Chapter 358

Chapter 6

Suzaku moved very quickly. He used the simplest and rudest way to clean up the garbage and at the same time exposed the passage.

"Master, do you want me to go in with you?" Suzaku asked.

"No need, I can take care of things here, I'll take you back for now, and wait for the right opportunity to fight side by side." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

Zhang Wei, who has had an in-depth understanding of this world, already knows that this world is not that simple. The appearance of Suzaku on Galga Island can be said to be the work of Red Falcon, but if it still exists after leaving here, it is very unreasonable for so long Zhang Wei didn't know how to explain it. If the explanation didn't make sense, I'm afraid what awaited him would be a disaster he couldn't face.

"Okay, master, if there is danger, you can activate me in time, and if it is too late, you can let Selena and Alpha appear on the stage, they can protect the master." Suzaku nodded and said, and kicked Zhang Wei. Opinion.

"Well, I see!" Zhang Wei nodded and said.

In fact, Zhang Wei often forgets about Selena and Alpha, because although they have been taken in by Zhang Wei, the time with Zhang Wei is short after all, so Zhang Wei is still used to relying on Suzaku.

However, after Suzaku's reminder just now, Zhang Wei feels that the strategy needs to be changed in the future, because sometimes it is really inconvenient for Suzaku and others to appear on the stage, but Selena is different. She is Zhang Wei's pet and can be collected at any time. At the same time, Selena can also become a mouse-sized existence, which is very easy to hide.

"Selena, I'm afraid we will fight side by side for a while!" Zhang Wei released Selena from the pet space and said.

"Of course, sir, it's my honor!" Selena said after she came out and raised an eyebrow at Zhang Wei.

It's a pity that Zhang Wei knows what kind of existence Selena's body is, so Zhang Wei has always been immune to Selena's eyebrows and eyes, and even feels a little cold all over the body. The reason is very simple, Selena The main body is really not flattering ah.

"Well, here is a passage. I don't know where the passage is, but we have to pass through here. We don't know what kind of enemies are inside, so this time we have to rely on our real skills." Zhang Wei pointed out Said through the channel.

"No problem, in fact, such a thing is very simple for me, but if I do it, I'm afraid it will bring some unnecessary troubles to the world, so it's better to keep a low profile." Celine Na glanced at the passage and said.

"Your strength is unquestionable, and everyone in the universe knows this, but now we must keep a low profile, so now this is for you, let's go." Zhang Wei glanced at Selena in a bad mood, and then Throw him a submachine gun.

"Okay, sir, although this gun doesn't look very good, it's just right now. So, shall we start? I haven't killed anyone for a long time." Selena looked at the gun and said.

"Well, let's start now. If I really let me go to this passage by myself, I'm afraid I'll die soon without a cover." Zhang Wei said with a wry smile and shook his head.

Seeing that Zhang Wei agreed, Selena entered the passage immediately. She would not have the same worries as Zhang Wei, because he knew that it was impossible for ordinary weapons to hurt her, so she was so confident.

"Da da da!" Zhang Wei heard a burst of gunshots just as he walked into the passage.

"This Selena is really impatient. She got angry with the enemy teacher so quickly, and I don't know if the enemy can withstand Selena's attack." Zhang Wei shook his head while walking.

"Hey, Selena, don't eat people in front of me, or don't blame me for punishing you." Zhang Wei said when he saw Selena who was about to eat people.

"Hmph, it's cheap for you!" Selena threw the corpse on the ground in a very puzzled manner, and then walked towards the next bunker again.

With Selena joining, Zhang Wei felt that today's battle seemed a little too easy. It didn't take much experience at all, as long as he followed Selena and walked forward.

Under Selena's powerful attack, the second level was easily passed. Even the boss was brutally beaten to scum by Selena.

The poor boss had already been killed by Selena before he could even launch an attack.

"Selena, I think you seem very angry?" Zhang Wei said, squinting at Selena.

"Master, how can they have it!" After seeing Zhang Wei's appearance, Selina immediately cleaned off the blood on her body and hugged Zhang Wei's arm coquettishly.

"Hey, give me this set, I don't know you yet, the number one female devil in the universe, can you restrain yourself, at least give me one, you've killed them all!" Zhang Wei pulled his arm from the competition. Lena pulled it out of her arms and said.

In fact, although Zhang Weiming knew what Selena's real body was, he had to marvel at the elasticity of Selena's body after she transformed into a human form. far away.

"Hee hee, if that's the case, there's no problem." Selina immediately said with a smile on her face.

At first she thought that Zhang Wei was going to punish her, but after listening to Zhang Wei's words, she realized that Zhang Wei didn't grab the blame for his feelings, just leave some for him.

"Well, let's go!" Zhang Wei nodded with a straight face.

Sure enough, after setting off again, Selena restrained herself a bit, and at least left a few fish that escaped the net for Zhang Wei to enjoy. Although it was still a small part, this way Zhang Wei could satisfy his playfulness without If there is any danger, it is simply a matter of killing multiple birds with one stone.

After Zhang Wei and the others passed through a jungle, they finally arrived at an open area, but the place was a bit gloomy, as if they were in hell.

"Selena, be careful, this place is a bit unusual." Zhang Wei reminded Selena.

"Understood!" Although Selena agreed with her mouth, she was very disapproving in her heart. She said in her heart, I am also a big devil in the universe after all, how could there be anything here that could threaten me?
In fact, Zhang Wei didn't feel that the statue of the boss demon god in the third level could threaten Selina, but it was just a reminder out of habit.

"Crack!" Zhang Wei and Selina stopped shortly before there was a sound of mechanical rotation.

(End of this chapter)

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