, naturally has to be respectful to herself.

"Is something wrong?"

Tian Feifei always likes to be straight to the point when talking with others, so she asked directly.

Yang Ni didn't expect Tian Feifei to be so direct, but she was taken aback.

"Miss Tian, ​​I want to ask you for help because of something. I know it's too abrupt, but there is really no way."

Yang Ni's big black eyes looked at Tian Feifei without blinking, begging in her eyes.

"Please say."

What's the big deal?Yang Ni can be said to be a star in the sky now, but she is willing to let go of that figure and beg to herself.

Yang Ni looked around nervously, because the venue had already been cleared, and there were probably people brought by Yang Ni beside her, not to mention that no one would know that Yang Ni would appear in this place, and no one around noticed Yang Ni. Ni and Tian Feifei.

Yang Ni suddenly reached out and grabbed Tian Feifei's hand.

Her action was so sudden that Tian Feifei was really shocked.

"You, what are you going to do?"

While hastily turning his head to look at Xiao Lin outside, Xiao Lin was obviously shocked, he had already got up, and hurriedly walked towards here.

Tian Feifei quickly shook her head at him, signaling him to stay calm.

"Miss Tian, ​​only you can help me with this matter."

Yang Ni hurriedly grabbed Tian Feifei's hand, tears rolled down her smooth face, she lowered her head and sobbed softly, with unconcealable sadness in her eyes.

Tian Feifei couldn't bear to see him cry the most. Although she had nothing to do with Yang Ni, after all she had promised him to come out, so she sighed deeply.

"You've got to tell me what's going on, aren't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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