The evolution of slime

Chapter 121 Letter

Chapter 121 Letter

It has been nearly a month since leaving the orc tribe to leaving the Eastern Xia Kingdom, but unlike Fangte who came alone, he also abducted a young and promising young man when he returned.

The purpose of Chen Wenqin's departure was secret. He claimed that he was going on a study trip. However, when Fang Te believed that, in the near future, when this Dong Xia talent appeared in the orc tribe for the first time, how surprised Dong Xia would be. .

It's just that Fang Te thought that there would be no boring chatting with people along the way, but unexpectedly, Chen Wenqin was silent all the way, and Fang Te joked several times trying to tease him, but he was absent-minded and felt that he had something to do for a while. Feeling guilty again.

"Brother Fang, is there anyone you like?"

At night, just one day away from the northern border of Ainia, Chen Wenqin actually took the initiative to talk to Fang Te, which surprised Fang Te a bit.

"I like people, emmm, I like all the beautiful girls in the world."

Fangte and Chen Wenqin sat on the hill to rest, he turned into a twenty cubic centimeter slime and sat on Chen Wenqin's shoulder, looking at the sky full of stars, the starry sky in this world is Fangte's favorite picture.


Facing Fangte, a chat genius, Chen Wenqin was speechless for a moment, but followed Fangte's gaze to look at the blood-red moon.

"Xiao Chen." Fang Te patted his shoulder with a small tentacle, "Actually, when I inquired about your residence, I learned a story."

"There are so many anecdotes and anecdotes in Dongxia, what kind of stories did Brother Fang learn? They can actually be remembered by Brother Fang in his heart."

"The story of a woman raising a child."

Fang Te said lightly, and a complex look flashed in Chen Wenqin's calm eyes,

"It's just a story." Chen Wenqin couldn't help retracting the realization, looking into the distance from the top of the hill.

"Yeah, it's just a story." Fante fell down on his shoulder with a grunt, the little tentacles resting on the back of his head, and two Erlang legs turned up, "After tonight, tomorrow we can We’ve arrived in Ainia, if you regret it now and want to go back to Dongxia, there’s still time, but once you enter the orc tribe, it’s not that easy to get out.”

"Wen Qin knows."

"Then you should also know that there is still a long way to go in the future. There are many and complex distributions of forces in the world. Realizing your ambitions will not happen overnight. It may even take five, ten, or 20 years."

"Wen Qin also knows."

"Then you want to make her wait for so many years?"

"Five years, ten years, and 20 years are indeed a long time for the human species, but for the phantom species, it is just a blink of an eye."

"Then in the blink of an eye you returned to Dongxia with gray temples? How long can you be with her when you are 50 or [-] years old?"

"This is Wenqin's choice."

For a while, Fang Te was speechless, this person is simply a piece of wood!Fangte seemed to understand why the magnificent empress yelled at Tang Xuanzong at Maweipo
"Forget it, forget it, I won't tell you anymore, my brain hurts."

Thinking of the empress, Fang Te really felt a pain in the head. For this magnificent empress, Fang Te still doesn't know what she wants to do, and she let herself out so easily, she just gave herself a letter letter, as if she had no intention of really wanting to keep herself.


Fang Te sat up from Chen Wenqin's shoulders, he only remembered the letter at this time, the Empress wanted to open it when she returned to Ainia, in fact Fang Te wanted to open it for a long time, but Fangte forgot for a while, it was really forgot.

"Brother Fang, what's wrong?"

Chen Wenqin asked after feeling Fang Te lifted from his shoulder.

"Xiao Chen! Empress Dongxia gave me a letter before I came out. I'll go over and read the letter. Don't walk around here. I'll come later."

Fang Te jumped off Chen Wenqin's shoulders and left with a slight movement.

Ten minutes later, Fang Te came back with a sad mood.

"What happened to Brother Fang?" Seeing Fang Te's frowning expression, Chen Wenqin couldn't help asking, "What did His Majesty tell Brother Fang?"

"Xiao Chen, I shouldn't have told your story." Fang Te plucked a piece of grass from the ground and chewed it in his mouth.

"It's okay, Brother Fang is just thinking about me, but what did His Majesty write in Brother Fang's letter? Could it be that Your Majesty and Brother Fang are planning something?"

Chen Wenqin, who can already be regarded as joining the orc tribe, is naturally interested in the letters between the high-level orc tribe and the empress of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, and in his opinion, the contents of the letters between two people who have never had any intersection must be related to political affairs. related.

"Who cares about you, except Miss Dongxue, who would be frowning because of your elm head! I'm feeling sad about my own affairs." Fante sat down and took out a Big gourd with wine inside, "Do you want to drink?"

"No, brother Fang, what's the matter? Do you need to discuss it with Wenqin?"

"Forget it, here you are, you can read it yourself." Fang Te handed the letter to Chen Wenqin. He was not worried that Chen Wenqin would know the "relationship" between himself and the empress, because it was just an intelligence document in the envelope, about Aini Information document of the sub-orc tribe:

"On December 25th of the World Year, the southern part of Ania was the first to fall, and its big and small clans had already pledged their allegiance to the orc tribe.

"On December [-]th of the World Year, Fetren defeated the last resistance clan in the western region, and the western region belonged to the orc tribe."

"On the same night, the orc tribe, the cat-human tribe, Yuelu, attacked Shima City of the Eastern Alliance at night! On the occasion of success! The phantom twilight dragon joined the battle, and the situation was reversed. The orc tribe suffered heavy losses. The next day, Emilia arrived!"

"The next night, Emilia talked to Neltharion, the dragon of twilight! On the third day, the dragon of twilight withdrew from the twilight army."

"On January [-], Yuelu defeated the Eastern Alliance, and the big and small clans of the Eastern Alliance swore allegiance. The next day, the queen of the orc tribe, Emilia, disappeared in the orc tribe and her whereabouts are unknown."

When reading the information, Chen Wenqin was first shocked!In just one or two months, the orc tribe unified Ainia!And the orc tribe is still going through a great war!This shows the powerful strength of the orc tribe.

But when he saw the back, he couldn't help frowning, he never thought that the Twilight Continent would have a kick in Ania, and!This Neltharion's move was obviously aimed at the queen of the orc tribe.

"Wait, we'll rush back overnight."

Fang Te took a deep breath and looked into the distance
(End of this chapter)

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