Chapter 52

She didn't love Ye Beicheng, and she wasn't someone Ye Beicheng couldn't lose, so there was no need for her to stay here and endure the inhuman humiliation, but she couldn't leave either.

She will never forget Grandpa Ye's kindness, and she has to obey Grandpa Ye's last wish.

"Jingya, promise grandpa that no matter what happens, you will stay at Ye's house and by Beicheng's side."

Although she didn't know why Grandpa Ye said such things, she was sure that there must be a reason for him to say such things.

"I won't leave. If you want to divorce, I also want to hear your son tell me personally!"

This was a bet, a bet that Ye Beicheng would not abandon her. In fact, she was not confident that she would win. Her younger brother had defiled his younger sister, and it would not be easily forgiven by anyone.

"Do you still know shame and shame? Don't you want to use Beicheng to suppress us? Huh, let me tell you, don't be delusional. No matter what this time, Beicheng must divorce you!"

Mrs. Ye hugged her daughter with a livid face. If eyes could kill, Jingya would have died a hundred times by now.

"Okay, if you want to hear from my son, then wait for him to come back and tell you in person."

Ye Guoxian sat on the sofa with a blank expression. From the moment Jingya entered Ye's house, he always seemed to be like this, with more than indifference and indifference.

"Then get up for me, don't lie on the ground trying to win my son's sympathy!" Dou Huayue gave her a disgusted look.  

Enduring the burning pain in her cheeks, Jingya staggered to her feet. She wiped away her tears, not wanting to win anyone's sympathy.

Ye Beicheng came back. As soon as he entered the living room, he felt a strong smell of gunpowder.

When she saw her younger sister sitting on the sofa with disheveled clothes and tears on her face, she asked in amazement, "What's wrong?"

Ye Mengyao just cried and didn't speak, Madam Ye pointed at Jingya angrily: "Ask her!"

Beicheng turned around suspiciously, shifted his eyes to Jingya, as if he wanted to see the clues from her eyes, saw her lowered her head, so she walked over and asked softly: "What's wrong?"

Jingya didn't dare to look up at him, what kind of embarrassment it would be to ask her to tell Ye Beicheng that her brother raped his sister...

"What's the matter?" He reached out and raised her face, forcing her to face him squarely. When he saw her red and swollen cheeks, he was stunned.

"My mother hit you again?" he asked.

"Why did I hit her, you asked her to tell you why I hit her?" Dou Huayue stood up angrily, walked up to Jingya and satirized her: "What? Don't dare to say it or have no face to say it?"

Jingya closed her eyes sadly, then opened them again, choked up and said, "Wancheng... Molested Mengyao."

"What? Indecent..."

Ye Beicheng shifted his gaze to his younger sister, speechless in shock.

He silently walked in front of Ye Mengyao, and asked softly, "Did he really insult you?"

"Brother, don't you still believe it?" Ye Mengyao cried bitterly: "If someone hadn't happened to pass by, my life would have been ruined!"

Ye Beicheng heaved a sigh of relief, but luckily it didn't turn into an unmanageable situation.

Although it wasn't too tragic, as a brother, he was equally sad when his younger sister who had been cared for since childhood encountered such a thing.

Turning her eyes to Jingya again, she was standing in the corner without saying a word, with her head down, very helpless, and she no longer had the tough attitude she used to face provocations.

"Beicheng, divorce her."

Ye Guoxian spoke coldly, and Dou Huayue immediately agreed: "Yes, we must get a divorce. Our Ye family has already suffered enough from her."

"Dad, it's not Jingya's fault..."

"Shut up!" Ye Guoxian interrupted coldly: "It's already this time, do you still want to speak for her?"

Mrs. Ye added fuel and vinegar to the side: "That's right, Beicheng, you are too much, you don't even think about it, your grandfather used to be so strong, but after retiring and returning home, he died of cerebral hemorrhage in an inexplicable second after only a few days in his later years. Now your grandfather The bones are still cold, and your sister was almost raped by her brother, if you keep her, who will be next? Is it me or your father?"

Ye Beicheng was silent for a moment, and said: "You can be feudal, but I can't divorce her."

What he said was very firm, just as firm as Jingya's insistence on not leaving Ye's house.

"Bastard!" Ye Guoxian stepped forward and slapped his face, trembling from anger.

Touching his sore cheek, he smiled sarcastically: "You and Mom like to slap people so much? Well, if you like to slap, you can slap hard, but let me put it here first, I want me and Jingya to slap Divorce, there is no door."

Slap, Ye Guoxian slapped him again, and his blood pressure also went up. Mrs. Ye immediately put the medicine into his mouth, pointed at his son and scolded: "You are so unfilial, do you want to make your father angry to death before you are reconciled!"

Jingya stood in the same place, heartbroken. Although the two slaps hit Ye Beicheng's face, they hurt her heart. This was originally caused by their family, and Ye Beicheng had no reason to take the blame for her. .

"Okay, since you insist on getting me a divorce, then I will follow your wishes. I will find a lawyer tomorrow and transfer 50.00% of the Ye family's property to Jingya's name."

Ye Beicheng's words were like a thunderbolt, and everyone in the Ye family was dumbfounded...

"How dare you!!!" Master Ye roared hysterically.

Mrs. Ye was even more excited, she cried out loudly: "Why did I give birth to a crazy son, and even want to cut half of the country that the Ye family worked so hard to build to an outsider, what kind of face will I have after death? The ancestors of the Ye family..."

Jingya slowly raised her head, staring at Ye Beicheng in surprise, she knew he was not joking.

A certain place in my heart suddenly softened, and the tears I desperately suppressed were like broken pearls. He said he would not love her, but he moved her the deepest when she was most helpless.

Jingya thought that in her whole life, she might never forget what Ye Beicheng said just now, that she would give half of the Ye family to her.

She didn't despise the Ye family's property at all, but in her heart, Ye Beicheng was no longer the insignificant person he used to be.

Yu Jingya, you have fallen, what should you do... She clenched her ten fingers, speechless.

"It's useless no matter how much you trouble and stop her. My marriage with her is protected by law. If we divorce, she is legally entitled to share the property of the Ye family."

Ye Beicheng walked up to Jingya and reminded his parents: "Think about it carefully, if you insist on getting a divorce, follow the normal procedure tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, she hugged Jingya's shoulders and went upstairs without looking back.

After the door was closed, the two of them were silent with each other. Ye Beicheng sat on the sofa and stood in front of him calmly and helplessly.

She wanted to say sorry to him, but she opened and closed her mouth, closed and opened it again, but she couldn't say what she wanted to say.

"Don't be sad, it's not your fault."

Ye Beicheng saw her nervousness, took her hand and said, "Aren't your legs sore from standing for so long? Sit down."

Jingya sat down, and the two remained silent for a long time.

Then she spoke, but not sorry.

She said, "Ye Beicheng, can you take me out for a drink?"

Thought he would say no, but unexpectedly he agreed.

The living room was still filled with the strong smell of gunpowder, Ye Beicheng took Jingya's hand, ignored the angry eyes of his family, and left the mansion firmly.

He drove her to a bar, and after entering the box, he said to the waiter: "Bring more wine, my wife is in a bad mood today."

Jingya sat on the large sofa, not daring to look at Ye Beicheng, and not daring to speak to him.

The waiter brought over the wine, Ye Beicheng opened several bottles, Jingya stared at the coffee table, and suddenly said, "Shall we play a game?"

"What game?" He smiled: "You really like playing games."

"This time we don't play eye contact, we play the truth game."

Ye Beicheng raised his eyebrows: "Oh, how do you play?"

"We ask each other a question, whoever can't answer or deceives the other will drink, dare you?"

He thought for a while: "Okay, there is nothing to dare."

"You ask first or I ask first?"

"Ladies first."

Jingya nodded: "You said you would give me half of the Ye family's property, are you serious?"


Ye Beicheng asked, "You haven't had a good time in our house, why don't you have any thoughts of leaving?"

"Because I promised Grandpa that I would never leave the Ye family no matter what."

Jingya lowered her head, yes, it was like this before going through what happened tonight, but now, it's not all like this, the reason, only she knows...

"How did you meet Yang Qianxue? What kind of woman is she?"

Ye Beicheng tapped her on the head: "You made a foul, you asked twice."

"Okay, I'll punish myself." Jingya smiled wryly, picked up a glass of wine, and drank it all in one gulp.

"What kind of woman is she?" After drinking, she asked again.

"She is a kind, beautiful, gentle, good woman without any flaws."

Jingya nodded, and muttered softly: "Is there really such a good woman in the world?"

Ye Beicheng knocked her on the head again: "You fouled again, I should ask questions."

She consciously drank a glass of wine, and then waited for Ye Beicheng to ask questions.

"When was your first love?"

Jingya moved her finger slightly, first love?What a beautiful word, but does she have a first love?

"I didn't." She replied softly.

Ye Beicheng laughed immediately: "Yu Jingya, you lied, drink."

She raised her head in surprise: "I didn't lie!" Even if it was a lie, how would he know...

"You really didn't lie?" Ye Beicheng approached viciously: "One night you were drunk, but you kept scolding a man named A Yu."


"Okay, I'll drink. But..." She paused: "Ayu is not my first love."

Ye Beicheng didn't argue with her too much about this issue. After Jingya drank the third glass of wine, she suddenly asked meaningfully: "What kind of woman do you think I am?"

He thought for a while and said, "She is a very nice woman."

"that's it?"


She stood up in disappointment and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

When she got out of the box, she didn't really go to the bathroom, but found a corner and told herself softly: "Yu Jingya, you see, Ye Beicheng won't like you, he said hello but couldn't tell you what's good, but Yang Qianxue, he can tell."

After being sad for a while, he returned to the box in a daze.

"Do you want to continue?" Ye Beicheng asked with a smile after she came in.

"Well, whose turn is it to ask?" She sat down sadly.

"It's my turn." He thought for a few seconds, "What kind of man do you like?"

(End of this chapter)

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