Chapter 313

Regarding BT, Zhang Wei is not a professional. For BT, Zhang Wei is not sure, it can only be regarded as an experiment, so he dare not confirm how powerful this BT is made.

After Zhang Wei installed the blood-filled core device into the card slot, Xuanwu made a "beep!" sound, and then the entire mechanical body began to operate.

"Roar!" "Roar!" A few minutes later, two beast roars came from Xuanwu's two heads at the same time.

Xuanwu is not a tortoise, they are born with two heads, one is the head of a tortoise, the other is the head of a snake, the snake and the turtle are entangled together, this is the true appearance of Xuanwu.

At this moment, Xuanwu was successfully activated, because it was activated through Zhang Wei's blood, so now it has a special connection with Zhang Wei, this connection is derived from the echo of the blood, and it can be known without words. the presence of the other party.

"Master, Xuanwu is at your service!" Xuanwu's two heads made two voices.

"You guys, what's the situation now, is it two or one?" Zhang Wei pointed at Xuanwu strangely.

"Of course it's one, but I haven't gotten used to it yet," Xuanwu said.

"Okay, I probably guessed it, you and the shadow are just born, then, you should get used to your body first, there is nothing to do now, you can move around freely." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"It seems that my design is relatively successful, so we will have to wait patiently for news from Tiebing." Zhang Wei said to Hua Lian.

"Indeed, but, aren't you worried? If Tiebing died because of this incident, then wouldn't the training in the past few years be in vain?" Hua Lian looked at Zhang Wei and said.

"What's the matter, the big deal is to train one." Zhang Wei said indifferently.

In fact, Zhang Wei also cared about Tie Bing, but he didn't show it, because he knew that according to the plot, Tie Bing must face Rafal, and in the end he would have to sacrifice, even if the Four Spirits I'm afraid he will also die in the final battle.

"Hua Lian, I don't know what to face when the Iron Soldier goes, but we are afraid that we will face a problem right now, that is, the appearance of the Iron Soldier will definitely attract the attention of the Mechanical Kingdom, and it will inevitably be exposed here. There are two choices in front of us, first, we give up Shenju Island, and second, we wait here for the arrival of the people from the Mechanical Kingdom." Zhang Wei said to Hua Lian cautiously.

In fact, Zhang Wei is unwilling to leave here. After all, there are sun fragments here, which are very good for completing tasks, and Zhang Wei is already used to living here. If he is asked to change places, Zhang Wei is unwilling.

"Actually, I think it's pretty good here. If we're careful, I don't think those chasing soldiers from the Mechanical Kingdom can do anything to us, can they?" Hua Lian said confidently.

"It's true, so let's continue to live here. Anyway, those guys in the Mechanical Kingdom are not our opponents. Now that we have Xuanwu, they are even worse." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

After several years, no one lives on Shenju Island, only Zhang Wei and the others have been living here, so now Zhang Wei is not worried that those people from the Mechanical Kingdom will kill innocent people when they come, because they There is simply no one to kill.

On this day, Zhang Wei was basking in the sun, and suddenly there were a few dark shadows in the sky. These guys approached Kamiju Island at a very high speed.

"I guess this must be the idiot of Armored Mask, otherwise, no one will come to Shenju Island at this time, and I don't know how Iron Armored is now, do you still remember me?" Zhang Wei looked relaxed Said.

Of course Iron Armored Face remembers Zhang Wei, and he has a very deep memory of Zhang Wei. He always thinks about Zhao Zhangwei's competition, but every time he thinks of Zhang Na's magical methods, he has to give up his plan to trouble Zhang Wei.

In the final analysis, Iron Armored Face is just a small character, and he doesn't have the strength to fight Zhang Wei at all. Even against Hualian, he can only barely support him when Hualian lets him.

"Master, I found that the armored face from last time is here again, should we kill him?" Suzaku quietly came to Zhang Wei and said.

"No need, let Hualian deal with him. After all, the two of them are old friends. We just need to watch the show, and the iron armor will eventually have some effect." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

After coming to Shenju, Tiejiamian saw Zhang Wei lying on the grass basking in the sun for the first time. Seeing that Zhang Wei had no special reaction, he slowly landed near the house where Hualian was.

At that time, Iron Armored Face did not order the attack, because he knew that the houses here belonged to Zhang Wei, so he still wanted to call Hua Lian out.

"Hualian, I know you are here, do you dare to come out and fight with me?" Iron Armored Face shouted.

"I didn't expect you to come so soon, and I don't know if it's your luck or misfortune." Hua Lian shook her head and said.

"Anyway, I will definitely not let you go this time, come on, let me catch you with my own hands!" Tiejiamian waved a biochemical spear and pointed at Hualian.

Zhang Wei didn't pay much attention to the inevitable failure of the Armored Face. What he was concerned about was that the ground suddenly shook. This was not the first time, and Zhang Wei speculated that this was a sign that the sun fragments were about to be born. However, This is several days earlier than in the plot, and I don't know if it is good or bad.

Just when Hua Lian and Tiejiamian were inseparable, cracks appeared on the ground, and golden rays of light came out of the ground, as if there was a sun underground.

"Hey, what's going on here?" The armored face who was fighting said in shock.

"This, this is something underground, but what is there underground?" Hua Lian also said incredulously.

"Hualian, I have calculated Rafal's weakness just now." Zhang Wei said to Hualian from a distance.

"What, Rafal's weakness?" The armored face was even more unbelievable. He couldn't figure out what Zhang Wei and Hua Lian wanted to do.

"Iron Armor, you are not my opponent, and now I don't have time to play with you. Our goal is the monster Rafal. We must kill him before he swallows the entire earth." Hua Lian avoided the iron armor Said face to face.

"What are you guys talking about?" Iron Armored Face said with some confusion.

"You will be fair in the future." After Hua Lian said, she walked towards Zhang Wei.

(End of this chapter)

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