Infinite black technology

Chapter 336 Natural Controller

Chapter 336 Natural Controller

"Master, it seems that Ultraman Aguru is about to lose, shall we make a move?" Xiao Mo said.

"Wait a minute, Fujimiya Hirono is a very proud person. Under normal circumstances, he would never accept help from others, and would even regard it as a mockery, so wait a little longer and see what I dreamed of. Will that kid make a move?" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Hehe, I knew it if I saw it. My dream will definitely make a move. Just wait, the two Ultramans will definitely win." Zhang Wei said with a smile, obviously expecting the appearance of Gaia long ago.

In fact, after today's incident, Zhang Wei already had a rough guess. There are strong and weak monsters in this world. A weak Ultraman can kill them, and a strong one requires the cooperation of two Ultramans.

Zhang Wei sometimes wonders if this is Earth's way of warning the Ultramen to unite as one. After all, there were differences between my dream and Hirono Fujimiya at the beginning.

In a two-on-one situation, the monsters were quickly wiped out, but Zhang Wei knew that the next monsters would become more and more difficult to deal with.

"Xuanwu, let's go, just leave it to XIG." Zhang Wei said to Xuanwu after finishing the monster.

After all, XIG is the official organization of the world. Relatively speaking, the public is still willing to accept them, and Zhang Wei is just a non-governmental organization. Therefore, Zhang Wei decided to avoid appearing in front of the public as much as possible.

"Master, in fact, if we turn on the cloaking device, ordinary people will not be able to find us at all." Xiao Mo said.

"I understand this, but it's not good to be here after all. After all, the official people are here, and it will be inconvenient for us to show up." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

Although Xiao Mo and the others didn't understand Zhang Wei's approach, as the intelligent life created by Zhang Wei, they would still fulfill Zhang Wei's orders without discount.

Time passed quickly, and several days had passed since the monster appeared last time. The past few days were relatively calm, but Zhang Wei knew that there was a more powerful hidden under this calm. monster.

"Master, I found a special typhoon. It is very likely that the natural control device has appeared. Shall we go and have a look?" Xiao Mo said.

"Oh? Where, let me take a look. Maybe, we can find a way to get this natural control device. At least we must not let go of this technology. You know, the environmental problem in reality is already a very headache. So, if we can master this technology, you can think about what we can get through this technology." Zhang Wei said very seriously.

"The master is right. If we can really master this technology, then we may get unexpected benefits in exchange for it in reality." Xiao Mo calculated the result and said.

"That's right, so we can let Ultraman kill the others, but we must find a way to get these three natural controllers." Zhang Wei nodded seriously.

"Master, look, this is the picture captured by satellite, it looks very similar to the picture in the anime, should we go over and have a look?" Xiao Mo said.

"Well, let's go and have a look, Xuanwu, can you get into the eye of the typhoon?" Zhang Wei nodded and said.

Zhang Wei believed in Xuanwu's defensive power, but after all, the machine created such a large typhoon eye, and there were many uncertainties there, so Zhang Wei still had to confirm it with Xuanwu first.

Of course, Zhang Wei can also choose to use the taming technique to tame these three monsters, but Mastery doesn't want to waste these three places, because he doesn't know what good things he will encounter in the future, so he still reserves them for the future. in use.

"Master, my current defense is definitely not a problem. I think as long as I don't attack repeatedly from the front, there should be no problem. However, there is a problem. The typhoon created by this monster is too strong, which will affect our flight. Let our combat effectiveness drop." Xuanwu said after calculating the data.

"Well, I see, let's think of a way. Although this monster is called a natural controller, it is a living monster," Zhang Wei said while thinking about how to deal with this monster. , let’s try it first, if it’s really not possible, just use the plasma cannon to hit him.”

"Understood!" Xuanwu began to fly towards the eye of the typhoon after winning.

Not only Zhang Wei and the others discovered the eye of the typhoon, but the people from XIG also discovered this weird eye of the typhoon. At this time, they were also discussing countermeasures to deal with the eye of the typhoon, but they have not come to investigate yet.

"I dream, you mean that this meteorite appeared because of this typhoon?" Commander Shishi said with a frown.

"Well, judging from the trajectory of the meteorite, it should come from the eye of the typhoon, and we analyzed the composition of the meteorite, and there is no burn mark that should appear when the meteorite fell. Therefore, I think this thing should come from the interior of the earth. Yes, but its ingredients are not from the known ingredients on the earth, so, I feel..." I Meng said hesitantly.

"You mean to say that this typhoon is man-made, but there is a monster in the typhoon's eye?" Staff Officer Qianye said uncertainly.

"Now we can only say that there is such a possibility, but this possibility is very high." Wo Meng nodded and said.

"Then, next, I'll drive the EX to observe it myself. By the way, I will collect a sample of the atmospheric composition. I hope it's not as complicated as we imagined." I Meng stood up and said.

"Yes, yes!" Commander Shishi nodded and said.

"Master, we still underestimated this monster. The typhoon he created, the wind speed is still increasing. If he is allowed to grow like this, I am afraid that none of the creatures on the earth will survive." Xiao Mo said.

"Well, I see, be careful." Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"Master, I will open the protective cover now, let's go in and have a look now." Xuanwu said.

"Okay, I want to take a closer look at how this guy works, and why he can create such a large typhoon." Zhang Wei looked at the monitor and said.

"Yes, Master."

Zhang Wei is actually very fortunate. Before coming to this world, he went to the world of Iron God Warrior, and it is because of this that he has Xuanwu. Otherwise, it would really take some effort to get the data of this monster.

(End of this chapter)

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