Pirate: I open a wooden escape on the top

Chapter 205 The combination of yin and yang

Chapter 205 The combination of yin and yang

"One hit seven, long time no see." Eddie no longer smiled as before, but said this sentence with a serious face.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

"What's the matter with calling me this time?" I don't know if it's because I've been in the Xiao organization for too long, and now even seeing Eddie has a cold expression.

"Itachi, the previous plan is going to be overthrown, so this time I came to ask you, who is also Uchiha, to help me."

Hearing Eddie's words, Itachi frowned.

He knows how strong this Uncle Eddie is, and there is an Eternal Kaleidoscope Sharingan that is more advanced than the Kaleidoscope. Now this uncle actually needs my power?
What the hell is it?
Although his expression is very cold now, and he has a little facial paralysis for short, but he can still see the worried look on his current expression.

"Uncle Eddie, what the hell is going on, even you who own the eternal kaleidoscope are wrong!"

Eddie found a place to sit down and asked Itachi to find a place as well.

He shook his head and said, "This matter cannot be solved with pupil technique."

Eddie looked into Itachi's eyes, "Itachi, you should have seen the stele in the shrine, too."

Itachi didn't know what Eddie meant by saying this suddenly, but he nodded, "Yes, I've seen the stele in the ancestral hall, but I don't understand part of it behind it."

"Of course you don't understand. The following content requires an eternal kaleidoscope to understand."

Eddie chuckled and continued, "Want to know?"

When Itachi heard this, he froze for a moment, "I"

But Eddie didn't listen to him saying whether he wanted it or not, he said as if talking to himself: "The combination of yin and yang creates everything."

"Everything is happening"

"The combination of yin and yang."

Eddie looked at Itachi playfully, "One hit seven, do you know what that means?"

Itachi shook his head, and then he looked at Eddie with searching eyes.

"The combination of yin and yang, the combination of yin escape chakra and yang escape chakra, all things are unified, producing the power to change the world."

Everything? !The power to change the world? !

Itachi's pupils shrank when he heard this sentence, as if he heard something incredible.

Suddenly, his pupils tightened, "Yin Yang Chakra, Uchiha and Senshou??"

"But uncle, how do you know these things! Speculation, or!"

Eddie glanced at him, and smiled silently, "Of course it's not speculation, Itachi, you know how powerful the kaleidoscope is, and what price you need to pay to open the eternal kaleidoscope Sharingan."

"Isn't this what you are doing now, Kaleidoscope's Sasuke needs you."

Hearing this, Uchiha Itachi suddenly stood up from where he was sitting, but he sat down slowly again.

He smiled wryly, "I really can't hide it from Uncle Eddie."

"This kind of thing is obvious. If it wasn't for loving Sasuke too much, that kid would have died that night."

Itachi remained silent, and Eddie didn't say much when he saw this, "I know that's not your problem, it's hard for you to be caught between Konoha and Uchiha."

"But it doesn't matter, the culprit has been killed by me, and the third Hokage who is jointly and severally responsible is also dead."

"Uncle Eddie!"

The culprit?Joint and several liability?
How could Uncle Eddie say that!
Looking at the sullen Itachi, Eddie waved his hands, not wanting to argue with him.

Anyway, they are all dead, and I also told him that Danzo has been killed by himself, and also told him how disgusting Danzo is, his arms are full of sharing eyes, and Danzo is used to restrain the corpse to kill Uchiha He was also told about the fact that the sharingan of a group of eye-openers had been poached.

"Stop talking, Itachi, this matter is meaningless."

Eddie's eyes suddenly became serious and he looked at Itachi, "Itachi, the leader of Akatsuki, have you found out?"

"His eyes."


Hearing Eddie's words, Itachi's eyes also became serious, he nodded seriously, and said, "Those purple eyes?"

"Yeah." Eddie nodded, "Those eyes, if you look at the information I've collected over the years, those eyes are the eyes of the legendary Sage of the Six Paths."

"Reincarnation Eye!"

Reincarnation eye!
Sure enough, those eyes, although he said so, but now that Eddie is there, it must be true in all likelihood.


As soon as Itachi opened his mouth, Eddie took his words.

"Then how do I know?"

Itachi nodded, he really wanted to know about it.

But Eddie didn't give him a specific explanation, just said a word with a smile.

"Itachi, you don't think that after opening the kaleidoscope on the battlefield, someone who finds a way to get the eternal kaleidoscope will really do nothing in the ninja world as he said, wasting more than ten years, Now it’s just a ‘special jounin’ whose strength is Chunin.’”

Eddie deliberately emphasized the words "specially for ninja", as if to show off the success of his disguise.

Uchiha Itachi nodded blankly: You are right, how could someone who opened the eternal kaleidoscope at such a young age be willing to go up and down in the world, he must have made a big move in the ninja world!
But this Uncle Eddie is really good at hiding it. After so many years, he hasn't revealed any flaws.

"Do you still remember the combination of yin and yang that I told you before, and everything is born?"


Eddie stood up from the stone, folded his hands behind his back, and spoke with his back to Itachi Uchiha.

"The combination of yin and yang creates a myriad of phenomena."

"This sentence is not just talking, those eyes are the result of everything."

"That is the result of the combination of the strengths of the two families."

"Two families with the same old enemy, Uchiha and Senju."


Uchiha and Senju! !
Itachi was really shocked this time!
He stood up suddenly, looking at Eddie in shock.

"How is this possible!!" Itachi blurted out in disbelief, but his disbelief did not change Eddie's fluctuations.

Eddie turned around slowly, stared at Itachi Uchiha and said lightly.

"how is this possible?"

"You don't know me, but I know who the person behind the Akatsuki organization is. He is a member of the Uzumaki clan, and he has no Sharingan at all, nor is he a member of the Thousand Hands clan."

"If it weren't for the fact that the Whirlpool Clan also has a fairy body, the moment he was transplanted with the eyes of reincarnation, he would have been backlashed to death by the eyes of reincarnation!"

What kind of whirlpool clan, what kind of fairy body!

What the hell is Uncle Eddie talking about!
Looking at Itachi's expression now, he finally stopped being paralyzed.

Eddie continued, "Penn?"

"Oh, it's just a puppet made by the power of the Six Paths. Maybe it was a young man with a dream in his life, but he is already a dead person now."

"Remember what I said, the combination of yin and yang creates everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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