Chapter 462

Tian Feifei didn't understand what happened, she walked to Ouyang Mingchen's side, leaned against his person, and looked up at him.

Ouyang Mingchen spoke English very fast. Afterwards, Tian Feifei only heard "OK, OK." But the expression on her face remained unchanged.

It took a long time to answer the call, Ouyang Mingchen communicated with the person on the other end, while pulling Tian Feifei into the car.

I didn't ask the driver to start the car, but just kept communicating with them.

Tian Feifei was so bored that she kept drawing patterns on the glass window with her fingers.

Ouyang Mingchen finally put down his phone, rubbed his brows, and sighed.

This kind of Ouyang Mingchen is really rare. I have been by his side for so long, and I have never seen him troubled by anything.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Tian Feifei leaned against Ouyang Mingchen, raised her head, and looked at Ouyang Mingchen.

Ouyang Mingchen held Tian Feifei's hand, thought for a while, and finally spoke.

"Tian Feifei, I'm going abroad for a few days."

"Going abroad?"

Tian Feifei didn't react for a while, and looked up at Ouyang Mingchen in a daze.

"Yes, I went abroad for a few days. There is no way, there is some problem with a project over there, and there has been no way to communicate. You have to go there to find out."

Ouyang Mingchen felt how cruel it was for him to tell such a news at this moment.

Tian Feifei has just recovered from a cold, and she is not in a good mood today, she just wants to be able to spare time to accompany her.

However, not only could he not be with her, but he even wanted to leave her behind.

Thinking of this, I can't help but feel guilty.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault."

The corner of Tian Feifei's mouth twitched slightly, and she showed a smile even uglier than crying to Ouyang Mingchen.

"Ouyang Mingchen, what should I say? I wish you a good journey?"

However, when he said this, his mood fell instantly.

She is used to two people being together, and she really doesn't know how to pass the time without Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tian Feifei, Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen hugged Tian Feifei into his arms and said regretfully.

"Don't do this, if you are not happy to let me go, just say so."

"If I'm not happy to let you go, can you not go?"

Tian Feifei raised her face and looked at Ouyang Mingchen, but there were crystal tears in her eyes.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, just stretched out his long arms, and hugged Tian Feifei tightly, without saying a word.

"Ouyang Mingchen, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be so self-willed, you are so busy with work, and you still have to take my feelings into consideration, it's my fault."

"No, Tian Feifei, no, it's my fault. I know that you can't leave me during this time, but I have no choice but to pass by."

Ouyang Mingchen looked at Tian Feifei with guilt in his eyes.

Tian Feifei shook her head, just kept shaking her head.

Why didn't she know Ouyang Mingchen's embarrassment, so how could she hold Ouyang Mingchen back?
Ouyang Mingchen called Linda and asked her to book the nearest plane ticket.

Soon there was news that there would be time at six o'clock tomorrow morning.

Ouyang Mingchen turned to look at Tian Feifei, and finally said, "Okay."

There is no way to do this, and such a situation will definitely be encountered in the future.

The only difference is that in the future, I can let Tian Feifei go there together, but this time, because of the child in her belly, there is no way to go there together.

After knowing the time, the two of them never spoke a word again.

This is the first time the two have been separated since they reconciled.

And it was such a long time, such a long way.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't say when he would come back, and Tian Feifei didn't even ask.

She had stayed by Ouyang Mingchen's side before, so she naturally knew how difficult it is to manage such a large company.

She can no longer help Ouyang Mingchen, all she can do is send him away with a smile.

Tian Feifei didn't sleep well all night.

I set the alarm clock, but I always feel that there is something on my mind.

At 04:30, Tian Feifei couldn't fall asleep, so she and Ouyang Mingchen chatted nonsense.

At five o'clock, Tian Feifei finally got Ouyang Mingchen up, and then she followed suit.

Ouyang Mingchen, who was getting dressed, paused slightly, and then pressed Tian Feifei down.

"In such cold weather, what do you do when you get up? Lie down quickly, and a driver will take me there."

"Ouyang Mingchen, I can't go there with you, can you let me take you to the airport?"

Tian Feifei begged softly.

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen's face darkened slightly, "You haven't completely recovered from your cold. It's the coldest time to go out at this time. What if you catch a cold again? I'm not at home, everything depends on you, your body It’s absolutely impossible to have any problems.”

"it is good."

It really makes sense for Tian Feifei to think about it. This is not the time for self-willedness, is it?

She just watched Ouyang Mingchen go out of the room, pricked up her ears to listen to the sound of the car fading away, feeling as if her heart had been completely hollowed out.

Before boarding the plane, Tian Feifei received a call from Ouyang Mingchen.

At that moment, Tian Feifei suddenly felt that her eye sockets were moist.

"Tian Feifei, I'm about to get on the plane. You must be careful yourself. If you have anything to tell the housekeeper. The first page of the book next to the bed is the doctor's phone number. If you feel unwell, you can call her Phone number. There are also a few numbers that may be useful for you. In case of emergency, you can find the housekeeper or a person named Wang Jian, and Wang Jian's number is also available."

In fact, Ouyang Mingchen has said this to Tian Feifei more than once, but Tian Feifei still listened carefully when Ouyang Mingchen said it again, and then said: "Oh."

Ouyang Mingchen wanted to say something more, but there were urging voices.

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen wanted to say something more, but in the end he didn't say anything.

All the words became, "Be careful."

Then without waiting for Tian Feifei to say anything else, she hung up the phone.

I am really worried, there is such a long distance between the two of us.

But, so what, the only thing I can do is to quickly end the matter in hand.

Ouyang Mingchen left, and Tian Feifei felt that her soul was also taken away.

It's just that eating, drinking, and sleeping every day must be serious, because that person started the day, it was obviously time to sleep, but he picked up the time to call.

"Tian Feifei, I'm most afraid that you won't eat properly."

Hearing such a sentence, Tian Feifei let out an embarrassing "poof".

"Ouyang Mingchen, what you said made me look like a child."

The person on the other end of the phone also laughed. In fact, in his own eyes, he really regarded Tian Feifei as a child.

"Don't interrupt, you have to eat all the side dishes, do you know that?"

The tone over there was suddenly serious.

"Got it, got it, what time is it over there?"

After Ouyang Mingchen passed, Tian Feifei paid special attention to the time and weather there.

In her impression, this time should be around midnight.

Sure enough, Ouyang Mingchen said, "It's twelve o'clock in the evening."

"Then why don't you go to bed? Why are you still calling me? Go to bed quickly."

Tian Feifei was about to hang up while talking.

"Don't hang up."

Ouyang Mingchen hurriedly said that he didn't dare to tell her that in order to shorten the time and to come back earlier, he even planned to stay up at night.

It's just that after calling this time, Ouyang Mingchen didn't choose to call at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night for fear of being spotted by Tian Feifei.

Tian Feifei has never felt that time is so slow.

But during this time, Yang Die seemed to be soaked in a honey vat. Every time Tian Feifei called, she could hear Yang Die sweetly calling over there: "Ouyang Xing, I'm thirsty, pour me a cup of tea Bar."

Tian Feifei thought of Yang Ni's matter again, and her heart was slightly sour, so she no longer had the desire to talk about it.

In a blink of an eye, it has been three days since Ouyang Mingchen left, these three days are almost like years for Tian Feifei, she really doesn't know how she got here these days.

However, he didn't dare to tell Ouyang Mingchen, for fear that he would be anxious after hearing it over there.

Then finally on the fourth day, Yang Die called and said that Ouyang Xing was on a business trip and asked Tian Feifei to accompany her.

Tian Feifei admitted that she was already allergic to the word business trip.

As soon as I heard Yang Die say this, my heart suddenly "thumped". Could it be that those two people are going to revive again while Ouyang Mingchen is away?Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Thinking of this, but already anxious in his heart, he quickly called the driver and asked him to take him there.

Sure enough, there was only Yang Die alone. After a few days of seeing each other, her face became much ruddy.

"The power of love is really different, it's really great."

Tian Feifei said "tsk tsk", and then kept circling around Yang Die.

"Okay, don't make fun of me anymore. I know that Ouyang Mingchen is not here these days, you must be bored, so I called you here today while Ouyang Xing is not here. However, Tian Feifei, I wonder why Ouyang Xing is here, why don't you want to come over?"

Yang Die looked at Tian Feifei with deep thought in his eyes.

"What's this?"

Tian Feifei smiled, concealing the deep meaning in her eyes, "Ouyang Xing was not around a while ago, and now you two finally got together for a few days, how could I do such a cruel thing, make a big light bulb? It's just , Yang Die, Ouyang Xing is really busy, where is he going this time?"

Tian Feifei looked at Yang Die and pretended to say casually.

"It seems that there is some problem with a project in Linshi, and he has to rush there."


Tian Feifei nodded.

"There is no way, since the president is so busy, just like Ouyang Mingchen, he is also so busy, but will it take several days?"

(End of this chapter)

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