Chapter 405

"Look, what's that?" an operator said, pointing to something strange on the big screen.

"What's wrong?" Freeman walked over and asked.

"Director, we found such a strange thing in this area, look, this is it." The operator called out the screen and said.

"Is this a spaceship? Why is it so strange?" Freeman frowned.

At this time, Aiyu Takano and the others had already set off. Only the director Freeman was here, and the rest were non-combatants. They were just surprised by the sudden appearance of this strange aircraft.

However, Freeman thought of more. Although this aircraft looks very strange, it can fly in the sky. So, is this a spaceship made by Zhang Wei? Otherwise, why is it so confident that it can fly? What about in space?
However, what Freeman is more curious about is how did Zhang Wei create such a weird spaceship?

What Zhang Wei is doing recently, Freeman is the most clear. Every day Zhang Wei designs blueprints in the laboratory, and has never made a spaceship. So, where did this spaceship come from?

"Wait, enlarge the screen?" Freeman suddenly looked at the big screen and said.

"It's here!" Freeman asked the operator to freeze the screen on the scene he wanted to see.

"It really is Dr. Zhang Wei, but it seems that he knows that he can be photographed here." Freeman said, looking at the man in golden armor standing on the strange spaceship.

Although Freeman didn't know Xuanwu, he did recognize Suzaku, especially Suzaku dressed up.

"Sure enough, it's Dr. Zhang Wei, and he's the only one who thinks about being handsome at this moment." Freeman shook his head and said.

"Keep paying attention, and let me know if there is any news. Next, we will observe the battle in space." Freeman reminded several operator girls.

"Understood, Director, we will continue to pay attention to the fighting situation on both sides." The two girls said.

Zhang Wei naturally knows that he is being watched by Freeman all the time, and even the military is now paying attention to him, but what does it matter?

For Zhang Wei, as long as he is having fun, nothing else is so important.

It is impossible for Zhang Wei not to know what kind of situation is on the earth now. Although the coalition government still exists, the actual control over various places has become very weak. Instead, the military in various places has become the actual controller. On the face of it, the coalition government will not push too much.

Therefore, Zhang Wei knew that after today's battle, he was likely to be involved in the military's scramble, especially that insidious Brigadier General Colbert in their area.

Of course, Zhang Wei just had to not be afraid of him. If this guy didn't open his eyes, Zhang Wei might really be tempted to replace them with another officer.

"This guy is really a genius. He built a spaceship so quickly. Although it looks strange, it must be a spaceship. However, why can this guy build a spaceship in such a short time?" How about building a spaceship?" Corbet touched his chin and said.

"It doesn't matter so much, the stronger this guy is, the better it is for me. I just want to see how they look when they receive the transfer order. Maybe this guy's face will look good." I started to look forward to it.

It's just that Colbert never thought that if he kept pestering him, Zhang Wei would consider replacing the base with a new officer, and even if he knew about it, he wouldn't take it to heart.

When Zhang Wei came to space, the Blue Earth had already arrived, and Aiyu Takano had already completed his transformation and was fighting Radam at this time. Although he was very powerful, Radam was very proficient , it is still difficult for him to deal with it.

"Xuanwu, attack freely!" Zhang Wei gave Xuanwu the order to attack freely.

In space, what Zhang Wei can rely on is Xuanwu, because Suzaku itself can travel freely in the universe, but it cannot protect Zhang Wei in his body. If he enters the universe while dressed, then, Zhang Wei is likely to be killed by cosmic rays.

"No problem, master, I have killed these Radam more than once, and I am quite experienced." Xuanwu said with a little excitement.

Zhang Wei didn't bother to care about Xuanwu's excitement. This guy has become a fighting maniac at some point, as long as there is a battle, he will become very excited.

"Master, I'm very sorry. I can't protect you in the universe and prevent you from fighting in space. However, I can go to space to fight alone. These Radams are not my opponents." Suzaku said apologetically.

"Do you also want to fight? Then, you go." Zhang Wei said after taking a look at Suzaku.

Zhang Wei was completely confident in Suzaku's fighting power, so he let Suzaku go out to fight.

"Xiao Mo, recently I feel that the design of the spaceship has fallen into a bottleneck, and it should be difficult for us to gain anything for the time being." Zhang Wei smiled bitterly and said to Xiao Mo.

"Speaking of which, I also have the same feeling. However, if we just want to build an ordinary spaceship, there is no problem. At least we have no problem at all if we want to build a spaceship similar to the Blue Earth. However, Such a spaceship can only fly in low-earth orbit at most, if you want to explore the universe, it is simply impossible." Xiao Mo said seriously.

"That's right. Although a spacecraft like the Blue Earth is easier to manufacture, it is difficult to leave the earth too far. At most, it will stay near the low-earth orbit. This is simply tasteless for us. I feel that The flying distance of the Blue Earth is far worse than that of Xuanwu." Zhang Wei shook his head and said.

Zhang Wei's goal is the stars and the sea, so it is impossible for him to be satisfied with just hovering near the low-earth orbit, and his goal is even more ambitious.

"Xiao Mo, how about we build a space port, build a space port on the equatorial orbit of the earth, as a supply and transfer station, and leave the earth directly after completing the last stay there, and carry out space exploration. How about this idea? ?” Zhang Wei thought for a while and said to Xiao Mo.

"Although this idea is very good, it has no practical significance." Xiao Mo said very directly.

(End of this chapter)

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