Chapter 339


"Okay, there's no need to say anything, this matter is decided." Zhang Wei waved his hand and interrupted Suzaku who was about to say something.

"Okay, then, I hope the master will be careful!" Xiao Mo could only say helplessly.

"Yeah!" Zhang Wei nodded and walked over to the parking room.

The reason why it is a parking room instead of an apron is because Zhang Wei's aerospace fighters are similar to XIG's fighters, both of which are very high-end. Anti-gravity device, can take off and land vertically.

"K1 is ready to take off, Xuanwu, open the channel!" Zhang Wei said to Xuanwu after checking the equipment.

"Kang Dang!" Xuanwu opened the channel of the fighter plane, and Zhang Wei launched the fighter plane and flew out directly.

"The K1's performance is very stable, and the flight is very smooth. Now, let's go to the destination." After trying to fly for a certain distance, the data was no problem. Zhang Weicai drove the fighter plane thinking about the direction of Gangbei Technology Park.

Zhang Wei is so careful not because he is worried about the poor performance of the fighter plane, but because he is worried that the fighter plane will have problems when it reaches the destination, which would be a shame.

"Please answer the fighters in front, this is the defense team, please cooperate as necessary!" Zhang Wei had just flown in the sky, and several fighters outflanked him not long after.

"I'm XIG's new fighter jet, which is undergoing a test flight, please don't worry." Zhang Wei replied.

"It turned out to be a colleague of XIG, then, we will not bother!" After talking about a few fighters, he left.

In fact, it is of no value for them to follow, because if Zhang Wei really wants to get rid of them, these outdated aircraft compared to K1 will not be able to catch up with him at all, and their combat effectiveness is also far behind .

And the pilots of these fighters also knew how big the gap was between them drinking XIG, so they simply chose to give up.

"Sure enough, it's a bullying dog." Zhang Wei said with a sneer.

After finishing in the sky for a while, Zhang Wei chose to land, because the monster might be activated after the delay.

"The environment here is pretty good, but the idea that the monsters here actually want to destroy the city through these vegetation is a bit whimsical." Standing in the middle of the tall trees, Zhang Wei took a deep breath and said.

"Well, if the abilities of these monsters are used well, I'm afraid they can change the global climate and ecological environment to a large extent. At least in a few years, more species can reproduce. I hope I can succeed!" Zhang Wei sighed unexpectedly.

Although the environment here is very good, Zhang Wei knows that the environment here should not be damaged, otherwise the loss will be very large, and the monsters will not stop expanding because of such a city.

"Teacher? You're here too?" As I was about to come out, my dream happened to meet Zhang Wei.

"Well, how is your investigation going?" Zhang Wei nodded and said.

"It has been roughly investigated, but there are still some places that are still unclear. We need to go back and analyze the data." Womeng said, he did not hide anything from Zhang Wei.

"It seems that you have gained a lot!" Zhang Wei said with a smile and patted My Dream on the shoulder.

"Where, we just suffered for a while, I think, if the teacher makes a move, he will definitely be able to crack the secret here." I dreamed and said while touching my head.

"Hehe, you have grown up and surpassed me in many aspects, so you don't have to be humble, remember to give me a copy of the data, go." Zhang Wei waved his hand and continued to think about the inside.

"My dream, was that your teacher just now?" Captain Weiwei who came with me and said with a glance at Zhang Wei's back.

"That's right, that's my teacher, a very great scientist. Look over there, that plane should be the teacher's masterpiece." I Meng said, pointing to K1 not far away.

"How is it possible? According to what you said before, he is just a person, how can he build a fighter plane?" Captain Weiwei said in shock.

"Nothing is impossible, that's the teacher!" I Meng said as a matter of course.

Of course Zhang Wei doesn't know the content of the conversation between the two of them in my dream, but even if he knows, he won't say much.

Walking all the way to the interior, Zhang Wei collected a lot of samples, including stones, air, etc., as long as he thought it was valuable along the way, he collected all of them.

"This one should be dark green, but this guy hasn't been activated yet. It seems that the material is the same as that of the last Tiangong. This one also has wiring. Obviously, this one is more obvious than Tiangong because it is controlled by people." The machine, but, for some unknown reason, temporarily stopped expanding." Zhang Wei said, looking at the dark green tower-like.

"Boom!" Before Zhang Wei finished his research, the ground trembled for a while, and then the dark green actually started to move.

"I'm really in a hurry. It's activated at this time. I don't know if it was deliberately arranged, or was it caught up by me?" Zhang Wei retreated while talking, and now he can only avoid the edge temporarily. .

From far away, Zhang Wei saw bursts of green light glowing from the dark green body, and these green lights gradually drifted to the distance, and within the area covered by the green light, all the plants were growing crazily , It took only half a minute for a small sapling to grow into a towering tree, which is simply unbelievable.

"Monsters are monsters after all. Although what they do seems to be improving the environment of the earth, in fact, these monsters are just preparing for the full occupation of the earth. Therefore, these monsters still need to be killed. I don't know. Are we dispatched now?" Zhang Wei looked at the monster and muttered to himself.

"Zeus, transform." Zhang Wei completed the transformation in a hidden place.

"Drink!" After transforming, Zhang Wei appeared in front of the monster.

"Gah!" The monster made a strange cry after seeing Ultraman.

"Did you see me?" Zhang Wei said coldly.

"Drink!" Zhang Wei directly attacked the monster without hesitation.

Same as last time, while fighting, Zhang Wei made fragments from monsters, these are important materials for the future.

The voices of "Boom!" "Boom!" came out continuously, Zhang Wei relied on his rich combat experience and the monsters were inseparable, but now the strength of the monsters has been greatly enhanced, and Zhang Wei's attack has become very difficult. Inflicted heavy damage to the monster.

"Why is that?" Zhang Wei shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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