Infinite black technology

Chapter 353 Contra

Chapter 353 Contra

Zhang Wei does not believe that the United Nations can evolve into the Earth Federation. However, since the world has announced that the Earth Federation evolved from the United Nations, there should be some unknown changes in the middle.

However, what makes Zhang Wei very satisfied is that the technology in this world is very advanced. It has reached the interstellar era, and human beings have begun to explore the unknown starry sky.

"The unknown ocean of stars is really fascinating!" Zhang Wei sighed.

However, what surprised Zhang Wei the most was that he found a news on the Internet that made him unable to calm down. This news only had three words "Contra".

Originally Contra was nothing, but the news of the formation of the Contra unit by the Earth Federation made Zhang Wei a little sleepless because he thought of a possibility, that is, he might have traveled to the world of Contra this time.

Contra can be said to be Zhang Wei's childhood, accompanied by the growth of several generations, and people's enthusiasm for Contra has never diminished.

"If this is the world of Contra, then should I join the Contra army when I come here?" Zhang Wei thought to himself.

After experiencing so many worlds, Zhang Wei already knows that almost every world he travels through belongs to the world of science fiction. It seems that his system can only travel to the world of science fiction, and the plot of Contra The game is set in 2633, and the background of the game is the alien invasion, which can barely be regarded as a science fiction work.

"What is the purpose of my coming to this world? What kind of technology can I harvest in this world?" Zhang Wei said while leaning on the bed, frowning.

Now Zhang Wei only has a preliminary understanding of this world, but does not really understand the whole world. Zhang Wei knows that if he wants to understand this world, he must integrate into this world, otherwise, he will never understand it thoroughly.

"It seems that I have to find a job and then integrate into this world, but I don't know what kind of talents are needed to find a job in this world?" Zhang Wei said after thinking for a while.

After half a month, Zhang Wei stopped looking for a job, because he found that it was too difficult to find a job in this world, so he simply gave up. However, in order to survive, he must also get some funds. After all, one cannot go hungry.

"It seems that I can only participate in the selection of Contra troops, otherwise I will really be hungry." Zhang Wei shook his head and smiled wryly.

Yes, Zhang Wei has reached the end of his love life. It is really not easy for him to make some money. The world has achieved a high degree of digitalization, and basically one-card transactions can be realized, and the most important card has actually been realized. In order to implant it into the skin, Zhang Wei, who wanted to make some money, had no choice.

As for making some money through hacking, that is even more unwilling, because Zhang Wei is not familiar with the network defense methods in this world, so he can only give up this plan.

This is the first time Zhang Wei feels that he is useless as a time traveler. In a world he is familiar with, he doesn’t even know what to do to get money. If other time travelers find out about this, they will probably laugh it off. Big teeth.

"In this case, then, I will go to participate in the selection of Contra. With my physical fitness, there should be no problem in the selection. However, the selection of this Contra unit does not seem to be that simple. If I want to be selected from the guard force of the Earth Federation, should I join the guard force first?" Zhang Wei said looking at the introduction of the Contra force on the Internet.

A year later, Zhang Wei finally successfully joined the Contra team.

"Zhang Wei, we have finally come out of the training camp. How are you doing? How are you going to spend the three-day vacation?" A similar Chinese ran over from behind and said.

"I don't know yet, but you also know, you should also know what we have lived in the past six months, so I plan to use these few days of vacation to take a rest, and I'm afraid we will have to carry out the mission after the vacation is over. Zhang Wei shrugged and said.

The Chinese who caught up was Zhang Wei's comrade-in-arms, named Yang Zhong, who was also selected for his outstanding performance in the selection of Contra troops. Because the selection of Contra troops is very strict, the number of places is limited every year, so, It is very rare to have two Chinese in the same group, so the two of them were very friendly from the beginning.

"That's right, I also intend to take a good rest." Yang Zhong nodded in agreement, recalling the days in the training camp, his scalp was numb, and he didn't know how he persisted.

In fact, Zhang Wei is not much better, because the training camp is not just training, but also injecting some genetic medicine to improve combat power, which makes Zhang Wei very uncomfortable. You know, Zhang Wei is very concerned about his combat power. is very confident.

Of course, in the world of Contras, Zhang Wei also needs to be more careful, because anything can happen in this world, and Zhang Wei clearly knows that the world Contras have to deal with is not ordinary. enemy.

And Zhang Wei didn't have the confidence to deal with the entire Contra army, at least, under the current situation, he didn't have confidence, even with Suzaku and Xuanwu, he still didn't have confidence.

With the in-depth understanding of this world, Zhang Wei became more and more afraid of this world.

Three days later, when the vacation was over, Zhang Wei received an order to form a team with Yang Zhong to carry out a mission.

The content of the task is not very complicated, but for newcomers like Zhang Wei and Yang Zhong, it is not that simple.

"Zhang Wei, you really hit the spot. We really have to go on a mission after the vacation." Yang Zhong said with a piece of order.

"Brother, don't you want this expression? In fact, this is also very good. Although our task is a bit difficult, it is not impossible. At least the two of us can still try." Zhang Wei smiled He patted Yang Zhong on the shoulder and said.

"Bring it down, is it easy for the two of us to perform this task?" Yang Zhong said with some embarrassment.

Zhang Wei smiled and didn't say much. Zhang Wei is also clear about the situation of this task.

To go to Taiguo to arrest a big drug lord, it is really difficult for two people to carry out this task, but don't forget that Zhang Wei and the others are Contra troops, each of them is a super fighter, and performing such a task is usually difficult. But that's all.

Of course, this task is not really for the two of them to overthrow all the drug lords and then arrest the drug lord, but for Zhang Wei and the others to use their brains to find a way to arrest the drug lord.

(End of this chapter)

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