The evolution of slime

Chapter 105 is calculated

Chapter 105 is calculated

One hour passed quickly, and the banquet after the Lantern Garden was coming to an end before they knew it. Although everyone was very reluctant, one hour was enough. For everyone, this hour was enough for a lifetime.

"The concubine will not be sent off. I will be sent off by a fox in the bamboo forest. Please don't dislike me." The empress of Dongxia held the jasper wine glass in her slender hands and respected Fangte and the others. Add wine to the wine glass in return.

Afterwards, the empress sent the others out of the bamboo courtyard and watched them leave, which was the best courtesy.

Fang Te and the others walked out of the bamboo courtyard, and a fox came, which looked very similar to the one that was rubbing against Fang Te's trouser leg.

Walking in the bamboo forest, since there were no other people, these talents chatted from the one-hour banquet. Everyone was amazed by the appearance and temperament of the empress, and some even swore on the spot that they would definitely become officials in the court, and they would not marry unless they were the empress.
Only Chen Wenqin remained silent, walking behind the crowd with Fang Te, keeping a distance deliberately.

"Brother Chen also swears not to marry unless His Majesty?" Fang Te said half-jokingly.

"Brother Fang thought about it a lot. Your Majesty is indeed magnificent, and Wen Qin is indeed yearning for him. But, how can Your Majesty like me? And Wen Qin already has a sweetheart, so don't make fun of me, Brother Fang."

"Since it's not yearning for His Majesty, then I think Brother Chen is thinking about His Majesty's attitude towards this world." Fang Te said lightly.

"Wen Qin really had a little bit of luck in his heart, wondering if His Majesty has the heart to compete in the world, if so, Wen Qin will do his best to assist him! It's just Your Majesty."

"It's just that Your Majesty is too indifferent to the world." Fang Te directly said what he wanted to say for Chen Wenqin. Chen Wenqin frowned slightly and fell into silence again.

"Brother Chen probably won't stay in Dongxia for a long time."

Chen Wenqin sighed lightly.

In Fang Te's view, this time Chen Wenqin came not only to attend the banquet, but also to ascertain the wishes of the Eastern Xia Empress, that's why he asked those questions at the banquet so ignorant of current affairs.

Now that it's confirmed, he won't stay for long, but where can he go?As I said before, is there any country that can let him let go of his ambitions?So, he sighed.

"Brother Chen, do you want to go to Ania?" Fangte suggested naturally. In fact, he was ready to poach the wall.

"Ania?" Chen Wenqin was startled, but then shook his head, "Beastmen and human races have a deep hatred, and the rumored slime named Fangte doesn't understand me at all, so how could he?" Trust me?"

"How do you know if you don't try it? Besides, the Dongxia Kingdom has no business in selling beastman species. It's not that as long as they are human races, beastman races are regarded as enemies."

"Why is Brother Fang so sure?"

"I'm guessing, after all, it's good for Brother Chen to try it out."

Chen Wenqin frowned slightly, and couldn't help falling into silence. Fang Te saw that his heart was moved, and wanted to continue his great career of poaching!But I don't know why Fang Te suddenly felt dizzy, and the four suddenly became weak!
"Brother Fang?"

Fang Te leaned on the bamboo danglingly, feeling dizzy.

"Brother Fang, are you okay? Brother Fang? Brother Fang!"

Fang Te's hearing gradually disappeared, Chen Wenqin's shout gradually became blurred in Fang Te's mind, and soon, Fang Te's consciousness gradually began to dissipate!
He really wanted to undo the seal of the magic spring in his body immediately, but he found that he couldn't undo it!

The magic power in the body is blocked!
Fangte remembered that glass of wine before falling asleep!He who blocked the magic power on his own didn't notice the strangeness in the wine!And Fangte didn't think his whereabouts would be exposed!
What the hell!


A trace of unwillingness flashed in Fangte's heart, and then a strong drowsiness followed, and the next moment, Fangte was already unconscious.

After coming to this world, Fangte realized that every time he loses consciousness and wakes up, nothing good will happen!as expected!This time is no exception!

Fang Te, who had been in a coma for a day and a night, slowly opened his eyes. There were a few bamboo leaves on the emerald green roof, and the surrounding temperature was still good, neither hot nor cold, but the bed under him was a bit hard, if it were a little softer Just fine, but cool.

Fang Te made small tentacles and molded them on the bed—the bed was made of bamboo.

etc!bamboo?Little tentacles?I changed back to my original form?And I'm still in the bamboo forest?

Fante got up from the bed abruptly, and now he was the size of a twenty cubic centimeter slime.

Fang Te couldn't help sighing, it was obvious that the Empress of Dongxia already knew her identity, but how did she know this time?No way, another traitor has been found in the orc tribe! ?
Soft footsteps came slowly from outside the door, Fangte didn't want to turn into a human again, after all, it was too mana-consuming, but when Fangte saw the girl who came in, Fangte thought he was very calm Surprise again!
Because of the two girls who came in!It turned out to be Xiaoqin and Xiaohe from the Ella Empire!
Both of them were given to him by Sweet once, and then he gave them freedom, but he didn't expect to meet them here!
and many more!

Xiaoqin, Xiaohe!
Su Qin, Xia He!
At this moment, Fangte felt that it was the first time that he was so mentally handicapped!But it's not Fang Te's fault, after all, who would associate those two women with the personal maid of the Eastern Xia Empress.

"Su Qin"

"Xia He"

"I've seen Mr. Fang!"

The two women curtseyed.

"Which one of you really looks like?" Fang Te scratched his head, it seemed that he could not trust women, especially the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan.

"The young master, which one do you think looks the best, Xiaoqin or Xiaohe?" Su Qin asked softly.

"It's all pretty, but I'm already like this, I can't leave anyway, it doesn't matter if you give me a little more sincerity."

Su Qin and Xia He smiled slightly, the magic fluctuations gradually dispersed, the hair color changed from jet black to snow white, a pair of fluffy fox ears emerged from the ends of the snow white hair, and the maid's red dress also turned into a winter girl. Under the short skirt, a pair of beautiful legs are proudly exposed, and the skin is like snow!
The nine tails emerging from behind Su Qin and Xia He are swaying in the air!There was a faint chill in the air.

The appearance of Su Qin and Xia He at this moment is neither the appearance of Dengyuan, nor the appearance of the Ella Empire. In comparison, their faces are more delicate, especially the snow-like pure skin, without the slightest flaws. flaw!

No wonder this world always regards marrying a woman from the fantasy Nine-Tailed Fox Clan as one of life's greatest achievements!No less than the founding of the country!
After seeing the first and most beautiful postures of the four nine-tailed fox girls, Fangte finally understood.

(End of this chapter)

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