Chapter 318 The Return
Adding a head is scary to Zhang Wei's imagination. Everyone else has one head. If he has two heads, will he be regarded as a monster?

More importantly, the second head actually grows out the day after tomorrow, so it will be sliced?
However, this doubt was immediately dispelled, because Zhang Wei obviously felt a refreshing feeling in his brain, and then found that his memory became clearer and clearer. As for other benefits, he has not discovered yet, but even so, Zhang Wei Wei also felt that he had made a lot of money.

Zhang Wei found an uninhabited island to put Suzaku and Xuanwu away, and then returned to reality. There are still many things waiting for Zhang Wei to do in reality.

"Welcome back, sir." The red queen appeared as soon as Zhang Wei returned to reality.

"Well, you can get busy with your work first, I want to take a break, and then we will proceed to the next step." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

Although he didn't experience any battles in the world of Iron Gods, Zhang Wei still felt tired. He didn't know if it was the sequelae of time travel. Every time he came back from time travel, he had to take a rest before he could work with peace of mind.

Early the next morning, Zhang Wei began to resume work. Under the supervision of the Red Queen, everything was normal in the company, and all kinds of talents had formed a certain scale. Therefore, there was almost no need for Zhang Wei to worry about the company's affairs. .

"Red Empress, how is the design of our multi-functional missile? Is it possible to launch it soon?" Zhang Wei asked.

"The main design has been completed, but we are now encountering difficulties. Our existing materials cannot meet our technology at all. Therefore, the development of new materials is an urgent matter." Hong Hou said.

"Well, this can be regarded as a necessity. The materials on the earth may not be enough, but those alloys cannot be manufactured by the technology on the earth. It seems that we really have to make materials ourselves, but , This kind of investment is too big, tell me, does the military have suitable materials?" Zhang Wei nodded and said.

Materials are bound to be a very important link restricting his development. It may take a lot of effort to manufacture Tony's missile.

The Red Queen has already collected all the materials that can be collected, but there are still many materials that are not available, which makes Zhang Wei very depressed.

Of course, Zhang Wei also knows that some materials are controlled by all countries, and there are very few civilians. Therefore, if you want to gather these materials, you must either develop them yourself or ask the military to provide them.

There are two choices, the latter one has too much initial investment, but the effect is very obvious. After these materials are developed, they are all right, and others cannot intervene. However, the disadvantages are also very obvious, that is, it takes a very long cycle and upfront investment.

The first initial investment is not too large. You can contact the chief through Liu Zhengjun's relationship to see how to cooperate. This is the easiest and quickest way, but it is controlled by others, which Zhang Wei extremely dislikes.

However, in the end Zhang Wei chose to cooperate with the military. Although this is temporarily controlled by others, it can provide a better guarantee. At the same time, it can also leave some profit margins for people. , Zhang Wei finally chose this path.

"Uncle Liu, I am designing a new type of surface-to-surface missile here, which has a large attack range and great power, but now I lack some materials, which are impossible for the people to obtain, so I I want to seek cooperation with the military." Zhang Wei dialed Liu Zhengjun's phone number and said directly.

"Okay, I have no problem here. You send the materials in password, and I will ask the chiefs for instructions. The specific result depends on you." Liu Zhengjun said without thinking.

"Uncle Liu, I understand. Now if we are developing new materials, it may take some time to waste. I don't want to waste this. Therefore, I hope Uncle Liu will contact me as soon as possible. If this cooperation model is feasible, then we will China's aerospace fighters will also carry out some similar cooperation." Zhang Wei said.

"You brat, you've already learned how to play bureaucracy with me, haven't you?" Liu Zhengjun cursed with a smile.

"How dare I, Uncle Liu, am I at a loss? If we develop new materials by ourselves, it will probably take about three months, and if we build a factory, it will take longer, so we can only do this. I did." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense with you. I want to report to the chief. I feel that the chance of success is very high. The chief's support for you is very strong. However, I also hope that you can be more confident. Let's show the prestige of our China." Liu Zhengjun waved his hand and said.

As Liu Zhengjun said, the chiefs are very fancy about Zhang Wei's starlight technology, and various policies can be tilted, but the premise is that Zhang Wei unconditionally supports the country and is loyal to the country.

According to the expectations of the chiefs, the better the development of starlight technology, the more beneficial it is to the country, the more advanced the weapons developed, the more powerful the control over the battle situation in future wars. Therefore, after Liu Zhengjun reported Zhang Wei's difficulties, the chief We immediately summoned experts to conduct research.

"Old Li, can you tell what these materials are used for? Why do I get more and more confused the more I look at them?" A gray-haired old man said lying on the table.

"Old Zhao, I don't understand either. I can understand these materials listed separately, but put them all together, what is it for? You know, there are a lot of special materials in it, even rockets use very little Ah." Old Li Bian said while shaking his head.

"Yes, I have been engaged in the military industry for more than 40 years, but unexpectedly, I am stumped by a little guy. What does this guy want so much material for?" Lao Zhao pushed his glasses and said.

"It is said that it is going to make missiles, but look, the broken blueprints given are completely different. What kind of missiles are these?" Another expert said while holding the blueprints.

"If you want me to tell you, it's the young people who are sensationalizing, otherwise how can we old people not understand the truth?" Old Zhao said.

"That's not necessarily the case. Since the chief has been alarmed, no one dares to joke about it." Lao Li said.

"That's right, something that can alarm the chief must be very valuable, otherwise there is no need for the chief to explain it, so we old guys should hurry up and work hard, otherwise the juniors will be overtaken. ’ said the expert.

(End of this chapter)

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