Chapter 323

Since Takayama Womeng joined Alchemy Star, Ah Jiu became a celebrity in the school, and the number of people around him increased every day. Some bold girls even took the initiative to throw themselves into his arms. As an upright scientist and a pure boy, Meng turned a blind eye to these girls, which made several friends of Gaoshan My Meng very angry.

"Master, are we really going to quit Chengnan University? There are still some advantages here, at least we have the support of My Dream and we will get a lot of resources." Xiao Mo said.

"Although there is some truth in saying this, it also limits some of our research, and there is still a little more than a year before the plot begins. During this year, we should make some preparations. You You should also know how powerful the monsters in this world are, I don’t think we can deal with those monsters at all, but in order to survive, we have to work hard to make ourselves stronger.” Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

The reason why Zhang Wei wants to leave Seongnam University is because a lot of research here will be supervised by the school, which is not good for his experiments, so he wants to leave here.

Now Zhang Wei has already figured out where to go, that is Xuanwu's body, as long as Xuanwu runs underground or flies to high altitude, after turning on the cloaking device, there are very few people in this world who can find him.

In addition, Xuanwu's defense is very strong, and it is not greatly affected by ordinary attacks, which allows Zhang Wei to conduct experiments with peace of mind.

Originally, when Zhang Wei wanted to resign at the beginning, the school firmly refused to allow it. The reason is very cheap, but now many people know about Zhang Wei's existence, and some people even apply for Nancheng University because of Zhang Wei's existence.

The reason is very simple, because Zhang Wei successfully "cultivated" a high mountain dream, so those parents who hoped that their children would become dragons also tried their best to send their children to Chengnan University.

The leaders of these schools are very clear, so when Zhang Wei proposed to resign, there were a hundred reasons to keep him. It was not until Zhang Wei agreed that he could come over for two classes a week before the school allowed him to leave the school alone. develop.

"Okay, the environment here is good. If you activate the Xuanwu Suzaku here, you shouldn't be discovered by anyone, right?" Zhang Wei said after checking the surrounding environment.

This is a forest, which is rare in island countries, so it is very precious here, and the reason why Zhang Wei chose this place is that there are tall trees here, which can block the satellite's shooting, thus successfully activating Suzaku and Xuanwu .

"Xuanwu, let's find a place nearby to live temporarily. I'm afraid I will be here for a while." Zhang Wei said while standing on Xuanwu's head.

"No problem, I feel that the environment here is very good, we can settle here temporarily." Xuanwu said after inspecting the surrounding environment.

Zhang Wei has no problem with this. What he wants to do now is to settle down, conduct scientific research quietly, and wait for the plot to begin.

"Teacher, we may be in trouble." Gaoshan Womeng called Zhang Wei in a bad mood that day.

"Huh? What's the matter, speak slowly, don't worry!" Zhang Wei said unhurriedly, because he already knew what Gao Shan I dreamed to say, it was nothing more than the root cause of death that brought on the body, these are inevitable of.

"Teacher, we have predicted through the supercomputer Chrysis that a guy called the root cause of death will come to the earth, and he will bring us endless disasters. Therefore, our Alchemy Star members now They are constantly conducting research, hoping to reduce our losses in the future." Gao Shan Gameng said.

"Well, I already know that, in fact, disasters are not terrible. What is terrible is the fear of unknown disasters. Therefore, we must be prepared before the real disaster comes. I hope we can be prepared enough to face it. For disaster." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"I understand, teacher. The governments of various countries have agreed to establish a United Earth Defense Organization. This was proposed by Alchemy Star before. It has already begun preparations before I joined. Now it has been confirmed that it will be established. An air defense organization will soon be established. At the base, they will use our anti-gravity device as the main suspension technology, so, teacher, come back." Gao Shan Gaimeng said.

"No, I won't join this defense organization. I have already built a safe laboratory for myself. After a while, I will also float in the air, and I will rise to an altitude of [-] meters. At that time, I will be able to easily avoid Dangerous." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

"Has the teacher turned the theory of the anti-gravity device into practice? It's really amazing, and I have to work hard." Gao Shan Womeng said with admiration.

"Well, work hard and look forward to your results." Zhang Wei hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

At this time, Zhang Wei's heart was bleeding. It is not so easy to turn the anti-gravity device from theory into practice. After such a long time, Zhang Wei has never been successful.

The reason why Zhang Wei said he was going to an altitude of [-] meters was because he had Xuanwu. As a BT, Xuanwu has the ability to fly. This ability is good.

Time flies, a year passed quickly, and Zhang Wei also successfully turned the anti-gravity device from theory into reality, and also successfully manufactured two aerospace fighters, which are now stored in Xuanwu's body.

"Master, there seems to be an accident in the capital of the island country. I'll send you the picture." Xuanwu said to Zhang Wei who was doing the experiment that day.

"Well, let me see what's going on!" Zhang Wei nodded and said.

After the screen was cut, Zhang Wei clearly saw a huge object floating above the capital of the island country in the screen. Seeing this, Zhang Wei knew that this was the monster coming.

"Xuanwu, prepare to be invisible, and then go into the sky. I am afraid that the ground or underground will not be peaceful in the future, but it will be safer in the sky." Zhang Wei said to Xuanwu.

"No problem, we'll take off now!" Xuanwu said.

In fact, Xuanwu and Suzaku have long been bored underground, and wanted to go out a long time ago, but Zhang Wei has been obsessed with doing experiments for so long, so they can only stay here .

"Boom!" Xuanwu burst out of the ground and flew directly into the sky without stopping.

(End of this chapter)

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