Chapter 479

She turned her head to look at Chen Shaojun, and sure enough, she looked at him completely moved.

He turned to look at Tian Feifei.

"Didn't you say that it's not interesting to come and study alone, do you want to find a companion?"

"That's right, isn't it good for you to come here with your wife, sir? I think you are also a successful person, sir, and you usually don't spend much time with your wife. It's not a good time to take advantage of this opportunity to increase emotional exchanges with your wife. "

After hearing such words, Chen Shaojun was obviously very useful.

"No, he's not..."

Tian Feifei wanted to speak up to defend herself, but Chen Shaojun grabbed Tian Feifei's hand.

"Okay, I see, we will definitely come over."

Then he took Tian Feifei's hand and hurried away.

As soon as she reached the door, Tian Feifei shook off Chen Shaojun's hand.

"Chen Shaojun, why don't you let me tell you, you are obviously not my husband."

I don't want to be misunderstood by others.

Some regret getting into Chen Shaojun's car in the morning.

She can be the most ordinary friend with Chen Shaojun, but she doesn't want to be misunderstood by others because of this relationship, even if she doesn't know each other.

"It's just people talking nonsense, why should you listen to those words."

Chen Shaojun smiled lightly, obviously in a good mood, he glanced at his watch, then turned his head to look at Tian Feifei.

"It's just time for lunch. If you don't have a lunch outside, I can send you to the concert."


Tian Feifei shook her head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

If he continues walking like this with Chen Shaojun, has he already exceeded that speed?

"What's the matter? Are you in a bad mood? If you don't like me going to participate in flower arrangement, I don't have to go."

Chen Shaojun turned his head to look at Tian Feifei with a slight sadness in his eyes.

"No, it doesn't matter."

Chen Shaojun, it's your business that you want to take part in flower arrangement, it has nothing to do with me, maybe, I should really consider not going to that class.

"Tian Feifei."

Chen Shaojun looked at Tian Feifei, hesitant to speak.

"Thank you for being with me this morning. I'm going back. You can take me home."

Tian Feifei deliberately accentuated the pronunciation of the word "go home".

Chen Shaojun froze for a moment, his face changed slightly, but he quickly returned to nature.


Even his tone of voice remained normal.

The car became quiet all of a sudden, neither of them spoke. After a long time, Ouyang Mingchen finally spoke.

"Tian Feifei, I'm sorry, I really don't have any other ideas. I don't know if I misunderstood something. If that's the case, I don't have to go to the flower arrangement class. You can go."

Chen Shaojun is not a fool, he has already seen the abnormality in Tian Feifei's face.

"Nothing, nothing."

Tian Feifei smiled reluctantly. In fact, everything was fine at first, but she was stimulated by the sentence Mr. and Mrs.

Is it because I was misunderstood by myself and Chen Shaojun?

"Thank you for being with me this morning. I will transfer the money to your card tomorrow."

"Tian Feifei."

Chen Shaojun frowned slightly, his expression finally changed.

"Do you have to do this? Do you have to keep me away? I have already said that I have no other extravagant thoughts. I just want to be friends with you. Is it okay to treat you to a meal as a friend?" No? As a friend, it’s not okay to invite you to a concert? As a friend, it’s not okay to just accompany you to sign up? Tian Feifei, yes, you are Ouyang Mingchen’s wife now, and you are Liu Ma'am, but that doesn't mean you can only have a man like him in your life. Tian Feifei, my requirements are so low that I don't even have any self-esteem. I just want to be friends with you. It's really not too much Bar."

"I'm sorry, Chen Shaojun."

Tian Feifei lowered her head slightly, then opened the car door, and got out of the car.

Chen Shaojun, we can be friends, but Ouyang Mingchen is not an ordinary person, he is a household name in City A, if I really love him, then everything I do must consider the impact on him with consequences.

So, Chen Shaojun, I can only be sorry to you, between two people, I can only choose to hurt you.

"Tian Feifei."

Chen Shaojun suddenly opened the car door and ran out.

Tian Feifei froze for a moment, then stepped back quickly, and looked up at Chen Shaojun.

Chen Shaojun was stung by the look on Tian Feifei's face.

At that moment, he really wanted to punch the tree trunk beside him with his fist.

Tian Feifei raised her head and looked at him, a trace of panic and fear flashed across her face.

Chen Shaojun suddenly stopped in his tracks.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tian Feifei, although I can't express my love openly like Ouyang Mingchen, I am willing to take out my heart and love you sincerely.

I really love you, I never thought of hurting you in the name of love.

However, those words, actions, and expression you just had today really hurt me too much, hurt my heart.

It turns out that no matter how hard I try, no matter what I do, you will never know how good I am to you.

He breathed deeply, and breathed again.

The fists at the side were clenched tightly, and then relaxed.

"Chen Shaojun, what's wrong?"

Looking at him with such clear eyes again, Chen Shaojun only felt his chest suffocate suddenly, he finally smiled, and took out two concert tickets from his bag.

"It's okay, look at my memory, I came here specially for this matter, but in the end I forgot to give it to you."

He handed over the two tickets.

Who knew Tian Feifei didn't answer, she just looked sideways at Chen Shaojun.

Doubt flashed in Chen Shaojun's eyes.

"What's the matter? It's the band you like very much. They said that all the activities for next year are already booked, so this opportunity is rare."

Tian Feifei lowered her head and stared at the two tickets in Chen Shaojun's hand, but she didn't reach out her hand.

"Chen Shaojun, thank you. It must be very difficult to get me two tickets with all your efforts."

She spoke softly, without even looking up at Chen Shaojun.

Chen Shaojun's complexion slowly changed, even his pupils were shrinking sharply.

Tian Feifei, you will never know, they took these two days with great difficulty, you will never know how hard I am working behind the scenes, just to realize a dream in your heart.

Tian Feifei, you know, in order for them to come over, I called one after another, I found a lot of people, I just don't want you to have any regrets.

Every time I want to give up, there will always be the look on your face when you told me that you want to go to their concert that day, you even said that you will die without regret
But, Tian Feifei, you hurt my heart too much, you really hurt my heart too much.

What am I doing wrong?
I just want you to be happy, I want you to be happy, I don't have any other ideas, but does my behavior hinder you?
"and then?"

Chen Shaojun finally tried to calm himself down, then raised his head and looked at Tian Feifei with his usual expression.

"I have the habit of taking a nap every afternoon. If I don't sleep, I might get sleepy. You also know that concerts are such an elegant place. If you sleep in that place, you will be cast aside by others, right?"

Tian Feifei looked at Chen Shaojun with an innocent look on her face.

Chen Shaojun wanted to sneer, but he only felt a cavity of anger burning.

Tian Feifei, you are so smart, you even refused me so gracefully.

It's just that you already knew that I will ask for the afternoon ticket for you. You knew it yesterday, and it was you who agreed, so I did it.

Now you tell me to sleep in the afternoon.

Tian Feifei, I sent the two tickets here just because you like it, no, it is even obsessed, but now you tell me such an answer, Tian Feifei, are you kidding me.

"and then?"

Chen Shaojun continued to look at Tian Feifei.

In fact, you can avoid continuing this topic and avoid seeing Tian Feifei's embarrassment.

However, at that moment, Chen Shaojun felt a little resentful in his heart.

Tian Feifei, you have already treated me like that, maybe in your mind I am even a worthless person, why should I care about your feelings.

"I'm not going, okay?"

Tian Feifei looked at Chen Shaojun, almost begging softly.

If it was before, Chen Shaojun would definitely smile without minding, and then say it's okay, it's okay.

However, today he felt uncomfortable, really uncomfortable, so he looked at Tian Feifei and said, "Tian Feifei, in fact, this ticket is very difficult to get, as you know, because there are many people who like it. And I always hope I will give you a seat in the front, and I want you to look more comfortable, so I entrusted a lot of people."

Chen Shaojun just narrated the matter calmly.


Tian Feifei almost stammered.

"However, now that you have finally bought a ticket, you actually told me that you don't want to see it anymore."

When saying such words, Chen Shaojun only felt that the anger in his heart was really uncontrollable.


Tian Feifei also said that it was indeed her fault, and she should have rejected it yesterday.

Chen Shaojun took a deep breath, looked at her slightly red eyes, and swallowed the words he wanted to blame.

After all, I still couldn't bear to see her sad.

So he turned around without saying anything after all, and got into the car.

Tian Feifei watched Chen Shaojun's car gradually go away, and gradually sighed in her heart.

Maybe this time the relationship between me and Chen Shaojun is really over, right?
I'm going to lose this friend completely, right?

It's just that I don't regret it.

The phone rang, it was Ouyang Mingchen's call.

He asked softly over there: "Tian Feifei, have you had lunch? I'm a little busy today, so I should be late, so you can eat earlier, okay?"

Tian Feifei originally wanted to tell Ouyang Mingchen her troubled thoughts, but after listening to him being a little busy, she finally swallowed what she wanted to say.

(End of this chapter)

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