366 hand in
Zhang Wei didn't care much about the troops of the foreigners, but wanted to see the methods of aliens.

It is not difficult for Zhang Wei to kill an army. However, if it is done quietly, all Zhang Wei can think of is to let Selena take action. If it is Alpha, it will attract the attention of others.

However, it is unbelievable that these aliens can make an army disappear. Therefore, Zhang Wei wants to see the means of aliens.

"Boss, I have something to report to you!" Zhang Wei directly met the leader of the Contra troop.

"Oh? What's the matter, you actually asked you to go there yourself?" the leader asked with interest.

"Boss, you should take a look at this!" Zhang Wei handed a USB flash drive to the leader and said.

"Oh?" The leader looked curiously at the USB flash drive in his hand, and then plugged it into the computer.

"Roar!" After the USB flash drive was read out, there were bursts of roars and some messy pictures. Although I couldn't see it clearly, I could see that there were some monsters that looked like humans but not humans.

"What is this?" The leader looked at Zhang Wei strangely and asked. The contents in the flash drive looked like a movie that could be made, but the leader knew that if it was a special effect design of a movie, Zhang Wei would never take it so formally. Come over to give it to him, so the things in this USB flash drive are definitely something extraordinary.

"Boss, this is a picture I captured on a communicator in Calgary last year." Zhang Wei said with a sullen face.

"What? How is it possible? The communicator you lost last year is just an ordinary communicator. The stored power cannot last until now. How can it be possible to take pictures?" The leader immediately said negatively.

"I'm also very surprised at this point. Under normal circumstances, the communicator can only last for a few days. After the time is over, it will be shut down because there is no electricity. However, it suddenly starts working again, which makes me very strange. " Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

"How could this be?" The leader stood up and took a deep look at Zhang Wei, then started to circle around on the spot.

The leader believed that this was definitely not used by Zhang Wei to fool him, because it was unnecessary. If it was Zhang Wei's trick, it would be impossible to take it out at this time. Moreover, he couldn't think of the benefits of Zhang Wei fooling him, so he thought After a turn, he gave up the idea of ​​doubting Zhang Wei.

At this time, Zhang Wei stood there obediently without saying a word, waiting for the leader to give instructions or ask questions.

On the way here, Zhang Wei has already made complete preparations. At this time, not only has Selena been quietly hidden in his sleeve by him, but at the same time, he has also prepared the memory eraser and various weapons. If there is anything abnormal, it can be killed immediately.

"What do you think about this matter?" The leader said after a long time.

"Boss, I feel that this matter is not so simple. Don't talk about how this communicator has power, just talk about a communicator that has been turned off. How does it turn on and run by itself? Why does it have power at this time? How about starting work? These are all suspicious points, and I don't know what to say." Zhang Wei said with a wry smile.

"This is also where I got it. Logically speaking, this shouldn't happen, but why did it happen?" The leader nodded in agreement.

"You have a good brain, tell me, did someone do this on purpose to attract us, or in other words, what signal did they want to convey?" the leader said.

It's not that the leader didn't think that Zhang Wei let it go on purpose, but if the Garga Islands were really like this at this time, how could Zhang Wei get in and out smoothly, so the leader quickly dismissed this unrealistic Thoughts were thrown to the back of my mind.

"Well, I don't have any ideas, but the reason why I am so anxious is because I heard that the people of the Seventh Army are going to conduct exercises near the Garga Islands. I am worried that they will have accidents, so I put this I took it out, otherwise, I wouldn't dare to take it out, if someone misunderstands that I did it on purpose, it will be troublesome." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

Seeing Zhang Wei like this, the leader felt more at ease. When Zhang Wei said that he was afraid of trouble, the leader could be sure that Zhang Wei had absolutely no problem, otherwise it would be impossible to say it so openly.

"Well, it is true, but you can take out such an important thing regardless of your personal safety, which proves that you are also thinking about the earth. I will find a way to pass this to the military. You go back first." The leader He nodded and said seriously.

The thing that Zhang Wei brought over today is indeed too important, and the time is very tight. If it is too late, it may be too late. It will cost the lives of tens of thousands of people.

Zhang Wei doesn't want to get involved right now. These things are complicated. It's better to go back and rest. There must be a mission next time. Moreover, the mission this time may not be that simple. I'm afraid it will take some effort to complete the mission. That's right.

"Zhang Wei, how are you?" Zhang Wei had just returned to the dormitory when he was blocked by Yang Zhong who had already been waiting here.

"I have already given the things to the boss. As for what will happen later, I don't know, but it must not be a good thing. I'm afraid we still have to send out a mission. This will be troublesome." " Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

"Isn't it good to go out on a mission? How can elites like us stay like this all the time?" Yang Zhong said expectantly.

"You saw that thing too. If we want to deal with them, I'm afraid we are not enough people. If we go, I feel that it is no different from delivering food. Why not rest here!" Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

Compared with Yang Zhong's excitement, Zhang Wei was not so excited. He already knew the general situation of the Garga Islands, so he didn't have any expectations at all.

"Okay, maybe we don't need to take action if we are stupid, maybe after this item is delivered to the big guys, they directly order the people of the Seventh Army to attack there, and then the Garga Islands will be turned into ruins. "Yang Zhong patted Zhang Wei on the shoulder and said.

"It's not as easy as you said. Don't say when this information will be passed on to the bosses, so what if it is worn? Can the bosses really make arrangements in the first place?" Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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