Infinite black technology

Chapter 351 First Flight

Chapter 351 First Flight
"It's such an advanced aircraft, can Starlight Technology achieve this level?" A reporter said looking at the aircraft slowly climbing upwards.

"Yeah, this fighter plane looks quite cool, but I don't know how its combat power is. If its combat power is the same as his appearance, we will make a lot of money this time. We will have good material when we go back. That's all. I could cover him for days," said another reporter.

"Who says it's not? This Starlight Technology is really amazing. Just this one, I'm afraid that Starlight Technology will receive special protection from the upper echelon in China?" As official reporters, these reporters still have very vicious eyes. up.

Now these reporters are very happy. They are secretly glad that they came here for this reason. Some people are voluntary, and some people are forced to do so. However, no matter who they are, they are very happy now, because they filmed Here comes this cool fighter.

Of course, they are not afraid of leaking the secret because of this, because since they have been asked to follow up and shoot, it means that they have decided to announce it to the public, and it is very likely that they will be mass-produced and installed soon.

"K1 requests to enter outer space for the first actual combat exercise in outer space!" Zhang Wei's voice came to everyone's ears from the loudspeaker.

"I agree to enter outer space!" Liu Zhengjun, who was in charge of the command, said excitedly.

This is the first real aerospace fighter in the history of mankind, and it is also the first fighter that can really be used to fight in outer space. Most importantly, such a fighter was developed in China. How dare you disrespect China?
Entering outer space to fight, not to mention the technical difficulty, it is impossible for others to create it in a short time, but its actual deterrent significance is absolutely huge. At least, with such a fighter, some countries will have to think about it. From time to time, fighter planes are about to appear overhead.

If you enter outer space, you can completely avoid the tracking of radars, and even avoid the tracking of satellites. Such fighters are definitely very frightening to all countries.

Besides, Zhang Wei has already driven K1 into outer space at this time, launched an attack on several abandoned satellites in outer space, and transmitted the image back to the earth, so that everyone present can see it very clearly.

Of course, when Zhang Wei was doing this, there was nothing he could do to hide it. This scene was captured by many satellites, and even the astronauts on the space station videotaped it and sent it back to China, which made countries all over the world very nervous.

"Who can tell me what's going on?" The president of the United States threw a stack of photos in front of a high-level executive.

"Your Excellency, this is the picture taken by our satellite and the astronauts in the space station, but this does not explain anything." An official said unhurriedly.

"I can't explain the problem, are you blind? Didn't you see the icon on this fighter plane? That's the national flag of China. Do you know the national flag of China?" , This idiot official doesn't even know how nervous he is.

"Your Excellency, regarding this issue, I think it is useless for us to discuss it now. The key now is to figure out what Huaxia wants to do. It is not their character to experiment with new aircraft so blatantly. What is their purpose now?" an official said slowly.

"Well, now we really need to clarify this issue. Tell me, is this China putting pressure on us? Or, they have fully mastered this technology and can be mass-produced and installed?" For those who understand, Mr. President finally lost his temper.

"According to the information we have learned, this fighter should be developed by Starlight Technology, and according to the news from Facebook, it seems to be to retaliate against our ban. Although we don't know the authenticity of this news yet, but , I'm afraid there is such a possibility, Starlight Technology is not easy to get along with." The official said with a bitter face.

"So, what do you think about this matter?" The president rubbed his forehead and said.

view?If you have any opinions, admit it, all the officials sitting here have such an idea.

"I remember last time Pratt & Whitney seemed to say that they were developing aerospace fighters. I don't know how they are progressing this time?" Seeing that no one spoke, the president changed the subject. No one can do anything about the situation.

"Judging from the current data, they seem to have encountered some troubles. It may take a while to develop successfully."

The difference from Midea is that after seeing the pictures sent back from Huaxia, everyone was very excited. The first generation of aerospace fighters has been successfully developed. Although it came out in a private enterprise, but, What does it matter, as long as it is researched by Huaxia, it is enough.

"Boss, boss, we succeeded. We really succeeded this time. Zhang Wei is simply, simply a genius. Aerospace fighters are no longer a dream." Liu Zhengjun said excitedly.

"Haha, that's right. It seems that the chief executives made the right decision at the beginning. This Xiao Zhang is really a talent. With the aerospace fighter and the split missile he developed, our strength will have one." A great breakthrough." The chief at the scene said happily.

"That's right, it's just that this kid's heart is very dark, and I don't know how much it will cost this time!" Liu Zhengjun's face became ugly when he said this, because every time Zhang Wei came out with a new product, The military is always going to lose a lot of money.

"It's just money. The most important thing we lack is money. No amount of money can buy such things. Now we have more confidence." The chief said indifferently.

"You guys just keep an eye on it. I'm going to make a phone call with the chiefs. This is a big deal." The chief at the scene said.

Soon Zhang Wei completed his first flight and returned to the ground. He was greeted by countless flashing lights and long guns and short cannons on the ground. Although there were not many reporters on the scene, they were very enthusiastic.

"Okay, friends from the press, please allow some time for Mr. Zhang Wei. I am afraid that Mr. Zhang Wei will be called by the chiefs to talk with him." Liu Zhengjun said to these reporters with a smile.

"That's right, that's right, we're just so happy, we actually forgot such an important matter, Mr. Zhang should report to the chiefs first." The reporters left tactfully.

(End of this chapter)

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