Infinite black technology

Chapter 326 Gaining Light

Chapter 326 Gaining Light
Zhang Wei's so-called special feeling is the physical and mental devastation he felt in the quantum accelerator. Zhang Wei feels that he will never forget this feeling in his life, and this feeling should definitely not be what he should have.

You know, now that he has peerless martial arts and super mental strength, it is impossible to feel pain except for special attacks, so Zhang Wei feels very strange.

"Xiao Mo, take a break and prepare to do it again!" Zhang Wei said.

"Master, otherwise we shouldn't try it, it's really hard work!" Xiao Mo hesitated for a while and said worriedly.

"Don't worry, this little thing is nothing to me at all. I think, as long as we persevere, we will discover the consciousness of the earth sooner or later." Zhang Wei said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth. Obviously, he already had some ideas at this time .

After the equipment was started, it soon entered the field of particle acceleration again. This time, Zhang Wei was already prepared, so he was not surprised. On the contrary, he was going to try it.

"That's the feeling. It's definitely right. This should be the consciousness of the earth. It must be being invaded by monsters and destroyed by humans. Therefore, the earth will convey such emotions." Zhang Wei said to himself in his heart .

"Is it the earth, do you want to express your current mood through such emotions?" Zhang Wei shouted amid countless lights.

"Earth, a disaster has come. Although I am not from this world, I am also a human being. I also do not want the earth to be destroyed. The earth..."

"Ahem!" After an unknown amount of time, the equipment stopped working, and Zhang Wei could only retreat from the device.

"Master, are you okay?" Xiao Mo leaned over and said.

"It's okay, I've gained something this time. How many times will we have in the future? I believe that we will be able to obtain Ultraman's ability. Just wait!" Zhang Wei said confidently.

"Master, but you have already experienced the particle acceleration field twice in a row, which is really harmful to people. Otherwise, let's take a break and try again tomorrow!" Xiao Mo said worriedly.

Among these people in Xuanwu's body, only Xiao Mo dared to talk to Zhang Wei like this, and it was all because Xiao Mo was the first artificial intelligence to follow Zhang Wei, and now he is one of Zhang Wei's most powerful supporters .

"Don't worry, this kind of damage is nothing, I can still bear it, you must know that my current physical strength is not easy to hurt, and the earth itself has no malice towards human beings, just want to express some feelings, nothing will happen Yes." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

"But, master, are you really alright?" Xiao Mo still said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Zhang Wei certainly knows what he is doing now, and he also knows that he is very close to success now, maybe, he only needs to try a few more times to succeed.

After two visits to the particle acceleration field, Zhang Wei has confirmed that what he feels in the particle acceleration field is definitely the emotions of the earth. As long as he understands the current thoughts of the earth, then it will be a matter of time before he obtains the ability of Ultraman Therefore, Zhang Wei is going to strike while the iron is hot.

After making up his mind, Zhang Wei became more regular in his life. In addition to eating and sleeping every day, he entered the field of particle acceleration to feel the mood of the earth, and prepared for the ability to transform into Ultraman in the future.

And when Zhang Wei was doing these things, the third monster had already ushered in outside, the hyperspace wave monster Mizat, this is also the most powerful monster that XIG has encountered so far, and this monster is not at all It cannot be dealt with by XIG. Of course, none of the monsters in this world can be dealt with by XIG. These monsters are also destroyed by Ultraman.

"Earth, you are the mother of all life on the earth, but there are countless monsters on the earth now. They destroy the living environment of life on the earth. If this continues, I am afraid that the earth will lose all life in one day Life, at that time, the earth will become a dead star, the earth..." After entering the particle acceleration field again, Zhang Wei was still shouting.

"Hoo!" Zhang Wei only felt that the surrounding scenery changed, and then he appeared in a place full of azure. This place has no other colors except azure, but Zhang Wei can feel that this place It must be a consciousness space on the earth, where the secret of Ultraman should be hidden.

Before Zhang Wei had time to think about it, the azure light gathered together in an instant, and turned into a light cluster and floated in front of Zhang Wei.

Subconsciously, Zhang Wei raised his hand to take the ball of light, and the ball of light floated gently in Zhang Wei's hand as if alive.

"Is this the light of Ultraman?" Zhang Wei murmured looking at the light group.

"I will definitely use you to protect the earth." Zhang Wei said, holding the light ball in his hand.

"Hey!" The device stopped working, and Zhang Wei appeared in front of everyone again.

"Master, are you okay?" Xiao Mo asked.

"It's okay, look, I've got the Light of Ultraman, and from now on, I can transform into an Ultraman too, is my transforming device ready?" The sky blue light group took it out and said.

"It's been prepared a long time ago, master, look, this is much smaller and more beautiful than the transformation device I dreamed of them." Xiao Mo said as he brought over something that looked like a miniature magic wand.

Zhang Wei didn't have any requirements for the shape of the transforming device, so after Xiao Mo took it, he used it directly, and put the light ball into the transforming device.

As for how to transform, Zhang Wei had already received the message when he obtained the light group, so he only needed to think about transforming into an Ultraman.

"Master, now I dream that they are dealing with the hyperspace fluctuation monster Mizat, do you want to become an Ultraman to help, otherwise, you still don't know what the transformed Ultraman looks like!" Mo said.

After listening to Xiao Mo's words, Zhang Wei felt that it made sense. Since the earth had given him the Ultraman Light that can transform into an Ultraman, wouldn't it disappoint the earth if he didn't express it?

"You're right, I should transform to show my face, at least to kill this monster." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"Transform!" Zhang Wei took the transforming device and concentrated on transforming, but the name has not been determined yet, so it can only be transformed.

(End of this chapter)

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