Chapter 137 Why

It's a pity that there is no popcorn and Coke in this world, otherwise, Fangte would really sit on the ground with a chair in his arms and watch the "Lolita vs. Monster" in the sky.

The mechanical girl is extremely dexterous, especially her pair of magic wings, which play a great role in both defense and offense!

"Type A No. 37 magic - Seraph's staff. Release."

Loli groaned softly in her mouth, the voice was waxy and sweet, giving people a soft feeling, but the scene that appeared in the next moment was not so sweet.

A huge circular magic circle appeared on top of Lolita's head. The magic circle was engraved with countless marks of the fire system. As an eighth-level mage, Fang Te rubbed his chin to feel the wonder of how these marks matched each other.

"Proud Roar!"

Although Warcraft doesn't have intelligence, its keen sense in battle tells it to take action now!

The empty dragon beast rushed to the loli mechanical species, trying to tear her apart with its giant teeth!But at the moment when the empty dragon beast was about to touch her, the magic power flowing from the wings of the loli mechanical species became stronger, and the wings spread three times!It protected her inside like a pair of arms, blocking the impact of the empty dragon beast.

Before giving up, the empty dragon beast raised its giant tail, which was longer than its own body, and slapped her body like a bee. Fang Te was terrified when he saw it, and wanted to help her several times, but he still sat still. Yes, he wants to see how strong the mechanical species is!

"Seraphim's staff, complete." Loli's machine-species tone was devoid of any emotion.

A ten-meter-long staff made of flames, like a monk's Zen staff, fell from the middle of the magic circle and was held in the palm of this petite loli.

The huge staff formed a huge contrast with Loli's petite figure.


The empty dragon beast was ejected ten meters away by the magic wave, and it kept its balance after turning a few times in the air.

I saw the loli in the air holding a huge staff, with flames spraying from the soles of her feet, rushing towards the empty dragon beast!

Such a huge staff was as light as waving a willow branch in her hand, and it kept hitting the Kongdramon's body. The flames penetrated the Kongdramon's scales, burned its body, and even floated out. The smell of barbecue.
But after all, it is an eighth-order monster!And it's also a power type, the empty dragon beast's body is its pride!

This death-rathering empty dragon beast activates the talent armor magic. Its body is covered with a heavy silver lime substance, and it is carrying the sky fire of the seraphim's staff. It slapped on the protective barrier of the loli mechanical species several times.

Above the sky of this uninhabited city, the light rain kept falling, the air was filled with a smell of rust, the magic in the air kept blooming, and the brilliance emitted by each magic mark was like fireworks As beautiful.

Fangte still didn't make a move, and this loli mechanical species has gradually fallen into a disadvantage!Fangte has clearly felt that her magic power supply is insufficient!He guessed that in a short while, this empty dragon beast could smash her magic barrier and bite her core!

There was another loud noise in the air. Half an hour later, the battle was coming to an end. The empty dragon beast was covered in cuts and bruises. One of its thick horns had been broken off, and its scales were tattered. On its chest, even on its chest, a bright red heart was exposed, beating violently.

The empty dragon beast kept panting, its wings flapped more and more slowly, and its injuries were very serious, but he was the final winner!
At a distance of 50 meters, Lori's mechanical energy was exhausted, her body was in tatters, and the gears under the artificial skin were jammed and collided with sparks. She fell straight from the sky, waiting for the coming of death with her eyes open. .


Perhaps this empty dragon beast wanted to make up the knife, and it swung its last physical strength to bite towards the free-falling mechanical species.

Loli mechanical species quietly watched the empty dragon beast rushing towards her with a bloody mouth, her face was calm, her eyes were still extremely silent, without the slightest emotion, as if she didn't care about the word "death" at all. know why.

The figure of the empty dragon is getting bigger and bigger in Loli's mechanical eyes, gradually, gradually occupying her entire pupil!

"I hit!"

A Bruce Lee-like scream echoed in the air, and at the next moment, a mechanical species that had been eating melons for half an hour kicked the huge head of the empty dragon beast with all its strength, causing the empty dragon beast to fall freely and increase its initial speed. He kicked obliquely on the tall building, and the entire tall building was broken by the middle.

The empty dragon beast, which was already very weak, struggled a few times, unwillingly looking at the mechanical species that had been watching!Because Fangte's attack when he was entangled with him at the beginning was not painful, the Void Dragon Beast didn't take him seriously until just now.

But I didn't expect it!He actually hid his strength!

The empty dragon beast struggled a few times in the end, and then died.
Flying across the sky, Fang Te intercepted the little loli from mid-air and hugged her in his arms, and landed safely on the ground.

The mechanical loli pointed to a vending machine on the left in Fangte's arms, but what was sold inside was not beverages, but mechanical energy!

"Do I need to insert coins? Copper coins or silver coins? Or gold coins?" Fang Te asked seriously, because he really didn't know how to use them.

The little mechanical loli looked at Fangte quietly. Although there was no emotion in her eyes, Fangte felt that the way she looked at her was like looking at SB.

Under Little Lolita's gesture, Fang Te took her over. After the little Lolita scanned her pupils, a blue magic ball fell out. Fang Te opened the magic ball and put it in Little Lolita's hands. It was drunk quickly.

Little Loli left Fangte's arms, knelt on the ground, and one by one magic balls fell from the vending machine. It wasn't until the liquid in the tenth magic ball was drained that little Loli regained her spirits and said softly: :

"Mechanical type, model seventh generation, code name Heartless, name Shubi"

The girl's voice was sticky, she raised her head, and stared at Fangte seriously with a pair of blue eyes. If she was watched so seriously by a little girl, Fangte would definitely blush, but Fangte was in her eyes. Hitomi only saw the indifference of the machine.

"The machine type and model are unknown, the code name is unknown, and the name is unknown."

Fang Te replied, carefully looking at this petite girl who can almost tie with the eighth-level power monster.

"You, save, Hubie, why?"

The girl turned her head and looked at Fang Te cutely and seriously. At this moment, Fang Te saw the first trace of "emotion" in the girl's eyes - doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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