Chapter 285

"Hehe, it's interesting!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

I saw Zhang Wei's right hand resting on the armrest lightly exerted force on his whole body, and he jumped up, and then lightly fell to the ground.

"Selina, I heard that you are the great devil who is rampant in the universe. Today I am going to try your skills." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Interesting little guy, your fighting power is good, how about doing it with me, I promise you will be prosperous in the future." Selina looked at Zhang Wei and said.

"I didn't expect that the big devil Selina would use the soft policy. I suggest you leave here now. The earth is not where you should come." Zhang Wei continued to point the gun at Selina and said.

"Then you're welcome!" Saying that, Selina's hands turned into countless whips and lashed towards Zhang Wei.

"Small tricks!" Zhang Wei squinted his eyes, and then saw that Zhang Wei moved his hands and used the move of Seven Spinning Slash.

"Hey!" There was a faint blue light in Zhang Wei's hands, and Zhang Wei cut off Selina's snake whip one by one with his palm.

"Buddha's light first appeared!" I saw Zhang Wei's moves turned into Tathagata's palm again and again.

"Selina, this is a martial art that I have never used before, I hope you can bear it!" Said while using Tathagata Palm to deal with Selina.

"Hmph!" Selina snorted coldly, and then increased the number of snake whips.

"Boom!" While the political commissar was fighting Selina, Zhang Wei felt a sharp pain in his body after a gunshot.

"Damn it!" Zhang Wei glanced back at the shooter, and found that it was the two-headed man who accidentally got caught by him.

It's okay, this guy has to be an ordinary pistol. If the energy of the men in black organization is strong, I'm afraid Zhang Wei will evaporate from the world after this shot.

"Go!" Zhang Wei tapped his body a few times to stop the bleeding and took out two throwing knives from his body. In fact, this action was just a cover-up. In fact, Zhang Wei took it from the storage space. from.

"Ah!" The two-headed man just let out a scream, and fell straight to the ground. At the same time, there was a throwing knife on the two heads of the two-headed man.

"Hmph!" Zhang Wei snorted coldly and faced Selina again.

"Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!" Zhang Wei directly released his big move.

"Ah!" Selina couldn't hold back the palm.

Although Zhang Wei couldn't exert the greatest strength in this palm, it was not something Selina could contend with at such a close distance.

"This guy runs pretty fast!" Zhang Wei said with a wry smile, looking at the place where Selina disappeared.

"I'm afraid I'm going to be in trouble now, how should I explain to them?" Zhang Wei shook his head with a wry smile.

In order to deal with Selina just now, Zhang Wei had to use Tathagata God's Palm and Seven Spinning Slash, but these are things that this world does not have. Even if there are, the men in black organization must know, since there is no record in the organization , then, this proves that martial arts do not exist in this world.

"H, where did you go just now?" Zhang Wei said while covering the wound with one hand and looking at H who was walking slowly.

"I just had a stomachache and went to the bathroom. What's the matter? What happened?" H looked at the messy headquarters in a daze.

"Our headquarters was invaded by aliens just now, and the two of us were supposed to deal with aliens here." Zhang Wei said after glancing at H.

"I'm very sorry, where is the enemy?" H hurriedly took out the gun and looked around.

"The enemy has already left, I need to go for treatment now." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

Seeing Zhang Wei's appearance, H could only shake his head, and then walked towards the medical institution behind Zhang Wei.

The medical institutions organized by the men in black are very advanced, and the technology is very mature in all aspects. As a senior agent of the organization, Zhang Wei still has some privileges. When he arrives at the ward, he will start treatment immediately.

"M, how are you?" Soon O arrived in Zhang Wei's ward.

"I have received comprehensive treatment, and there is no problem now." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"That's good!" O nodded and said, obviously Zhang Wei's injury made him take it very seriously.

"I'm not afraid of your jokes. I learned two-handed martial arts in my early years. Although I don't have any great skills, it's not so easy for this bullet to land on me." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Oh? Is that so? Is it the same move you used when you dealt with Selina just now?" O said, looking at Zhang Wei with interest.

"That's right, this is the inheritance I saw in the early years. I remember that when I was a child, I accidentally obtained some elixirs handed down from ancient times. At the same time, there are also ancient inheritances from our country. Only in this way can I achieve what I am today." Zhang Wei nodded. Said.

The reason why Zhang Wei said this was mainly to silence everyone. After Zhang Wei said this, it was impossible for O to say anything more.

"So that's it, you should have a good rest!" O nodded and said, and then left Zhang Wei's ward.

After O left, Zhang Wei couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile. He knew that as long as he showed special abilities, the organization would definitely be worried.

And Zhang Wei also knew that before O came here, he must have checked Zhang Wei's information, but there must be nothing about Zhang Wei's martial arts skills in those materials, so O just turned over here.

"M, the light of Sata will leave the earth in one hour, how is it going there now?" K's call came while Zhang Wei was resting on the hospital bed.

"I have no problem here, but Selina has already escaped, so be careful there." Zhang Wei said.

"Understood, you should also be careful." K nodded and hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

An hour later, the light of Sata left the earth, but Selina was not completely wiped out like in the plot. On the contrary, Selina did not know where to hide.

"M, where do you think Selina will be?" J said while sitting on Zhang Wei's hospital bed, frowning.

"I don't know much about this, but what is certain is that Selina must not have left the earth. It can even be said that Selina should be waiting for something on the earth. According to our information, Selina should not He is a person who would easily give up the light of Sata, but now he has given up, there must be something we don't know." Zhang Wei said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Now the plot is completely messed up, and it is not a plot that Zhang Wei is more familiar with at all, so Zhang Wei doesn't really understand what will happen next.

(End of this chapter)

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