Chapter 1225

After listening to the masked man's words, King Ning was silent for a moment, but his mind was running rapidly.

Then he said, "How did they know?"

The fact that the crown prince has a shadow substitute has never been known to anyone except him and a few confidants, not even Yun Xi.

How could those people know.

There might be some big problem, but he didn't notice it.


The masked man hesitated for a moment, as if he was struggling with whether he should say something or not.

His hesitation was immediately seen through by King Ning, his voice turned cold, and he snapped, "Say!"


The masked man's scalp tightened from the yelling, and he hurriedly told what he knew.

"The third prince spent a lot of money to get a charmer to approach the crown prince. It seems that the charmer approached the 'false prince', maybe it was discovered at that time."

The masked man recalled the strangely dressed figure he saw in the Palace of the Three Emperors, but he might not be the legendary "Charmed Liaison Officer".

King Ning frowned even tighter. The change in the third brother's attitude in the past few days made him feel a sense of crisis, so he sent someone to investigate, but he didn't expect such an answer.

It would be nice if it was a little later, a little later...

"How about 'Prince'?"

A few days ago, assassins suddenly entered the palace. The prince, as the main person in charge of the palace defense command, was also injured in the melee.

I have been resting for the past few days.

And the third prince took advantage of this opportunity to come out to do something again.

"I know these things, you go back and continue monitoring."

Rubbing the aching brows, King Ning asked the masked man to step back first.

Why this time?
There has been no news from Cangzhou so far, although he believes that with his brother's ability, no matter how serious the danger is, he will be able to escape unscathed.

But if he doesn't come back, he will be charged with bullying the king!
Once it is implemented by the third brother tomorrow, he may be able to escape the death penalty by then, but those followers, I am afraid that person will not let go of any of them!

After standing still for a while, King Ning was still a man of action, and he did what he thought.

He decided to go into the palace to see how the 'Prince' is doing now, and by the way, find out what happened to that charmer?It is good to prepare in advance.

By the way, do well what the prince didn't do well before, after all, weeds must be eradicated!

"Come on, prepare a car!"

With an order, he got up and walked out the door.


The Palace of the Three Princes.

"Have you remembered what you're going to say tomorrow?"

The third prince sat on the main seat, squinting a pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes unique to royals, and staring at the masked woman kneeling on the ground with a bit of evil spirit.


The woman was wearing a purple gauze dress. When she bent down and knelt down, she revealed a curvy and exquisite body. Her snow-white slender thighs seemed to be exposed but not exposed, attracting the attention of people around her from time to time.

Even though she covered her face, it was like a maniac that people believed that her face must be amazingly beautiful under the mask.

But this is just the feeling of other people, only the third prince knows that the face under the veil is not only not beautiful, but shockingly ugly!
It was a beautiful face that had been maliciously destroyed with a dagger.

The hideous and terrifying knife marks are like the criss-crossing streets of Chang'an, turning the woman's face into an extremely terrifying one.

This woman, and only this figure can be seen.

The third prince is clear in his heart.

When she showed that face, it would scare people away.

(End of this chapter)

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