Chapter 145
Mechanical species!A strange race, scholars in the world have different opinions on the origin of the mechanical species.

Some people say that the mechanical species is a product left over from prehistoric civilization, while others say that the mechanical species is a toy created by a certain god when he was bored!There is no convincing answer to any of these.

However, among the sayings about mechanical species circulating in the world, there is one that is recognized by most intelligent species, that is, mechanical species are all emotionless creatures!All they have is the execution of orders!

For this statement, Fangte only held 90% trust in the more than 80.00 years that Fantawild has spent in the Kingdom of Gears, because in various missions, the machine showed extreme reason!Sensible to astonishingly terrifying.

Their judgment is always the most correct!identical!It is also the most decisive to abandon teammates at critical moments!
Starting from the C-level combat mechs, the "people" around Fangte have changed one after another, except for Shubi now!All the mechanical species that Fangte knew at the beginning are gone.

Fangte still remembered that when he was searching for two seventh-order monsters, the team was accidentally ambushed by these two seventh-order monsters. Among them, the mechanical species who had known Fangte for ten years died in battle. raised an arm.

Afterwards, Fang Te felt extremely heavy, and wanted to build a tombstone for him to commemorate him. At that time, the formation leader saw it and asked Fang Te why he buried his left arm in the soil.

Fang Te said that he wanted to commemorate him, but what the formation leader said next chilled Fang Te's heart a bit.

"Why remember him?"

"he is my friend."

"Friend? What is a friend?"

"Friends are." At this moment, Fangte didn't know how to answer.

"Dragonheart, Ming is dead, his arm is still worth recycling, please dig out his arm and recycle it."

Just when Fangte didn't know how to explain it, the formation leader dropped such a sentence and left, leaving Fangte stunned in place!

After that battle, although one mechanical species was lost, Fangte's team still managed to kill two seventh-order monsters, and all of them were promoted to B-level. In the squad.

And in the fourth mission after being promoted to B-level, the formation leader was severely injured by a monster. Fangte showed amazing strength at that moment, and directly killed the bloody monster. He still remembered holding the formation Long trembling hands.

"Dragonheart, why are your hands shaking? Is there a malfunction?" The formation leader was dying, his core had been severely damaged, and it was impossible to repair it.

"Captain!" As a sentient creature, he wanted to cry at that time, but he found that as a mechanical species, he couldn't cry at all.

"Dragonheart, I've said it many times. I'm no longer the captain. There must be something wrong with your program. You need to maintain it." The formation leader's voice became weaker and weaker, and the sound of his body's core operation had faintly disappeared. .

"By the way, don't bury me like Ming, take me back." The flashing data gears in the formation leader's pupils became increasingly dim, "Dragonheart, Fangte, you are so special, but I am quite... Sorry, I can't express it in my language bank, but, goodbye, Dragonheart."

"Goodbye, Captain!"

The formation leader's hand slowly slipped from the back of Fang Te's hand. Until the end, Fang Te didn't know what he wanted to express.

After that, the "corpse" of the formation leader was recycled, and a month later, a newcomer appeared in the B-level team. He looked exactly like the formation leader, but Fang Te knew that he was no longer the formation leader.

C-level to B-level, B-level to A-level, A-level to S-level, Fangte received more and more dangerous tasks, the "people" around him were changing every week, and Shubi was always with Fang Te's side.

In the end, Fang Te became the captain of the team. He didn't want Hubby to be in danger. If even the last "person" he cared about left him, then Fang Te didn't know if he could persevere. Shubi avoided extremely dangerous tasks and instead performed them himself.

Fantawild's combat skills, combat awareness, and magic power are constantly improving. In the past 90 years, the "Slime Achievement System" has continuously rewarded Fantawild!Among them, Fangte has achieved the achievement of "the ultimate monster hunter" in hunting monsters alone, and there are many achievements in seven or eight.

Just like brushing achievements, Fangte has achieved more than 90 combat achievements in the past 50 years.

Among them, "Magic Power Spring" has been upgraded two levels in a row, and the magic power stored in Fangte's body has reached the level of a ninth-level mage. Fangte even feels that as long as he upgrades one more level, he can reach the height of a tenth-level mage.

In terms of "body strengthening", Fangte has reached level nine, and "magic resistance" has reached level eight!It can be said that as long as it is not the full blow of the eighth-level mage!Fangte can easily hard next.

As for practical skills, Fantawild mainly acquired three major skills: "Magic Power Reserve", "Devourer" and "Elemental Slime".

The skill "Magic Power Reserve" is like a reservoir. When your magic power is full, you can store your magic power. This is like providing Fangte with the capital to fight a protracted war.

"The Devourer" is even more terrifying. This is a skill rewarded by stacking many small and medium achievements. No matter what Fangte swallows, Fangte can obtain all the skills and abilities of that thing (creature)!

The skill "Elemental Slime" has not yet felt how buggy it is. It just turns himself into a different form of slime such as ice slime or fire slime. It seems a bit tasteless, but Fangte believes that it is still To be developed.

In the end, except for a few times of getting lost during the period, Fangte finally reached the S rank after living like a killing machine for more than 90 years!At this moment, Fangte also has the qualification to enter the central tower—the location of "Will"!
As for the people around Fangte, only Huby was left in the end.

Do mechanical species really have no feelings at all?If not, then why is he still listed as an intelligent species?Is it just because the mechanical species are creative?
Fangte looked down at the petite girl who was holding the "occlusal device" beside him, and also thought of the formation leader he met. Perhaps, the 20.00% disbelief was because of them.

"Fante, put it on." Hubby raised his head and stretched out the bite device that he had been holding in his arms.

"Huby, shall we go on a trip?"

Fang Te touched her head and said softly, but the hoarse tone made people feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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