Chapter 364

Zhang Wei can't figure out what the state of the Heavenly King's heart is. According to the plot, there is no such situation, even those long-legged hearts. Who has seen this thing?

Not to mention Zhang Wei, even Selena who was hiding in Zhang Wei's backpack said that he had never seen such a monster.

"Everyone, be careful. The Heavenly King's evil heart seems to be more than just one heart. We have never encountered such an enemy before, so we must pay attention to safety." Bill reminded.

"Yeah!" Everyone else nodded seriously. In fact, without Bill reminding everyone, everyone was carefully observing the surrounding situation. Several people had already gathered back to back, so that they could spot enemies in the direction of brother.

"Crack!" Zhang Wei fired immediately, and this shot directly killed a vine.

After killing a section of vine, Zhang Wei borrowed the position and took the dropped section of vine over in an instant. After careful inspection, it turned out that this thing was indeed a section of blood vessel.

"This seems to be a real blood vessel!" Zhang Wei handed the blood vessel to Lucia next to him.

"It's disgusting!" Lucia handed it to Bill in disgust without even looking at it.

"This is indeed a blood vessel. I really don't know what Claudy and the others are thinking, they actually made such a disgusting thing." Bill looked at it seriously and said.

"There's nothing these terrorists dare to do. Anyway, let's get over the difficulties in front of us first." Lance said.

"Prepare the flamethrower and burn it with fire. If you don't believe me, this guy is really not afraid of fire." Bill gritted his teeth.

Now the one with the flamethrower is Zhang Wei, so as soon as Bill's voice fell, Zhang Wei stuck among the five people, and the five people protected Zhang Wei. This was to facilitate Zhang Wei's assembly of the flamethrower. After all, a flamethrower is different from a gun, and it cannot be used just by picking it up.

"Okay, let's see mine next!" Zhang Wei adjusted the flamethrower as quickly as possible, and then stood up.

The other five people immediately began to give way to Zhang Wei very cooperatively, and at the same time, they also covered Zhang Wei from the perspective of the elder brother.

"Huh!" After making sufficient preparations, a long flame flew out from the flamethrower in Zhang Wei's hand, directly touching the Heavenly King Chuangmoxin.

"Give him a high-explosive grenade now, who of you has a bazooka? Give him one!" Zhang Wei said while controlling the flamethrower in his hand.

"I have high-explosive grenades here!" Lucia said, taking out several high-explosive grenades first.

"I have it here too!" Lance and Yang Zhong said at the same time.

"I'm carrying a grenade launcher, no bazooka!" Han Feng said.

"I've got a grenade launcher here, too," Bill said.

"Fuck him together!" What are you waiting for, Zhang Wei hurriedly greeted when he heard that there was still a guy in his hands.

Needless to say, Zhang Wei, at this time, other people have already made preparations, and several lethal weapons fired at the same time. The scene was simply not too beautiful.

However, doing this in this closed space also made Zhang Wei and the others very confused, because the cave is closed, because the temperature here is constantly rising like a battle, and the smells of various explosions and monsters are mixed in the cave. Together, the taste can be imagined.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei and the others were all wearing gas masks, otherwise, the couple would have been smoked to death by now.

"Everyone, think of a way. It won't work if this continues. Although this guy can't do anything to us for the time being, the temperature in the cave is getting higher and higher. If this continues, we will be very dangerous. Who knows that the temperature will continue to rise?" It won't increase." Bill, who has been very calm, said anxiously.

"Now it seems that we have to use special means in the end. This monster is really difficult to deal with. It's really troublesome!" Zhang Wei said secretly.

Up to now, Zhang Wei can't take it anymore. This doesn't mean that the combat power is not good, but that it's too hot here. If you continue to toss it, you may really be steamed here. Therefore, Zhang Wei decided to take it first. Produce high-tech things to deal with the evil spirit of the king of heaven.

"You don't have any communication equipment, right?" Zhang Wei asked the others.

"It's gone for a long time, the communicator has been damaged in the battle!" Lucia said as if looking at Zhang Wei.

Regarding this, Zhang Wei just nodded and did not speak. At the same time, he took out a detection device that can detect electronic devices, even if they are not turned on. This is the black technology of the Avengers world.

"Very good, there are no electronic devices, so let's look at mine next!" Zhang Wei said after putting away the testing equipment.

While several other people were still curious, Zhang Wei took out a very sci-fi weapon. It seems that the weapon, as long as everyone can see it at a glance, this thing is definitely a weapon.

This is of course a weapon. This is an energy gun in the world of the men in black. It is so powerful that even Selena has to deal with it carefully. Although it cannot kill with one blow, Selena can't bear it if she hits it a few more times. of.

"Boom!" Zhang Wei shot the door that blocked the way for the first time. The purpose was simple, to dissipate heat, otherwise these people would be really heated to death in a while.

"Boom!" Zhang Wei fired two consecutive shots at the Heavenly King Chuangmoxin.

After all, it was something the men in black used to deal with the aliens, but after these two shots, the huge heart stopped moving, and at the same time it was shrinking rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and collapsed in the blink of an eye.

"What is this, this, and why is it so powerful?" Bill said, looking at the energy gun in Zhang Wei's hand.

"This is just a gadget, it's not a big deal, then, let me introduce it to you, everyone, this is a holographic demonstrator, okay, next..." Then Zhang Wei pressed the memory Clearer button.

"Okay, facing the powerful..." Zhang Wei re-programmed a perfect memory for these people, so they fell into a short period of contemplation. This is a process of memory integration.

"Guys, we've won, now we can go back and have a good rest!" Zhang Wei clapped his hands in fear after several people lost their minds for a while.

"That's right, this monster is really difficult to deal with this time. Let's go back and report the situation here to the headquarters. By the way, after this mission is over, we can have a good rest." Yang Zhong was the first to say.

"That's right, this task is really too difficult. If we hadn't prepared the best, I'm afraid that all of us will die here this time." Lucia said very tiredly.

(End of this chapter)

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