Chapter 292

"You are really boring." H muttered in a low voice, and then walked towards several staff members, where there are families of assimilated people, to be precise, the family tree of assimilated people, because there are his parents and sisters.

"Thank you very much, friends on Earth, I am looking forward to coming to Earth next time!" said the father on the assimilated family tree.

"You are very welcome. You know, we people on Earth are very peace-loving." H grinned and said.

"Of course, then, we will leave the earth, goodbye, my friends!" The assimilated man's father smiled and nodded.

"H, and M, thank you very much this time, welcome to our planet!" The assimilated person smiled at H and Zhang Wei, and then the family left.

"Assimilated people are really a magical race. It's unimaginable that a family can grow on one body." Looking at the departed assimilated people's family, H was still in shock.

"There are more than [-] races living in this universe. It is normal to have any strange races. It would be strange if there are no strange races." Zhang Wei nodded with a smile.

"Okay, you guys did a good job this time. The assimilated people are very satisfied with our work, and left this before leaving!" At this time, O appeared in front of Zhang Wei and H with a smile on his face, holding a Something like a flash drive.

"This is?" H asked a little puzzled.

"This is a biological hard drive, similar to the hard drive we use, except that it has more powerful functions." Zhang Wei explained.

"That's right, this is the biological hard drive left by the assimilated people's family. There are some technologies that we don't have on this earth. At the same time, these technologies are also technologies that we urgently need. In other words, we have made a big deal this time." O little point said the head.

"Haha, if this is the case, it is true. After completing the task easily, there will be a big gift package?" H said with a big smile.

"You can't say that. You paid for it with your life. Well, you can take a rest. You have done a good job in this task." O said slightly shaking his head.

"M, it's rare for us to take a break, where do you plan to go next?" H asked Zhang Wei.

"Go home and sleep. Today's battle with Otto has touched me a lot. I'm going to take a rest." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

Of course Zhang Wei didn't want to go out to relax, and now he was worrying about the tasks issued by the system.

"Mission: snatch the assimilation core!"

Such a task seems very simple, but Zhang Wei has no way to start this task. He has no idea what this assimilation core is, let alone complete the task.

Therefore, Zhang Wei plans to think about how to operate this task at home. If he can't complete the task properly, it may be difficult to return to reality.

"Assimilation core, do you really have this thing?" Zhang Wei used a special computer at home to connect to the network of the man in black and began to check the information on it. These information are not accessible to ordinary people, but, as Zhang Wei, a senior agent, has a little authority.

"Assimilation core: According to legend, it is the basis for assimilation people to communicate. There is an assimilation core in every family tree of assimilation people. Because of its own characteristics, the disaster of assimilation people has come. A very small part survives in the universe."

"The main function of the assimilation core is to assimilate. After merging the assimilation core, you will have the assimilation ability of the assimilation person, but it cannot be inherited."

Zhang Wei felt a lot relieved after searching the Internet and came up with such data. This at least proves that he can get an assimilation core. Although the chance is very small, there is still such a chance.

"Since this task is like this, but again, although I know the existence of the assimilation core, where can I find the assimilation core?" Zhang Wei said leaning on the bed.

What Zhang Wei didn't know was that at this time, someone in the headquarters of the man in black was checking his browsing history, wanting to see what his purpose of logging into the organization's network was.

"M, what do you want to do? How many secrets do you have?" O said looking at Zhang Wei's browsing history.

As a computer expert, Zhang Wei naturally knew about clearing the traces, but he didn't do it. The main purpose was to show the men in black organization that he didn't hide anything on purpose.

For Zhang Wei, there is nothing to hide. Since it is necessary, he can just investigate online. There is no need to cover up, otherwise, it may backfire.

Time passed quickly, and two months passed in a blink of an eye. Two months was not a long time, but Zhang Wei had a lot of information, which can be said to be crucial to the completion of the task. important.

"Selina, are you sure the news is correct?" Zhang Wei said, looking at Selina who was bending over to clean up the house.

"Yes, master, I have investigated in many ways, and it is basically impossible to make mistakes." Selina nodded and said.

At this time, Selina still has the brutal appearance at the beginning, she is completely like a little girl next door, not only the clothes on her body, but also her appearance has changed into an oriental face under Zhang Wei's request , because Zhang Wei looked very uncomfortable with that face.

"Very good, if you can get the assimilation core this time, it will be your first achievement, and I will definitely fulfill my original words." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"The news is indeed true, but the Antarctic continent is too dangerous. Although we can easily go there, it is not so easy to find the core of assimilation." Selina persuaded.

"Don't worry, I know it well, it's not as difficult as you imagined." Zhang Wei said with a smile and shook his head.

Others may not have this ability, but Zhang Wei believes that as long as he goes there, he can definitely get the core of assimilation.

However, what worries Zhang Wei most now is that he is being secretly investigated by the men in black organization, and there are even people following him. If Zhang Wei didn't bother to pay attention to these people, I am afraid that Zhang Wei would have made a move long ago.

"Isn't the master going to take me with me?" Selina said incredulously.

"No, it's good that you stay here to look after the house. It's best that you can become like me, and then help me walk in the world." Zhang Wei thought for a while and said.

"Okay, master, be more careful." Selina nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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