Super Ninja System

Chapter 797 The Country of Taki

Chapter 797 The Country of Taki

Back at Xiao Organization's mansion, Dongfang Yunyang quickly summoned Bisha, and headed to the Land of Taki. He planned to take Bisha and several members of the Shadow Team there.

Dongfang Yunyang discussed with Bisha, and finally decided to bring the seven Junin from Shangying Team.

The two have also set a time, and they will leave Neptune City tomorrow. Things are still urgent in the country of Taki, and he still hopes to arrive in the country of Taki to investigate the situation as soon as possible.

Dongfang Yunyang told Yejiu and Xiaonan about leaving Neptune City tomorrow.

After making all the arrangements, Dongfang Yunyang returned to his small courtyard.

Dongfang Yunyang returned to the small courtyard room, and quickly took out several scrolls. These scrolls were all obtained from the headquarters of the Ninja Alliance, and they were all about the country of Taki. Before this, he had not been to Taki Although the country of Taki has learned some information today, it is not a lot. He still needs to know more. The more information he knows, the more beneficial it is for his country of Taki.

It was not until midnight that Dongfang Yunyang collected those scrolls. The information on the scrolls about the country of Taki was still very complicated, and he couldn't read them all in a while, but he was not in a hurry. It would take about two months to go to the country of Taki Time, so there is a lot of time on the way to the country of Taki to let him understand the country of Taki more clearly.

The next morning, Dongfang Yunyang woke up.

Soon, Dongfang Yunyang, Bisha and the members of the Seven Shadow Team gathered together.

Yejiu and Xiaonan also arrived.

After the two sides instructed each other, Dongfang Yunyang and Bisha led the seven shadow squads to leave the mansion of Akatsuki organization, and then headed for the port outside Neptune City.

According to the plan, several people first took a boat to Dhaka, the port city of King Island, and then searched for the fleet heading to the country of Taki in the port city.

After arriving at the port, Dongfang Yunyang and Bisha boarded the boat.

The boat from Neptune City to Dhaka is still very convenient. There are not only passenger ships specializing in shipping between the two places, but also a large number of merchant fleets.

Dongfang Yunyang, Bisha and the others were on a merchant fleet ship.

The fleet quickly left the port of Neptune City and went down the river at a very fast speed.

A few days, fleeting.

The merchant fleet arrived at the Dhaka seaport after nearly five days of sailing.

In the past few days, Dongfang Yunyang has understood all aspects of the Taki Kingdom.

The group stayed in the Dhaka harbor for almost two days, and on the third day, they boarded a large sea ship. The large sea ship was an official sea ship in the name of the royal family of the sea. Ordinary people were not eligible to take this sea ship, but After Dongfang Yunyang took out his honorary duke status, he not only got into the sea with ease, but also received the highest treatment from sea ships.

Dongfang Yunyang has an independent and spacious luxurious big room, which is very comfortable.

On the ship, Dongfang Yunyang spends most of his time in the room and rarely leaves. Except for the rest time, he spends almost all his time on his own cultivation, the main one of which is the pupil of Sharingan. At present, his writing sharing eye pupil power level has reached the 5.5 level recognized by the system, and there is still a certain gap from his goal of 6.0. During the time in the manor, as long as he had time, he would spend more than ten hours a day. He spends most of his time practicing the pupil power of Sharingan, and he still has plenty of time on this ship.

According to the current practice situation, Dongfang Yunyang is expected to go to the country of Taki for two months, as long as there are no accidents, it should be possible to raise the pupil power of Sharingan from 5.5 to 5.6, although it is only 0.1, but now the difficulty of improving the pupil power of Sharingan is much more difficult than before. There is no shortcut to the cultivation of pupil power, and he needs to accumulate a little bit through continuous practice.

The time on the sea ship passed quickly, day after day passed quickly.

Before I knew it, two months passed by.

The sea boat that Dongfang Yunyang and Bisha took has entered the waters of Taki Country.

The country of Taki is connected to the sea area of ​​the country of the sea. Although there was turmoil in the country of the sea before, the country of Taki has always been a subsidiary country of the country of the sea. However, the originally stable country of Taki has also experienced turmoil recently. The strength of the local duke's separatist regime has emerged. According to the investigation information of the Ninja Alliance, the duke's separatist regime seems to be supported by the Dark Moon Church, but there seems to be no definite evidence yet.

The two branches of the Akatsuki organization are no longer in the area under the separatist rule of the tool. One is Changle City, the capital of the country of Taki, and the other is the important town of Crescent City in the southeast sea area of ​​the country of Taki.

The first destination of Dongfang Yunyang and Bisha's voyage this time is Changle City, the capital of the country of Taki.

After many days of sailing, the sea ship finally arrived at the island where the capital of the Taki Kingdom is located.

The ship stopped at the port city in the northwest of the island.

After Dongfang Yunyang and Bisha's group arrived at the port, they did not go to Changle City with the royal team, but hired chariots and horses to go to Changle City by themselves.

Dongfang Yunyang's trip to the Land of Taki this time was considered a stealthy move.

A few days later, Dongfang Yunyang and Bisha arrived at Changle City, the capital of the country of Taki.

The group first found a hotel to live in.

In the evening, Dongfang Yunyang left the hotel by himself and went to the branch of Xiao Organization in Changle City.

The branch of the Xiao organization in Changle City is not big, it is just an ordinary courtyard. There were originally eight members of the Xiao organization stationed in the branch, but because of the attack, the courtyard was severely damaged, and five of the eight members One person died and two were injured. As for the member who was fine, he was spared because the matter was not in the mansion. Now the three surviving people were all assigned to the branch of the Ninja Alliance. The person is not in Changle City, but another New Moon City where the Xiao organization branch is located.

Dongfang Yunyang quietly arrived at the branch of the Xiao organization. At this moment, the branch of the Xiao organization in Changle City is still in a state of being destroyed, and most of the buildings in the courtyard have collapsed.

He entered the Xiao organization branch to check the situation carefully. Although the Xiao organization branch had been destroyed for several months, he still wanted to see if he could find some clues.

However, Dongfang Yunyang was a little disappointed that he did not find any valuable clues.

Half an hour later, Dongfang Yunyang left the Akatsuki organization branch. Right now, he is not in a hurry to rebuild the branch. Both branches have been attacked and damaged, especially the branch in Changle City, which is in the country of Taki In the capital of the country, it is obvious that someone deliberately targeted the Akatsuki organization. According to the information obtained before, there are Kage-level ninjas among the members of the Akatsuki organization. Before the situation is clarified, it is still not appropriate to rebuild the branch, so as not to become a new target of the other party's attack.

After Dongfang Yunyang left the destroyed Xiao organization branch, he returned to the hotel very quickly.

The next morning, Dongfang Yunyang went to the branch of the Ninja Alliance in Changle City.

After arriving at the Ninja Alliance branch in Changle City, Dongfang Yunyang did not encounter any obstacles. He now has another important identity, that is, the elder of the Ninja Alliance. Real power, but still enjoy great power.

However, Dongfang Yunyang did not make a big splash in the Ninja League, but directly found the elder who was sent to the Kingdom of Taki with the same camp as Elder Nicole before.

The elder was a middle-aged woman named Vera.

It was not a big surprise for Vera to see Dongfang Yunyang, because before that, she had already learned about Dongfang Yunyang's stealthy visit to the country of Taki from Elder Nicole before that. The young elder is actually very curious. She had no contact with Dongfang Yunyang before, but she has basically heard all kinds of rumors about Dongfang Yunyang's conquest in the northern sea area. According to the exact information, Dongfang Yunyang was in the north There were no fewer than ten Kage-level ninjas who killed the enemy in the battle of conquest, and there were many powerful Kage-level ninjas among them. It can be said that Dongfang Yunyang's combat power is very high. According to her previous communication with Elder Nicole, Nicole But the strength of Dongfang Yunyang that the elder said is no longer inferior to Elder Nicole. In addition, Dongfang Yunyang is the founder of the Akatsuki organization, an SS-level ninja organization. No matter what, Dongfang Yunyang is now in the kingdom of the sea. Comparable to a legendary figure.

When she was in Neptune City, Vera also met Dongfang Yunyang, but they didn't have much communication. This time, she was quite surprised to learn that Dongfang Yunyang would also come to the country of Taki. It has been almost three months since the country of Taki, the main purpose is to investigate the strength behind the separatist duke, and at the same time want to use the power of the ninja alliance to solve the situation in the country of Taki, but after three months of investigation, she is very Helpless, according to the information obtained from the investigation, the situation is quite complicated. There are three teams she sent to investigate the Duke of the Secession. Among them, the first two teams have no news at all. Of course, a lot of information has been sent back before. The three teams are keeping in touch, but the information collected by the investigation team is very limited. At least for now, it is still impossible to clearly determine whether the force behind the separatist duke is the Church of the Dark Moon.

Vera knows that Dongfang Yunyang's main purpose of coming to Taki Country this time is to investigate the two branches of the Akatsuki organization that were destroyed by unknown ninjas. She has actually investigated the destruction of the Akatsuki organization branch. According to the current According to the information obtained, the unidentified ninja who attacked the Akatsuki organization branch came from the separatist Duke, so he guessed that the person behind the attack on the two branches of the Akatsuki organization was probably the force behind the separatist Duke, Dongfang Yun Yang came here to investigate in person now. If she could investigate clearly the forces behind the attack and destruction of the two Akatsuki branches, it would probably be of great help to her. It would be quite beneficial to both her and the Ninja Alliance.

After warmly entertaining Dongfang Yunyang, Vera did not hesitate, and told Dongfang Yunyang everything she learned from her investigation.

The exchange between the two lasted for almost a morning.

Dongfang Yunyang expressed his gratitude to Vera.

Finally, Vera said: "Your Excellency, what is the next plan?"

Dongfang Yunyang said: "I plan to go to New Moon City first, there are investigators sent by the Xiao organization before, I'm looking to see if I can get valuable clues."

Vera nodded and said, "I hope you can get some useful clues. There is also a branch of our Ninja Alliance in New Moon City. If you need any help, you can find them. I have also kept in touch with them. "

Dongfang Yunyang said: "Thank you, Elder Vera, if you need help, I will not be polite. By the way, I still want to get rid of Elder Vera. This time I came secretly, so I hope you will not keep my information secret. "

Vera said: "I understand this."

Dongfang Yunyang said: "In addition, the three members of the Xiao organization should still be with you."

Vera nodded and said, "Do you need to see them now?"

Dongfang Yunyang said: "Yes."

Vera immediately said: "Then I will arrange it now."


Soon, Dongfang Yunyang saw the three Akatsuki members in a room of the Ninja Alliance branch. The injured two members of the three Akatsuki members have recovered a lot now.

Dongfang Yunyang asked the three about the specific details of the attack on the Xiao organization branch.

The three of them have also reported to Dongfang Yunyang in detail. Before that, the Ninja Alliance and Elder Lei Te also asked about specific matters.

After asking Dongfang Yunyang a few words, he left.

After leaving the branch of the Ninja League, Dongfang Yunyang returned to the hotel.

In the hotel, Bisha and the others were not there. Dongfang Yunyang had given them the task yesterday, which was to collect the latest information about the country of Taki as much as possible.

It wasn't until evening that Bisha and the others returned to the hotel.

Dongfang Yunyang and Bisha quickly gathered together.

Bisha and the others will report the collected information to Dongfang Yunyang carefully. The current situation in the Taki Country is somewhat different from what you have learned before. During the two months on the way to the Taki Country, the Taki Country once The fleet was sent to crusade against the separatist duke, but the battle situation was not optimistic. The crusade troops were repelled back to the edge of the sea area controlled by the duke. Obviously, the separatist regime controlled by the duke was not weak.

It wasn't until midnight that Dongfang Yunyang, Bisha and others went back to their rooms.

In the morning of the next day, Dongfang Yunyang and his party quietly left Changle City, and headed towards the port town of Dongnan in a chariot.

Dongfang Yunyang's purpose is also very simple. His next target is New Moon City. He has already basically understood the situation in Changle City. After the ninja was destroyed, he should have left Changle City, and the Xiao organization branch of Changle City was destroyed before the branch of New Moon City. It may be difficult to obtain further results in Changle City, so he considered going directly to New Moon Look over the city to see if he can find any clues. He still hopes to find out what happened to Taki no Kuniaki as soon as possible, who is targeting the Akatsuki organization.

(End of this chapter)

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