Chapter 492

The people around him were still asleep with their eyes closed.

"Tomorrow morning, wake up."

Tian Feifei pushed Ouyang Mingchen lightly, but there was no response.

"Tomorrow morning, wake up."

Tian Feifei pushed Ouyang Mingchen again.

It's really strange that a person who usually wakes up so easily has not woken up after pushing twice today.

"This man is real."

Tian Feifei muttered softly, then got up.

Who knew that before leaving the bed, Ouyang Mingchen took him into his arms.

"Ouyang Mingchen, if you scare people, you will scare them to death, okay?"

Tian Feifei reproached softly.

"Come on, call Ming Chen to listen, I like to hear you call me that."

Ouyang Mingchen lifted Tian Feifei's chin and looked at Tian Feifei tenderly.

"Don't call, don't call."

Tian Feifei blushed again, and then turned her head away.

"Silly girl, call again."

Ouyang Mingchen did not give up, and still coaxed softly.

"Call again, and I'll let you get up, and let's go visit Mom and Dad together."


A certain little woman's eyes lit up immediately because of these words.

You must know that when I proposed such a plan yesterday, Ouyang Mingchen still looked very unhappy, saying that because the weather is so cold, you don't need to go, and that anyway, I am the representative of our family.

No matter what Tian Feifei said, Ouyang Mingchen just disagreed.

Naturally Tian Feifei knew that Ouyang Mingchen was doing it for her own good, but how could she not go?
Finally, she lowered her face.

"Anyway, I'm going. If you don't let me go, I will follow."

Then, someone's face changed slightly, but he was still helpless.

For this little woman, Ouyang Mingchen has nothing to do, he has nothing to do.

The only thing he can do is to listen to this woman.

It's just that Tian Feifei's heart is awkward, so hearing what Ouyang Mingchen said now, Tian Feifei's heart is naturally happy.

As soon as she turned around, she put her arms around Ouyang Mingchen's neck, and breathed like blue in Ouyang Mingchen's ear.

"Morning, morning."

A certain person's face quickly softened, and then he kissed Tian Feifei's forehead lightly, and quickly retreated.

He was afraid that if this continued, he would lose control of himself.

The two went to the grave of Tian Feifei's parents first.

Because there were a lot of things to bring, and the two of them didn't understand very well, so the butler went together.

The weather was relatively cold, there was no sun, and there were many people on the mountain. After all, Ouyang Mingchen was still worried about Tian Feifei, so he just stayed for a while and hurriedly dragged Tian Feifei away.

He promised Tian Feifei that if she wanted to come, as long as she was free in the future, she would definitely come with Tian Feifei.

Then I went to see Ouyang Mingchen's parents.

Although the two are not far apart, Tian Feifei only took a quick look when she sent Grandma Ouyang there last time, and this time it is considered a formal visit, right?
I didn't expect someone to come.

Those two people stood with their backs behind them, but Tian Feifei was familiar with that back view.

Who else but Lin Hui's mother and daughter.

When Tian Feifei thought of this, she quickly turned to look at Ouyang Mingchen.

Sure enough, he saw his face darken all of a sudden.

Tian Feifei leaned over quickly, and lightly tugged Ouyang Mingchen's sleeve.

"Morning morning, don't do this."

After all, this is not my home, so I can have a big fight with those two women.

Ouyang Mingchen took a deep breath, finally nodded, and walked over step by step.

"Liu Song, you have no conscience, you just left our mother and daughter in this cold and inhuman world. Do you know that your letter is empty, and your son will never sell Your account. Liu Song, get up for me, get up."

Lin Hui knelt down slowly as she spoke, and then burst into tears.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't seem to see this scene, he just walked to his parents' grave by himself.

The housekeeper hurriedly followed, took out all the fruit and cakes he had brought, and offered them to the tomb.

Lin Hui secretly glanced at Ouyang Mingchen's face, and then said: "Liu Song, we fell in love at least once. You said you would love me forever, and you said you would be with me forever. Liu Song, You secretly saw me behind that woman's back countless times, and you swore to me again and again, but, Liu Song, why did you do this, tell me?"

Ouyang Mingchen's face has become a little ugly, he already knows Lin Hui's purpose today.

She did it on purpose, didn't she?

Because I can't come to Liu's house to find myself, so I can only use this method.

Use this method to see yourself.

However, she also knew that even if she came to see her, she might not necessarily talk to her, so as long as she used words to intensify herself, maybe she had been thinking about this for several days.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Mingchen couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Be rational and restrained, and you must not fall into her trap.

Thinking of this, Ouyang Mingchen's face became calm again.

He walked to his parents' grave and bowed respectfully three times.

"Mom and Dad, I brought Tian Feifei here today. She has a child from our Ouyang family in her belly. You will be grandparents soon. Are you happy?"

When Ouyang Mingchen said this, he turned around and waved to Tian Feifei.

"Tian Feifei, come here and let Mom and Dad see you."

Tian Feifei nodded and walked towards Ouyang Mingchen.

Lin Hui didn't expect that what she said would have no effect at all, not even a drop of water splashed.

Damn, it's really too hateful.

Thinking of this, Lin Hui clenched her fists tightly.

Isn't Ouyang Mingchen unwilling to hear such words?Could it be that I made a mistake?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, didn't it mean that Ouyang Mingchen's temper could be thrown at the first touch?
Ouyang Mingchen didn't react at all to why what he said just now was so ugly.

"Liu Song, how can you walk with that woman? How can you walk with that woman you don't love? Liu Song, do you know that I need you? You once said that as long as I need you, No matter what time it is, you will go with me, but now you are walking with that woman you don't love, that yellow-faced woman you mentioned. "

Ouyang Mingchen's face became more and more ugly, and he finally couldn't help it.

"Tomorrow morning."

Tian Feifei grabbed Ouyang Mingchen's arm.

Everyone knows Sima Zhaozhi's heart, and Lin Hui's purpose is already clear, she just wants to annoy Ouyang Mingchen.

Seeing Ouyang Mingchen's face turn cold, Lin Hui was secretly proud.

She admitted that she had a purpose, and she was arguing with Ouyang Mingchen here.

With so many people here today, it is the best communication channel, even better than radio, better than newspapers.

Isn't he Ouyang Mingchen amazing?

Isn't he Ouyang Mingchen famous?

She just wanted to tell the world about Liu Song through the quarrel.

She just wanted to make Ouyang Mingchen the smelliest person in the world.

However, such a plan was going to be implemented, but it was still defeated by Tian Feifei.

She watched Ouyang Mingchen's face gradually calm down, and she didn't know how deep her hatred and anger towards Tian Feifei was. Maybe if she had a knife in her hand, she would really stab Tian Feifei straight.

She watched as Ouyang Mingchen took out his mobile phone, pressed a number, and said to the person on the other end: "Where are you? Immediately bring a few people to my parents' grave to take away a crazy woman. "

Lin Hui didn't know who Ouyang Mingchen was talking to. She never thought that what she had prepared for a long time would end up in such a result.

Ouyang Mingchen didn't say a word to himself, and didn't even bother to look at himself.

However, he hit himself with the most brutal means.

I originally wanted to let others watch a play, but in fact, I didn't even touch Ouyang Mingchen's body.

Not reconciled, really not reconciled, how could it be like this?
"Ouyang Mingchen."

Lin Hui didn't want to pretend anymore, she stood up abruptly, and walked in front of Ouyang Mingchen in a few steps.

Ouyang Mingchen looked at Lin Hui with cold eyes, his face was terribly cold.

Tian Feifei knew that Ouyang Mingchen was angry. In fact, Ouyang Mingchen had endured Lin Hui for a long time.

At that moment, she even thought, just leave him alone and let him vent his anger.

Just when he raised his head, he saw people passing by. Maybe it was because Ouyang Mingchen and Lin Hui's expressions were wrong, or maybe it was because the two of them were standing in a strange position, and many people had already looked over.

Tian Feifei's heart skipped a beat, and she suddenly thought of something.

Tian Feifei quickly grabbed Ouyang Mingchen's hand, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The expression on Ouyang Mingchen's face did not change, but he glanced outside, and he understood it in his heart.

The corners of his mouth curved slightly.

Then I took a few steps outside and said loudly: "Ma'am, I know that I am rich, but no matter how much you want to get close to me, you can't use my parents, right? You want to get close to me, you have For what purpose, you can tell me directly, you can't make things difficult for people who have passed away?"

Lin Hui's face suddenly changed, it's hateful, it's really too hateful.

The situation is originally in your favor, isn't it?

Even, when she saw Ouyang Mingchen's face change, she began to sneer in her heart.

It was Tian Feifei, and it was Tian Feifei again, it was she who understood what she wanted to do.

This woman is really disgusting and annoying.

It was because of this woman that she pushed herself to an extremely embarrassing situation.

"Ouyang Mingchen, you slander me, I know your name."

It's just that when Lin Hui said such a sentence, she already knew that she was wrong.

How powerful is Ouyang Mingchen?

His name is even known to every household, isn't it a very simple thing to know his name?
(End of this chapter)

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