The evolution of slime

Chapter 126 The Whispers of the Night

Chapter 126 The Whispers of the Night

"It's okay, it's okay, wait a minute hahaha. Don't pinch Yuelu, it's a little itchy. Hahaha."

Fang Te couldn't help laughing out of Yuelu's bosom as he tossed and kneaded it over and over again.

"Oh, teacher, I'm sorry."

Yuelu quickly stopped, and put Fangte from her arms on the ground, there seemed to be some little reluctance in her eyes, but these little reluctance were covered by more self-blame.

"Ahem." Fang Te cleared his throat, looked at the self-blaming Yuelu and said slowly, "Don't blame yourself, I scared you first, and the teacher is not so stingy to blame you."

"No." Yuelu lowered her long eyelashes, her voice became lower and lower, and repeated "No."

"No, oh? Then why do you seem to blame yourself so much? Could it be because your mistress ran away? But both of your mistresses ran away, and your mistress Lilin secretly went to the floating land. Mistress Emilia disappeared without a word, which one are you referring to, Yuelu?"

Fang Te approached her and put a small snack on her rosy knee.

"Teacher, you know." Yuelu's eyes were a little moist, "it's all my fault, if Yuelu takes down Shima City in time, Mrs. Emilia won't either."

"Wait." Fang Te interrupted Yuelu's self-blame, "Blame you? Why do you blame you? You have pushed Ainia's Eastern Alliance to a desperate situation, and there is only Shima City left. You also investigated Given the terrain of Shima City and the deployment of troops, it is more decisive and smart to launch an attack at night, what is wrong with you?"

"Also, so what if you capture Shima City in advance? Could it be that the Twilight Dragon will not come? He is obviously coming for your wife. Even if he doesn't show up this time, he will come next time." will come, and cause more trouble!"

Fang Te stretched out his tentacles and patted Yuelu's little head lightly, and said comfortingly:
"You, you just like to push the responsibility on yourself. It happens every time. Uncle and aunt are worried about you and don't say anything. That silly boy Ryan is also worried about you. Although he doesn't say it on the surface, I can see that he is I will definitely not be able to eat or sleep well for a few days."


Yuelu gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes. If the generals of the Moxi Empire saw that Yuelu, who they called the "Orc Valkyrie", was so fragile, their hearts would not know how complicated it was.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't push everything on yourself in the future, we will worry, if something happens to you, that boy Ryan will not sleep well." Fang Te tried his best to exaggerate Ryan's love for her Mind.

"Teacher, are you also worried about Yuelu?" Yuelu stared at the slime who was at the same height as her squatting behind her with bright eyes. This adult legal loli seemed not to focus on Ryan.

"Of course, who made me your teacher? As for your teacher's wife, you don't have to think too much about it. The teacher will take care of it. It's just a little Twilight Dragon. Your teacher can still handle it."

"Well, Yuelu knows that the teacher is the most powerful."

Hearing his student's praise, Fangte blushed, touched her head, and then took out candied haws from his empty pocket and handed it to Yuelu.

Yuelu curiously took the candied haws, stretched out her red tongue and licked it, her eyes lit up with the sweet taste.

"How is it? Is it delicious? Candied haws from Dongxia Kingdom, I brought it back from a business trip this time."

"Well, it's delicious. Did the teacher bring it for me?"

"Well, don't you like sweets? I brought them specially for your mistress and you. As for Tan Xiao and the others, they don't have that kind of food." Fang Te said with a smile, feeling that Yuelu's knot had been solved.

"Thank you teacher, the teacher is very kind."

"It's just a candied gourd, it's nothing, Ryan is really good to you, he only thinks about you."

"Lian is also very good to Yuelu. To Yuelu, Brother Ryan is like Yuelu's real brother. Yuelu knows."

Fang Te was speechless for a while, and first held a three-second silence for Ryan. It seems that the boy still has a long way to go!
Fangte gave Yuelu some gadgets brought from the Eastern Xia Kingdom. At first, Fangte thought about buying some ancient costumes for Yuelu, but he just thought that Yuelu had grown up. It was not appropriate to give Yuelu clothes, so she gave up.

In the end, Fang Te explained some things about Yuelu's work, and finally the night gradually darkened, Fang Te didn't want to disturb her and left.

Walking out of Yuelu's residence, there were not many people on the street. After all, the nightlife in this world is not as rich as that on Earth, so most of them went to their rooms to rest at this time.

Fang Te stroked the little tentacles, and said softly to the deserted street:

"Lola, there may be something to bother you and your Dark Cat Pavilion."

As soon as Fangte finished speaking, a woman quietly appeared in the darkness.

On the top of her head, she has small ears that are unique to the cat-human race. The delicate and small oval face is very beautiful. Her eyes are always unknowingly swaying, and the corners of the mouth that are like a crescent moon reveal a seductive temptation.

"Lola and the Dark Cat Pavilion belong to you, Your Excellency!"

The woman approached Fangte, and said softly, although the natural charm of the cat people is not as good as that of the fantasy nine-tailed fox, but it is also different from the inaccessible noble temperament of the nine-tailed fox. It is easier for people to relax their vigilance, and this relaxation may be the end of that person's life.

"Trouble you to collect information about the Twilight Continent. Before I leave, I want to learn about the enemies of the Twilight Continent and the forces I associate with. In addition, prepare me some information on the contact between the angel species and the human species, please. .”

"It's an honor to serve you, Your Excellency." Laura took a peek at the slime in front of her, bit her lips lightly, a little tangled up, but finally made up her mind and asked, " Are you still leaving Ania?"

"Well, I have to go to Dongxia. There are some things that need to be dealt with. What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Fang Te looked at Laura. According to Fang Te's understanding of Laura's character, she would not usually ask this kind of thing.

"It's okay. Laura is just a little worried, Your Excellency, after all, the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan." Laura didn't finish her sentence, but Fang Te understood what she meant.

"Don't worry, would the Nine-Tailed Fox Clan be interested in slimes? They're not that hungry anymore."

Fang Te was joking, and naturally shrunk and jumped onto Laura's shoulders. He lowered his voice and whispered in her ear, and Laura couldn't help but blush as she whispered intimately.

But then, Fangte's whisper made Laura's expression serious immediately.

"How? I won't force you to do this, you have the right to refuse." Fang Te asked seriously.

"No, Laura, yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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