Chapter 485

Immediately, after taking a deep breath, he said, "What story do you need to tell? I'll do it."

Tian Feifei could hardly believe her ears, she looked up at Ouyang Mingchen, dumbfounded.

The two female nurses were also obviously stunned. They looked up at Ouyang Mingchen and didn't speak for a long time.


Ouyang Mingchen looked at the two people in front of him like a thorn in his eyes at this moment, wishing that they would disappear in front of his eyes immediately.

But those two people are really ignorant, maybe not smart.

One of them even ventured to ask.

"President Ouyang, may I ask you?"

The other one might think that her colleague made a mistake in saying this, so she hastily pulled the corner of her clothes.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze, and even the air stopped flowing.

How could Tian Feifei not know that Ouyang Mingchen was already angry, she stretched out her hand to take the book in the nurse's hand, and then smiled at Ouyang Mingchen like a flower.

"Ouyang Mingchen, they have a fixed time. Come on, let's talk quickly. I'm a little sleepy today, and I want to go earlier."

As he spoke, he kept winking at the two nurses.

After all, people are serious and responsible, right?

Otherwise, if Ouyang Mingchen said that, it doesn't matter if you know how to say it.

The two girls had just started working and had no experience at all.

Hearing that he was going to Ouyang Mingchen's house, he was even a little apprehensive.

It was the doctor who insisted, saying that it was better to be a blank slate. After spending a long time in the workplace and being contaminated with social habits, it might be a bad thing.

It's just that the loss is that she doesn't have any sophistication in the world, and she almost got into a catastrophe today.

Those two people obviously understood this too, and they hurriedly retreated after receiving Tian Feifei's message almost like a pardon.

In the room, Ouyang Mingchen's expression gradually calmed down.

Open the storybook and start the life of pregnant dad.

After a story was told, Tian Feifei covered her mouth and snickered.

"Husband, you speak better than those two girls."

It's really the so-called Qianchuan not flattering and not wearing, Ouyang Mingchen immediately smiled when he heard such words.

After closing the book, he said, "Okay, starting tomorrow, those two people don't have to come over at night."

After thinking about it, he said: "Forget it, forget it, I'll go back to the doctor tomorrow, anyway, we can have a holiday soon, but they won't use it from tomorrow on."

Tian Feifei was stunned and looked up at Ouyang Mingchen.

"What's the matter? Are you dissatisfied with what these two people have done? It's only been two days, and you let them go back. How do you ask them to explain? Besides, I heard that the two girls just graduated .Maybe, a casual sentence from you will change their whole life."

Tian Feifei always speaks in a soft voice, even if she speaks like this, she is still so soft.

Ouyang Mingchen thought about it and felt that it made sense.

It's just that I'm really not used to two people who pop up out of nowhere.

"Then let them stay for a few days first."

Ouyang Mingchen finally compromised.

"Starting tomorrow, let them go to work at nine o'clock every day and leave work at four o'clock. Tian Feifei, this is the biggest concession I can make. Don't say any more, or I will let them go back immediately."

Looking at the almost childish words of the big man in front of her, Tian Feifei couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, I got it. I don't know what you are thinking. It is obvious that you let them come over, but now they are uncomfortable to see."

Ouyang Mingchen smiled and didn't speak, but hugged Tian Feifei's body tightly.

"You must be tired, take a rest, okay?"

"Okay, sleep."

Tian Feifei is not stupid, since Ouyang Mingchen doesn't want to talk about what's in his heart, so let him do as he pleases.

But he didn't expect that those two people almost got into a catastrophe the next day.

Here's the thing.

According to regulations, Tian Feifei needs to do maternity exercises every morning.

One of the nurses said that doing exercises requires calming down, which is also good for the child to concentrate on doing things in the future.

Tian Feifei felt that this made sense.

So, I took out my mobile phone, asked the nurse to mute it for me, and then asked her to hold it for me.

In fact, there are quite a lot of places to put the phone, but because Ouyang Mingchen was frightened by Ouyang Mingchen the night before, so he seemed particularly cautious. , will be criticized.

Then I saw a bag in the room, which happened to be open, so after thinking about it, I put the phone in it.

Here, Tian Feifei has already started doing pregnant women. After the soothing music sounded, Tian Feifei also devoted herself to it very seriously.

In fact, the time is not long, because it is just beginning, only half an hour is enough.

After finishing the maternity exercises, Tian Feifei listened to music again to calm her impetuous heart.

After doing all this, because they were getting hungry, the two nurses just said that they could have some snacks, so the three of them walked out of the room.

Ouyang Mingchen called Tian Feifei at about ten o'clock.

Unexpectedly, no one answered.

Ouyang Mingchen has always been a calm-headed person, especially when encountering emergencies, he must be able to calm down immediately, and then get along quickly to come up with a solution to the matter.

However, this is only limited to work.

And this work has nothing to do with Tian Feifei.

As long as it is related to Tian Feifei, Ouyang Mingchen will immediately lose his position.

And it was the same today, Tian Feifei couldn't get through the phone, and his heart sank suddenly.

In fact, he should have thought that Tian Feifei should be at home. In fact, he could call home, or the housekeeper, or anyone in Ouyang's family.

Moreover, it is quite normal to have such a reaction.

It's just that Ouyang Mingchen didn't think of these first.

He only felt that his hands and feet were already cold, and he even felt that he could not breathe.

His first reaction was even if something happened to Tian Feifei.

I ran into a friend in the Public Security Bureau yesterday and said that it was the end of the year and he was extremely busy.

There are countless cases every day.

He also said that there are a lot more things about grabbing bags these days than before.

There are also a lot of gun jewelry.

When these words jumped out of his mind, Ouyang Mingchen only felt that his whole body began to feel cold.

He walked back and forth in the office a few times, forcing his heart to calm down, forcing himself to organize his thoughts.

But it's useless, it's really useless.

Ouyang Mingchen kept taking deep breaths, but his heart still couldn't calm down.

He walked to the front of the desk and grabbed the receiver, but found that his hands were trembling, and he pressed the familiar number almost with all his strength.

The phone is still connected, but there is still no one answering.

Ouyang Mingchen slowly sat down on the chair.

Then he jumped up quickly, even forgot to take the mobile phone on the table, opened the door and ran out.

When I went down the elevator, I was already anxious.

When I touched my pocket, I found that I didn't bring my mobile phone.

He actually felt that it would be a waste of time to go up again, so he walked directly to the front desk.

"cell phone."

The receptionist saw Ouyang Mingchen striding towards him with a gloomy face, and felt his scalp start to tingle, not knowing what he had done wrong.

Then when he heard him say two words to himself, he was almost scared out of his wits.

"Take out the phone."

Ouyang Mingchen is concerned about Tian Feifei's safety at this moment, and even feels that it is a waste of time to say one more nonsense.

Seeing that the receptionist is so beautiful, yet so unintelligent, his heart is already filled with anger.

When did the front desk encounter such a situation? Seeing that Ouyang Mingchen's face was so gloomy and terrifying, it was almost the same as someone snatching a mobile phone. To Ouyang Mingchen.

"President Ouyang."

The voices at the front desk were trembling, and they didn't quite look up at Ouyang Mingchen's eyes.

Ouyang Mingchen took his mobile phone and strode away.

The receptionist looked at Ouyang Mingchen's stiff back almost dumbfounded.

Could it be that his mobile phone was robbed?
It turned out to be snatched by the dignified president of the Liu family.

You should be happy, right?

Ouyang Mingchen didn't expect the wild thoughts in the mind of the person behind him, he just got into the car, and then drove away.

The car is already driving fast, but I still feel that it is not fast enough.

Looking at the mobile phone lying on the co-pilot, he took it over, and then continued to dial Tian Feifei's number.

But still no one answered.

He didn't know what was going on over there.

Anyway, it made me anxious, really nervous.

He didn't dare to think about it anymore, he was afraid that if he continued to think about it, he wouldn't even be able to continue driving.

Ouyang Mingchen ran all the way, and when he rushed into the living room, Tian Feifei was taken aback.

She looked up at Ouyang Mingchen, but didn't react for a while.

"Ouyang Mingchen, what's the matter? Did something happen? Why is your face so flustered? And why is your forehead covered with beads of sweat? In such a cold weather, where did you sweat?"

Ouyang Mingchen let out a long breath, at that moment, one heart had returned to its original position.

He walked over step by step and walked up to Tian Feifei.

"Master, why are you back? Did something happen?"

The butler looked at Ouyang Mingchen with astonishment.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't speak, but walked in front of Tian Feifei.

"Where's your phone?"

Seeing Tian Feifei standing in front of him safe and sound, he was still happy.

It's okay, it's okay, as long as she's okay.

However, I was still a little reconciled.

Obviously she has nothing to do, but she made herself fearful all the way.

"cell phone?"

Tian Feifei touched her pocket, then turned to look at the nurse with a confused face.

(End of this chapter)

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