Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 113 Teachers and Students Meet

Chapter 113 Teachers and Students Meet
Don't you want to let go of any pirates on board?
Zefa Triathlon
Looking at the pirate ship gradually sinking to the bottom of the sea, Eddie thought to himself.

The ships belonging to the 'NEO Navy' in the distance are approaching here, and Eddie can't help but feel a little heavy when he looks at their fleet.

Because although he doesn't regard them as enemies, he doesn't know if the other party will attack him.

Now let's get rid of the things in Luna's space first!

Thinking of this, Eddie's spirit directly entered the Luna space.

In the Luna space, a scarlet full moon hangs in the sky, and the ground under the sky is an undulating cubic mountain.

At this time, the gang on the pirate ship is now gathered around their captain, watching the surrounding environment vigilantly.


Right under their noses, Eddie's figure did not hide at all, and appeared directly in front of their eyes.

Looking at this navy, those pirates raised their knives and guns in their hands and started attacking him.

Eddie just floated cross-legged in the air, letting them attack.

But neither the knife nor the bullets fired from the flintlock did any harm to Eddie.

Seeing this situation, the pirates who attacked Eddie were dumbfounded.

Standing so that you can't even hit it, how can you play it, just be a pirate and don't need to encounter this kind of monster! !

At this time, the prisoner who escaped from the sixth floor, their current captain, pushed aside the group of subordinates in front of him and came out.

He looked directly into Eddie's eyes, and although he knew that he was dead now, he still said firmly.

"Vice Admiral, Tanglong Eddie"

"where is this place."


Eddie raised his eyebrows and looked at the fugitive. This guy has something, he's not afraid!
But think about it, the desperadoes on the sea are not afraid of death, would they be afraid of suddenly appearing in a strange place?
So Eddie gave him a deep look first, and then said lightly.

"It's okay to tell you before I die."

"Here is my Luna Space!"

"Everything here, time, space, quality, including you are all under my control!"

All under his control! !
Hearing this, the pirates started to make a loud noise.

Eddie frowned slightly when he heard their noise, and scolded directly!

'clang! '

Like a gong being hit hard in the brain, all the pirates except the fugitive began to bleed from their ears and noses.

Although there was no blood, the fugitive was not feeling well either. He was covering his head and wanted to open his mouth to curse.

But suddenly, he found to his horror that although he could open his mouth, he couldn't make a sound anyway.

He looked at the subordinates beside him, and found that they were also opening and closing their mouths in horror, but they also couldn't make a sound.

And just when they had started to have some commotion, Eddie who was floating in the air said lightly.

"Struggling is useless, as I have already said, the owner of this Luna space is me, and I am the ruler of everything here!"

"Now, let me wash away your sins."

As Eddie said, he raised his hand, and no matter how brave the pirates were before, they all started screaming like a kid who was cornered by a wall and being robbed of ice cream by a weirdo.

Although they can't make a sound at all
Outside at this time.

The adjutant also saw who fired the cannonball and sank the pirate ship.

But when he saw it, his face immediately changed.

This is 'NEO Navy'!
The unit formed after the former admiral retired from the navy! !

He reported to Eddie with a heavy face: "Lieutenant Admiral Eddie, this is 'NEO Navy', a former admiral"

"I know, this is the team formed by Teacher Zefa"

Although he stayed there for three days after entering the Luna Dimension, the real world only passed for a moment.

After playing with those pirates for three days, he finally got rid of them.

But now, looking at Mr. Zefa who had turned around and drove towards his warship, Eddie felt a little worried.

Although the headquarters has issued an order, it can ignore it when it encounters the Z fleet and allow it to retreat directly, but the current situation obviously cannot retreat.

It doesn't matter if you meet him in normal times, you can go by yourself, and you won't worry if you are targeted, and even if Eddie is bombarded by them, you don't worry.

All the soldiers on the warship were his personal soldiers, so it can be said that he had seen a little bit of trouble.They are very familiar with the naval battles of shelling each other, and they can basically guarantee that they will not be seriously injured or killed in the shelling.

But not this time!

They have been bitten now, and there are so many refugees on their warships, they have never experienced naval battles.

So now Eddie not only has to take care of his own soldiers, but also protects those refugees who were rescued by him
If the person he saved didn't die in the hands of the pirates, but was killed by Mr. Zefa who also hated the pirates, then the fun would be great.

Seeing the fleet gradually getting closer to him, Eddie's face now began to become uneasy.

After all, Mr. Zefa's method after quitting the navy and establishing the 'NEO Navy' is indeed a bit too extreme
After thinking for a while, Eddie looked at the fleet that was getting closer and closer to his side, and said to the adjutant beside him.

"You guys go first, I'll go see Teacher Zefa."

After saying that, he left the warship with the light and heavy rock technique, but Eddie, who had just left the warship, remembered something and said it again. "

"There is no need to report to the headquarters for the time being, and I will talk to the marshal myself." After saying this, he flew directly towards NEO's fleet this time.

At this time, on the ship where Zefa was, he was looking at the pirate ship that was sunk by his own cannonball.

Ain and Binz stood beside him and followed.

Suddenly, Zefa, who was wearing triangular sunglasses, smiled slightly and said to his two students.

"Ain, Binz, get ready to welcome the guests."


Ain and Binz first looked at the teacher strangely, then suddenly looked at each other and looked behind.

Is that the guest?

I saw a black spot in the sky gradually getting bigger, and finally saw that it was a person flying in the air towards the ship he was on.

After a while, the figure landed on the boat.

First, he bowed slightly to Teacher Zefa to say hello, and after getting the teacher's response, Eddie looked at his friend.

Looking at the two familiar friends, Eddie smiled and said hello.

"Hey, long time no see, Ain-chan, Binz-san!"

"Long time no see, Eddie." Ain greeted with a smile, while Binz turned his head away from him and snorted.

Seeing Binz like this, Eddie smiled wryly.

I was about the same age as Binz, and when I joined the training camp, the two practiced a lot, but this guy failed to beat him once, and he is probably depressed now.

"Binz, don't you want to do this, our friend..."

Hearing this, Binz said that he didn't want to talk to you, and turned his head away.

"Hahaha! Eddie, your relationship with Binz is still so good!"

Eddie stayed in the training camp for a while, and although he was taken away by Karp later, he liked this kid very much, and Eddie was considered one of his students.

Zefa was very happy to see his students, he said with a smile.

"Eddie, all the little brats who cheated, raped and played tricks have become lieutenant generals!"

"Is that old fellow Garp okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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