Chapter 476

Of course, I said it to Ouyang Mingchen more than once, but the man who described himself as being bitten by a snake for three years and afraid of well ropes would never let Tian Feifei tie his tie again, just like today.

"Ouyang Mingchen, you don't know, I'm already very powerful now."

Tian Feifei said a little aggrieved.

"Yes, it is already very powerful. I know that my wife is the smartest person in the world."

Ouyang Mingchen started to put a hat on Tian Feifei again.

"So, I'll tie you."

Tian Feifei got up and smiled at Ouyang Mingchen almost obsequiously.

Ouyang Mingchen took a step back in fright, and quickly said: "Thank you, wife, no need, you see I've finished."

After speaking, he turned around quickly.

"Ouyang Mingchen."

Tian Feifei called out, "Let me tell you, if you don't let me do this for you, I'll practice it on someone else. I've been secretly practicing alone for a long time, and I just need someone else."

Having said that, Tian Feifei looked up at Ouyang Mingchen with complacency in her eyes.

Ouyang Mingchen's face changed slightly.

"Tian Feifei, do you know what you were talking about just now?"

Ouyang Mingchen looked at Tian Feifei with narrowed eyes.

Naturally, Tian Feifei knew that kind of look was dangerous, even a warning.

But Tian Feifei was not afraid. She looked at Ouyang Mingchen and giggled, "Ouyang Mingchen, your ears are always very good. You should have heard what you just said. Let me tell you, last time After what happened, I feel very guilty, but you can't blame others, because they are not proficient. So, when I have time these days, I will practice diligently. Let me tell you, Ouyang Tomorrow morning, I have already learned quite proficiently, I feel that I need to find someone else, if you don't want to, I have no choice but to find someone else."

While talking, Tian Feifei shrugged her shoulders towards Ouyang Mingchen, so that she could speak leisurely.

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen was obviously angry, he looked at Tian Feifei, his thin lips were tightly pursed.

Tian Feifei didn't seem to hear the anger in Ouyang Mingchen's words, but just looked at her fingernails as if nothing had happened, um, um, yes, there are more little suns on the nails.

Ouyang Mingchen only felt a little irritated in his heart, obviously the tie was not tight by himself, but somehow, it was really uncomfortable to hold his own neck.

He couldn't help pulling his tie, and then took a few steps towards Tian Feifei.

Then I had to admit that I was hit by what she said just now.

"it is good."

Ouyang Mingchen looked at Tian Feifei and said awkwardly: "Come on, come on."

The big deal is the same as last time, Tian Feifei was so anxious like last time, she almost cried herself.

The corners of Tian Feifei's mouth raised slightly, and then a hint of cunning flashed in her eyes.

I don't know that Ouyang Mingchen always thinks that kind of smile is a bit scary.

Why do I feel like I'm on a pirate ship.

Thinking of this, he tightly covered his tie with his hands, then looked up at Tian Feifei.

"Tian Feifei, have you really learned it?"

"You don't believe it? It's okay. If you don't believe it, then don't let me fight for you. Anyway, I'm not in the mood at the moment. Well, let me think about it. I remember Chen Shaojun told me yesterday that he I'm free."

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen almost gritted his teeth.

He stared at Tian Feifei fiercely, almost reaching out his hands and shaking her a few times.

He naturally knew that what Tian Feifei said just now was just for him to listen to. In fact, if she was really asked to do it, she would definitely not do it, but even if he just listened to these words, he still felt uncomfortable. of.

He took off the tie around his neck and handed it to Tian Feifei.

There is no way, I have been eaten to death by this woman, there is no way, I can only do what she says.

Only then did Tian Feifei smile in satisfaction. She stretched out her green fingers and stroked Ouyang Mingchen's face slowly.

"Morning morning, is this good?"

Ouyang Mingchen shook his head helplessly.

It is undeniable that Tian Feifei's movements are really very proficient. Obviously what she said is not wrong, she has really practiced.

A heart of Ouyang Mingchen finally let go, but what is infinitely tragic is that Tian Feifei pushed the knot violently, and Ouyang Mingchen only felt shortness of breath.It was only for a moment, and then Tian Feifei pulled the tie, and Ouyang Mingchen felt that his breathing was smooth again.

"Tian Feifei, you did it on purpose."

Seeing the smug smile at the corner of her mouth, Ouyang Mingchen threatened viciously.

"Yes, that is."

Tian Feifei smiled.

It's just that the smile is naughty.

Ouyang Mingchen's eyes flashed involuntarily, and then he smiled.

He reached out and stroked Tian Feifei's head with his broad palm.


Then I looked in the mirror.

I have to admit that Tian Feifei's tie is really well tied this time, and it looks generous and beautiful.

Ouyang Mingchen made an OK gesture to Tian Feifei, then turned to face her.

"Today, you will stay at home temporarily. I will go out for a while, and I will be back soon."

"Come back with me?"

There was joy in Tian Feifei's words.

Staying at home alone is really boring.

Ouyang Mingchen's eyes flashed slightly, and then he nodded.

"Okay, you go, I'll wait at home."

Speaking of such a sentence, the corners of Tian Feifei's mouth rose slightly.

at home?Really a nice word, isn't it?
"it is good."

Ouyang Mingchen took a deep look at Tian Feifei, seemed to understand what she was thinking, with smiles on his eyes and brows, then turned and went out.

Probably Ouyang Mingchen went down to order the kitchen, and soon, the kitchen brought breakfast.

In fact, Ouyang Mingchen knew that it was not good for Tian Feifei to lie on the bed for such a long time, but he knew that she liked it.

Since it is something she likes, then let her do it, maybe at some point, she will know that this is wrong, and then don't sleep anymore.

After breakfast, Tian Feifei got out of bed, moved her limbs, and then felt tired for a while, and she also found it funny, so she went to bed again and began to sleep.

This sleep was really comfortable, waiting to be woken up by Ouyang Mingchen.

"Tian Feifei, I slept for too long, get up quickly, there are some things for you to do."

It was still that gentle voice.

"whats the matter?"

Tian Feifei rubbed her sleepy eyes, then turned to look at Ouyang Mingchen.

"Ouyang Mingchen, I'm so sleepy, I still want to sleep."

After speaking, there was another yawn.

"Okay, I see, this matter is very fast, you only need to sign a few names."

Ouyang Mingchen coaxed patiently, and then brought Tian Feifei's coat over.

"Do you feel cold? The air conditioner outside has been turned on, and the temperature is almost the same as here. Well, Mr. Guo is a little busy today, so he specially took the time to come here, so don't keep him waiting."

Hearing lawyer Guo's words, Tian Feifei was so frightened that she dozed off and woke up.

She turned to look at Ouyang Mingchen.

"What happened? Why is a lawyer here?"


As Ouyang Mingchen said, he helped Tian Feifei get dressed.

Recently Ouyang Mingchen seems to like dressing Tian Feifei, and his movements are getting faster and faster. "Do you want to divorce me?"

Tian Feifei turned pale and asked Ouyang Mingchen.

"What's going on in your little head all day long?"

Ouyang Mingchen took Tian Feifei's hand out angrily and amusedly.

The lawyer stood up when he saw the two men coming out.

"Mrs. Liu, hello."

Lawyer Guo stretched out his hand towards Tian Feifei, but before reaching Tian Feifei's face, he was frightened by Ouyang Mingchen's sharp eyes.

He sneered, then withdrew his hand.

"Hello, what's the matter?"

In fact, Tian Feifei is still a little confused, and doesn't understand what she needs a lawyer to come over.

"Is such that."

As the lawyer Guo spoke, he brought over a thick stack of documents on the desk.

"Mrs. Liu, this is all the property of President Ouyang, including movable and immovable properties."

Tian Feifei looked at the documents that were almost a foot high, almost dumbfounded.

She turned to look at Ouyang Mingchen.

"Ouyang Mingchen, what does this mean?"

Ouyang Mingchen smiled, but held Tian Feifei's hand tightly, but didn't say anything.

"Ouyang Mingchen, I'm asking you something."

Tian Feifei couldn't help raising her voice, even her tone was not very pleasant.

She remembered what she said yesterday. At that time, she thought it was a joke, but she didn't expect Ouyang Mingchen to take it seriously.

He said at the time that he would transfer all ten houses to his own name, so it was true?

What the hell is going on these days, is it popular to give away houses?

"Ouyang Mingchen, I'm very tired and don't want to sign."

She didn't want those things, and if they were given to her, she didn't know how to take care of them.

What's more, she was not interested in these things of Ouyang Mingchen.

For her, money has always been a floating cloud.

After saying that, she turned around and planned to leave.

"Tian Feifei."

Ouyang Mingchen grabbed her arm at once.

"Okay, I know you're very tired these days. Soon, the lawyers will be here. Let's talk about something later. Don't waste time, okay?"

"Ouyang Mingchen, you clearly know that I'm not interested in your things."

"I know, my wife, I know. But you should know that I'm a busy person. I'm afraid that when I get busy, I will forget that I have these properties. You girls are more careful, so I ask you to keep them for a while. .”

Ouyang Mingchen whispered in Tian Feifei's ear, and there was a slight pleading in that tone.

Tian Feifei dislikes Ouyang Mingchen talking to herself like this because of her own affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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