Chapter 334

With the roar of the monster, a large amount of smoke and dust caused by the plasma cannon gradually dissipated. At this time, people could see the current appearance of the monster clearly.

"My God, is this the damage caused by that blow just now?" Qiao Ji covered her mouth and said incredulously.

"What a powerful weapon!" Dunzi said with his eyes wide open, obviously surprised by the power of the plasma cannon.

"I Meng, analyze the power and data of that attack just now!" Commander Shishi said to Wo Meng who was about to leave.

"It's being analyzed, but the energy of that blow just now is too powerful, it's not easy to analyze!" I Meng kept operating on the console with both hands.

"According to the data, there was an ion beam in the attack just now, or that attack was an ion beam. This should be considered a plasma weapon, but we haven't successfully developed it yet. Is this the result of the teacher's research and development?" I asked. Meng said with a pleasant surprise.

"I dream, now is the time to study the data." Commander Shishi reminded.

"Yes!" I woke up from the dream, now is not the time to do research, I should do the work well first.

"According to the analysis, the energy that erupted just now is equivalent to the energy produced by the simultaneous explosion of millions of tons of TNT. However, even so, you have seen that this monster was not killed. The defense of this monster is very strong. However, under this attack, the defensive power of this monster is already close to zero, and Captain Daocheng and the others can attack at this time!" I Meng looked at the data and analyzed.

"Wait a minute, the Xuanwu base is fighting now, we'd better communicate with the Xuanwu base first!" Commander Shishi said.

"No need, the plasma weapon should be in a cooling state now, and there should be no possibility of firing again in a short time, so this is the best time to attack. If you miss it, it will be bad when the monster recovers." Look for such an opportunity." We said vigilantly.

"Director Di, Kulong team, attack!" Commander Shishi hesitated for a long time, then looked at Staff Chiba, saw him nodding, and then gave the order.

"Understood!" Director Di said with a salute.

"Team Cool Dragon, attack!" Director Di directly issued an order through the communicator.

"Yes, Team Kulong, attack!" Captain Daocheng replied and immediately began to attack.

Seeing the Kulong team attacking, Zhang Wei did not show anger and other emotions as many people imagined. On the contrary, he also showed a very happy smile, although only Xiao Mo and the others saw this smile.

"Master, they want to hunt monsters, don't you want to organize them?" Xiao Mo said.

"Why stop it? Isn't that good? At least, these guys know how to analyze the situation and know that they are going to attack the monster at this time. They also know that the monster's defense was broken by the shot just now. That's great. "Zhang Wei said with a smile, he didn't have any negative emotions because of being robbed by monsters, but he was very happy.

"Okay, master, you can really see." Xiao Mo said indifferently.

"It doesn't matter, it's all for dealing with monsters, and this monster is not so easy to deal with, just look, this monster has a back move." Zhang Wei said confidently.

"Could the master have discovered something? Or, does the master already know the monster's backhand? Or is this monster still going to transform?" Xiao Mo said.

"I don't know the specifics, but I'm sure that this monster is not so easy to kill. Haven't you understood it? Without Ultraman on the stage, how could the monster be killed?" Zhang Wei shook his head. Said.

"What the master said is so reasonable, I actually refuted it with force." Xiao Mo said a little speechlessly, because the conclusion Zhang Wei gave was too domineering.

"Hehe, watch it, it's just started!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

As Zhang Wei said, although it seems that the monster has lost its defensive power, it doesn't mean that the monster can be killed so easily.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!" The missiles of the Cool Dragon team continued to attack the monster, and bursts of explosions resounded through the sky.

"Did it really work?" Staff Officer Chiba said with a smile.

"Well, maybe we succeeded!" Commander Shishi also said with a smile.

"Great, finally eliminated the monster!" The two operators clapped happily.

It's no wonder they are so happy. If this monster is eliminated, then it will be the first monster to be eliminated by humans. How can this make them unhappy?

Moreover, just now, it has been said that the defense of this monster is close to zero, so how can it survive under so many missile bombings?

"No, that's not the case. This monster doesn't seem to have been killed. Now there is still a life reaction in the area where the monster appeared, and this life reaction is gradually increasing." I dreamed staring at the data and said.

"What!" Everyone looked at my dream in shock and said.

"It's true, it's unbelievable, how is this possible, just now, I obviously lost my life response, why, why did this happen?" My dream didn't pay attention to other people at all, but stared at the monitor with wide eyes Look at the data above.

"My dream, what's going on?" Commander Shishi said standing in front of my dream.

"Ah? Yes, just now, I found that the life response of this monster has disappeared, but it only took a few seconds for the life response to appear again, and it is still being strengthened. Up to now, it has become stronger than that of the monster just now." My life reaction is even stronger, this, this, it's unbelievable, unbelievable." I Meng said seriously.

"So, this monster is still alive?" Commander Shishi said.

"It's possible, but it's also possible that it's another one. It's not confirmed yet, and we won't know until the monster comes out." Womeng said.

"Xiao Mo, how are you doing now?" Zhang Wei asked.

"According to the reaction at the scene, that monster should have been eliminated, but now there is another life reaction, I don't know if it is the original monster." Xiao Mo's projection said seriously.

"Well, let's wait and see. I hope it's still the same. If it mutates, I don't know what it will look like." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"Captain, have we killed this monster yet?" The team members looked at Captain Daocheng excitedly and said.

(End of this chapter)

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