Chapter 141

"You did it on purpose, Tony, I know you too well." Rhodes got up from the ground and said.

"Haha!" Tony laughed, very happily.

"It's okay, he was also beaten by these guys just now." Zhang Wei said it was time to make up the knife.

"Haha!" It was Rhode's turn to laugh at Tony this time, and this guy immediately felt a lot more balanced.

"These guys are very powerful, and physical attacks are ineffective. But, have you noticed that their movements are very slow, and only when they attack, their hands will display super-long speed. This kind of battle is actually very easy for us. Yes." Zhang Wei pointed to a few aliens and said.

"You are right. From the beginning, these guys have not moved more than 100 meters. Although there are reasons for our interference, this can also prove that their moving speed is indeed very slow." Tony said seriously .

"So, guys, what are you waiting for, let's do it now!" Rhodes said.

This guy doesn't know what happened just now, but Zhang Wei and Tony didn't remind him, let him toss, and when he sees that these aliens are actually resurrected, I hope his expression will not change. so wonderful.

"Boom!" After several consecutive sounds, Zhang Wei and the three had already used the electromagnetic cannon to beat all the aliens to pieces.

"Tony, do it!" Zhang Wei yelled, and ran to the limbs of an alien first to collect them. At the same time, he used a laser to cut these limbs and put them away separately.

"What are you doing?" Rhodes said, looking at the movements of the two of them in confusion.

"Hey, you'll know in a while!" Tony said with a smile, obviously, he wanted to see Rhode's surprise.

"What is that, my God, how is this possible?" Soon Rhodes saw the miraculous scene of an alien being resurrected.

"Now you know, don't hurry up, put these things away, and then take them back to study, maybe we will have some good gains." Tony said.

"In Zhang's words, I've opened my eyes today. What the hell are these things? What the hell!" Rhode cursed and acted again.

"Let's go!" After packing up the battlefield, the three of Zhang Wei left here with some samples of aliens, and left the rest to the SHIELD people to deal with. As for what results they can research That's not what Zhang Wei and the others care about.

"Phil, how's the interrogation going? Are there any clues?" Tony asked Phil.

"Not yet. These guys have a hard mouth and don't say anything at all. However, I think that as long as we give us enough time, we can still ask what we want." Phil said.

"Okay, you just have to try. We're leaving now. We got some samples of aliens today. We're going to go back and study them, hoping to find something of value." Tony nodded and said.

"Yes, but before that, I think, Zhang, I'm afraid I can't leave. Of course, I have no other intentions. The main reason is to discuss the issue of this appearance fee. In addition, Laura wants to see you." Fei Seeing Tony looking at him with a bad expression, Er immediately waved his hands and said.

"Who is Laura?" Zhang Wei frowned and said.

"It's the giantess you defeated. She wants to see you after she wakes up," Phil said.

"What's the situation?" Zhang Wei asked with some confusion.

"You'll understand after you go and see it. Speaking of which, Zhang, we've known each other for a while now. Now I wonder if you have a halo of the opposite sex. Why do you always attract the attention of some beautiful women, not even once? Every woman I've met will fall in love with you, I'm really envious now." Phil said with a sour tone.

"Haha, there's no way, he's handsome, he's born with it." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Let's go!" Phil didn't bother to pay attention to Zhang Wei's joke, and directly led the way to a room in front.

"That girl is right here, you can take a look!" Phil said, pointing to the girl inside the glass window.

Although this room is a ward, it is a special ward. The glass is one-way transparent glass, that is to say, you can only see the inside from the outside, but you cannot see the outside from the inside.

"Why is she an Asian girl?" Zhang Wei couldn't help asking when he saw a girl with yellow skin and black hair leaning there in a daze in the ward.

"To be precise, it's a girl of Chinese descent. Her parents are both Chinese, but only one of them lives in the United States. This girl was born in the United States and lived here until she was taken away," Phil said.

"Is this what you asked, or did you investigate?" Zhang Wei asked.

"Investigating, she's emotionally unstable right now, we don't dare to ask her too many things, but she wants to see you," Phil said.

"Okay, then I'll go in and have a look." Zhang Wei knocked lightly on the door twice before pushing the door open and walking in.

"Hello, can you understand me?" Zhang Wei asked in Chinese. This was not an unnecessary move by Zhang Wei, but a kind of temptation. Although most Chinese people attach great importance to the inheritance of the nation and speak Chinese, but There are also some people who forget their ancestors. Zhang Wei just wants to confirm whether this girl is also a person who forgets his ancestors.

"Of course, are you also from Huaxia?" The girl looked up at Zhang Wei, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Of course, I'm a pure Chinese. Although I'm living in the United States, I'm not from the United States." Zhang Wei said proudly. Zhang Wei himself is very proud of his country and nation.

"I really didn't expect that the person who can defeat me is actually a fellow!" The girl blinked and said.

"Do you still remember what happened at that time?" Zhang Wei asked strangely.

"Of course, although I can't remember some of them clearly, I can still remember most of them. That's why I want to see what the person who defeated me looked like." The girl nodded and said.

"Then can you tell me how you felt at that time?" Zhang Wei said sitting opposite the girl.

"Do you feel it? Let me think about it!" the girl said while looking at the ceiling thoughtfully.

"It's okay, we still have time, think slowly, don't worry." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"I don't know the exact feeling. I just remember that it felt like..." The girl paused at this point, and then suddenly tore off the clothes on her chest!
(End of this chapter)

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