Infinite black technology

Chapter 355 Galga Islands

Chapter 355 Galga Islands

"I really don't know how Yang Zhong passed the assessment. With this level, he might even know how to die when he came out to perform the mission?" Zhang Wei said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Zhang Wei hid in the dark while observing the situation outside. As long as he saw the right opportunity, he would move towards the target. Now Zhang Wei just wanted to sneak over by himself and grab the target.

"The target should be here, but I don't know if it's still in this building, but anyway, at this time, I'm going to have a look, and I hope to gain something." Zhang Wei muttered and turned to Walk inside the building.

"How did Contra's people find this place?" Just as Zhang Wei was searching for the target, he heard a voice.

"Boss, we don't know what's going on here. According to Amway, our place is so hidden and we haven't done anything out of the ordinary. How could we attract the attention of Contra?" Said.

"Boss, we have always kept a low profile. Although we are doing some white flour business, we have not ostentatiously. We have always acted in a low-key manner. Moreover, Contra is not dealing with us, they are dealing with terrorists. You shouldn't have found us." Another younger brother said.

"Well, that's true, but what's going on in front of you?" The boss said in a deep voice.

"Anyway, let's get out of here first. Since there is a Contra coming outside, there may be other Contras coming, so let them deal with it here." The boss speeded up while speaking. speed.

Zhang Wei, who was hiding in the dark, was almost certain that this guy was their target codenamed mouse, but if he wanted to escape now, it might be too late.

"It's only now that I think about leaving, isn't it a bit late?" Zhang Wei suddenly appeared and pointed a gun at the mouse and said.

"Who are you, why are you here?" Mouse is a big boss after all, he didn't react too much to Zhang Wei's sudden appearance, he was just a little surprised, but he looked at Zhang Wei very calmly and said.

"It's a big boss after all, and it's still so calm at this time." Zhang Wei said with a cold smile.

"Haha, I've been thinking about it so much, why haven't I experienced it, I think I've always been very low-key, how could we attract the attention of the Contra troops?" the mouse said, lighting a cigarette.

"Crack!" Zhang Wei raised his hand and shot the younger brother who was about to pull out a gun, and a blood hole appeared in the younger brother's head.

"It's best not to move around, otherwise, I don't know if I will kill you." Zhang Wei said with a cold smile.

"Okay, you've been arrested now!" Zhang Wei quickly appeared beside the mouse, and put a pair of handcuffs on the mouse. Of course, the younger brother beside him was also handcuffed.

"The code-named mouse has been arrested, please support!" Zhang Wei said using a communicator to contact the support force.

"Received!" the support team replied.

After successfully catching the mouse, Zhang Wei and the others returned to the headquarters in a helicopter driven by the support force.

"This time your mission was completed very well, I am very satisfied, and then you will become a member of the Contra force, well, rookies, you all go back to your respective stations." The leader looked at this The newcomers nodded in satisfaction.

It was after integrating into the Contra team that he began to complete these various tasks with other members, and a year passed in the blink of an eye.

On this day, the leader summoned some excellent Contra fighters, and had a very important task to give them.

"You are all the best fighters in the Contra army. This time, I have a very difficult task for you to complete." The leader looked at several people seriously and said.

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!" Several Contra fighters stood up straight and said.

"Very good, this is the task you need to complete today, you all have a look!" The leader threw the information to Zhang Wei and the others and said.

After Zhang Wei took the materials, he began to look at the materials seriously with others.

Through the information, Zhang Wei saw a very key word, the Galga Islands, this is the place where the meteorite fell two years ago. At this time, it is time to film Contra, which is probably the beginning of the plot.

"It has been written in the information that this time the mission is to go to the Garga Islands. We have received news that the Red Falcon Organization is organizing the construction of a terrorist organization there. Your mission is to destroy their plan." The leader said.

"Red Falcon? Hehe, this is interesting. Are the six of us going to this mission?" Yang Zhong said after reading the information.

"That's right, you guys are going to complete this mission this time. Why, don't you have confidence?" The leader said with a glance at Yang Zhong.

"Of course not. Such a mission is very exciting. When shall we set off?" Yang Zhong said.

Of course, Zhang Wei would not think that this task was simple and exciting, because he knew that this task was definitely not as simple as they encountered before.

Knowing that their enemies this time are aliens and alien machines, how could it be easy?
Of course, these Zhang Wei will not tell other people, so as not to dampen their enthusiasm, and at the same time, avoid causing trouble to themselves, after all, not everyone can predict the future.

"Zhang Wei, you seem to be very worried." Yang Zhong said carelessly on the plane.

"Hehe, every mission is taken seriously, so as not to cause accidents on the battlefield. At that time, it is not what we hope to see." Zhang Wei said with a smile.

"It's true, but I feel that we have some experience in dealing with terrorists. We should be able to deal with such a few words easily." Although Yang Zhong agreed with Zhang Wei's words, his tone was not Not very agree.

Regarding this, Zhang Wei didn't say much. After all, everyone has their own way of life, and being able to survive on the battlefield is the greatest skill.

"This time we will attack from six directions. Then you have to be more careful. The enemy this time is not that simple." Zhang Wei reminded Yang Zhong one last time.

The helicopter soon arrived at the Galga Islands, and the six people were placed in six positions, from which they were going to launch an attack. At the same time, they also had to use these six positions to determine if there were any new discoveries on the island.

Of course, this is also to increase the chances of completing the task.

(End of this chapter)

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