Infinite black technology

Chapter 347 Promotion Meeting

Chapter 347 Promotion Meeting

"Mr. Zhang, you Starlight Technology is really unexpected. You have quietly achieved something that we have not been able to do for decades. This achievement makes us very jealous!" Mr. Ren of Warwick grabbed Zhang Wei's head said.

"Thank you Mr. Ren for your great support to us, and also thank Mr. Ren for your trust all the time. There is still a while before the promotion meeting will start. Let's take a break in the lounge first!" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

Zhang Wei has long been handy in dealing with such a scene, and Zhang Wei, who has undergone professional aristocratic training, can maintain his so-called demeanor under any conditions.

"Haha, that's what it should be, but speaking of it, I'm really curious about this new product you've developed. You've done a great job of keeping it secret now. When a new product comes out, it's only revealed that there is a new product. Even The names are not disclosed, look at these people, these people are all here for your new products, can you tell me now, what are the new products?" Mr. Ren asked quietly.

"This, it's really not good. The promotion meeting is coming soon, and you will see it when the time comes. It's not too late, right?" Zhang Wei said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, you Mr. Zhang, well, we are also at our discretion!" Mr. Ren said with a smile.

"Mr. Gates, you are here from a structure?" When Mr. Ren arrived at the lounge, he saw that Mr. Gates was already waiting in the lounge.

"Hello, Ren, I didn't expect you to be slower than me. Do you already know what new product Zhang is going to release?" Mr. Gates smiled and shook hands with Mr. Ren.

"I'm disappointed. Mr. Zhang has done a good job of keeping secrets. We haven't received any news at all, and we don't know what new product he will release this time." Mr. Ren shook his head and said.

"Haha, indeed, this Zhang is not willing to reveal any information to us at all." Mr. Gates said with a smile. Judging from his performance, he didn't care that Zhang Wei did a good job of keeping secrets.

This lounge is specially arranged by Zhang Wei for these bosses to rest. It is also convenient for them to talk about some things here. They arranged it together.

The guests will soon be due, and the presentation will officially begin.

"Guests..." Zhao Yang stood on the stage and wrote the opening remarks.

"Next, Mr. Zhang Wei, the founder of Starlight Technology, will show you the latest products of Starlight Technology. This product can let you experience a completely different world. Then, welcome Mr. Zhang." Zhao Yang looked at Zhang Wei with a smile.

"Hi everyone, I won't say much about the extra words, just talk about the products we are about to launch today, everyone, please look here, this is the product we launched this time!" Zhang Wei put his hands on the virtual reality helmet The red pull down.

"Mr. Zhang, you put so much effort into it. You didn't mean to show us the motorcycle helmet developed by your county, did you? This is too unlike your style." Mr. Lei joked.

"Of course, you can see that this helmet is obviously different from a safety helmet. This is a virtual reality helmet that exists in fantasy. We can use this helmet to enter a virtual world. For example, we can develop a virtual reality helmet. so that we can fully experience a brand new gaming experience?" Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"Boom!" The whole venue was full of noise. No one believed that this kind of thing that existed in novels or even science fiction works would actually appear in this world, and it was actually ready to be put on the market.

"How is this possible? Isn't this something that should exist in science fiction works? Is Starlight Technology already powerful enough to produce fantasy products?" A leader of a technology company said in surprise.

"Who said no, this Zhang Zong would not be cheating, right? Such a ghost thing can be made. If I wasn't on the scene now, whoever told me that I had developed a virtual reality helmet, I would definitely beat him up. Him," said the leader of another technology company.

"I feel that Mr. Zhang is also cheating. Who would have thought that something that scientists said would take hundreds of years to appear could be made so easily?"

"However, I still have a question. Is this thing really usable? Don't just take out a concept machine?"

"I think everyone is wondering now, can this thing really work? Then we will invite a few big names with certain influence in the world to experience it for themselves. We can see them through the exclusive monitoring equipment. Every move in the virtual world!" The man was slapped in the face by Zhang Wei just after he finished speaking.

Since he dared to hold a product promotion meeting, then there must be no problem with the product at all. Zhang Wei completely squeezed into the cautious character of the Chinese people, and he would never disclose any information before he was sure.

The real influential people here are Mr. Gates and the others. They are also looking forward to this product very much. Therefore, after Zhang Wei announced the list, they can't wait to go to the designated location to experience it. And they The performance of the experience is completely displayed in front of everyone.

"Wow!" After seeing the picture displayed by the monitoring equipment, everyone was shocked. Although they did not see the picture in virtual reality and did not have that kind of real experience, it can be seen from the monitoring picture that this Headsets are already fully capable of virtual reality.

These bosses are also rare existences, and their every move has attracted much attention. At this time, in the virtual world, they either go fishing for leisure, or plant vegetables and weeds. These pictures are displayed in front of people. I saw a side of these bigwigs that people had never seen before.

"The experience is over so soon?" After the experience time was up, the staff successfully woke up the boss.

"Yes, Mr. Gates, may I ask, are you feeling unwell?" the staff member said with a smile.

"Well, the only discomfort is that the time is too short!" Mr. Gates said with a smile.

"Mr. Gates, how do you feel after personally experiencing this virtual reality helmet? Can you share it with everyone?" A reporter took the opportunity to pass the microphone over.

"Well, this is a great invention. It is much more powerful than my VR technology. This has also caused my VR technology award to lose its usefulness. I really don't know whether to be grateful or angry." Mr. Gates said with a wry smile.

(End of this chapter)

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